Blogging and SEO Coaching
Learn tailored strategies that will grow your traffic.
Have you been told the following when trying to grow your blog?
❌ Write quality content and readers will appear
❌ Grow your social media presence to drive traffic to your blog
❌ Publish on a schedule and readers will appear
❌ Set up your Pinterest quickly to get traffic
❌ Write about something you are passionate about to attract readers
❌ You won’t make money from your blog in the first two years
❌ Don’t start posting until you have brand colours
❌ You need to buy a theme for your blog to be successful
I have been there, and now that I K-N-O-W, I can tell you these are all lies… that are taking you further away from what you really need to focus on.
Let’s drop the BS and FOCUS:
✅ Learn updated SEO strategies that will grow your blog traffic
✅ Learn updated SEO strategies that will save you time
✅ Start making money with low amounts of views
✅ Reduce your to-do list efficiently
✅ Learn what you should focus on
✅ Learn how to manage a blog with a 9-5
✅ Understand how you can scale your blog
✅ Stop wasting your time on tasks that don’t bring you results
✅ and more!
The power of coaching
By joining my 1:1 coaching, you get access to personalised solutions and strategies that are tailored to your situation, goals and struggles. My coaching sessions are flexible and also adapted to questions and getting into the nitty gritty where needed, no matter your level of blogging.
“It was a really detailed session, loaded with information and insights. It helped me the most with keyword research. Before, I didn’t really know how to do it or how to find keywords that would rank ! I also had an epiphany during the session!”
Sixtine – mytravelproject
What’s included?*
- 1:1 hour of coaching where we focus on your specific circumstances, goals and personalised strategies that will make an impact
- A personalised Ebook with a recap of the session and actionable next steps
How to book a Coaching Session with me?
- Fill out the intake form here
- The form helps me determine whether I should accept you as a coachee
- The form also allows me to understand strategies in place so I can best prepare for our coaching and provide tailored recommendations
- Don’t worry! If you don’t have a strategy or aren’t sure what you’re doing, I will provide recommendations on that basis to get you on the right SEO track
- Expect to receive your full SEO personalised recommendations within two to three weeks of the coaching
- All sessions are held online.
Hi, I’m Mary!
After 7 years of writing to the walls and my blog posts being seen by 20 people a month, I realised my blog journey was getting nowhere. I knew increasing my traffic was essential for my blog to turn into a part-time or full-time job. But I just wasn’t getting any. I thought people mustn’t like me because why would they not read my blog otherwise? Then, I came across SEO and realised how wrong I was.
I implemented SEO to my blog and saw results I never thought I could have. In just under a year, my traffic multiplied by 10 and hit 50,000 monthly sessions. I’m still in awe when I see that I can rank in the top 3 of search results in less than a month or when I find that my blog posts are featured in the top sections of Google Search! I now help other bloggers and small businesses increase their traffic.
To best support you and ensure I can bring you the best recommendations, I consistently train myself and test new strategies. In addition to my extensive SEO experience and training, I hold a certificate in Digital Marketing.
All of that is great but in my view, the best reason to trust me is that I USED TO BE YOU. So I know exactly how it feels to walk in the dark, never sure of where you’re going. I know how it feels not knowing whether you’re doing things right or not. I know how it feels having to dive into the technical side of blogging when you don’t understand it. I, just, know.
My own results
This is for you if one of theses statements applied to you:
- You are a beginner or intermediate blogger
- You want to increase your blog traffic
- You are taking your blog seriously
- You need personalised guidance
- You are coachable
- You are happy to change your strategies and try new ones
- You struggle with time management
- You never finish your blog to-do list
- You struggle managing your blog and a 9-5
- You don’t understand SEO
- You understand SEO but aren’t sure how to implement it
- You want your posts to rank on the first page of search engines
- You want to make money with your blog
- You need clarity on your blogging goals
- You want to learn from a Keyword Research Expert
This is not for you if one of these statements applied to you:
- You are looking for a get rich quick scheme
- You are looking for a miraculous solution to fix your blog
- You don’t want to put in the work
- You are not open to trying new strategies
- You are not open to trying new ways of working on your blog
- You have over 50,000 sessions per month
Before booking a coaching session, check out our free resources:
Frequently Asked Questions about my SEO services
* All missed coaching sessions are to be paid fully and non-refundable. Please read our terms and conditions for more information.