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15 Weirdly Common Things Americans Suck At According To Foreigners

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15 Things Americans Suck At According To Foreigners

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It’s no secret that Americans have habits that are surprising to foreigners, and especially Europeans, who can be quite vocal about it. Having lived in the USA and knowing many immigrants there, it’s something that often comes up in conversation. All together, here are 15 things that foreigners generally agree Americans suck at.

1. Walking places even in the countryside

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In many parts of the world, walking is a primary mode of transportation, even in rural areas. However, Americans often rely heavily on their cars, even for short distances. This car-centric culture can be quite a shock to foreigners who are accustomed to walking more frequently.

2. Eating healthy

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Eating healthy seems to be a challenge in the U.S., where fast food and processed foods are commonly consumed. This has led to higher rates of obesity and related health issues compared to countries with diets focusing on fresh, natural ingredients.

3. Geography

map of Italy
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Geographical knowledge can sometimes be limited among Americans. Foreigners often notice that Americans might struggle with locating countries on a map or understanding the cultural and political nuances of different regions around the world.

4. Sex educating teenagers

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Sex education in the U.S. varies widely, with some states offering comprehensive programs and others focusing primarily on abstinence. This inconsistency can lead to confusion and misinformation among American teens.

5. Preventing pregnancies in teenagers

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The U.S. has higher teenage pregnancy rates compared to other developed nations. This is often attributed to inadequate sex education and limited access to contraceptive methods.

6. Public transport

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Public transport systems in many U.S. cities are not as developed or efficient as those in other countries. This leads to higher reliance on personal vehicles, contributing to traffic congestion and environmental issues.

7. Eating habits

phone at the table
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Family meals and structured eating times are less common in the U.S. Busy lifestyles and varying schedules often lead to irregular eating habits, which can affect family bonding and nutritional health.

8. Over consumerism

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The U.S. is often seen as a society of excess, with high levels of consumption across many aspects of life. This includes large portions of food, extensive shopping habits, and a general culture of acquiring more items than necessary.

9. Having quality fruits and vegetables

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The practice of enhancing the appearance of fruits and vegetables, such as waxing apples, can be surprising to foreigners. In many European countries, there is a higher demand for natural-looking produce without cosmetic treatments.

10. Being humble

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Some foreigners perceive Americans as lacking humility, often expressing national superiority without acknowledging areas where the U.S. might not lead globally. This can appear arrogant to people from countries that value modesty.

11. Being eco friendly

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Eco-friendliness is an area where Americans often lag, particularly with their choice of large vehicles and frequent driving. Many countries emphasize smaller cars and greater reliance on renewable energy sources.

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12. Soccer

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Soccer, or football as it’s known in most of the world, is not as passionately followed in the U.S. as it is in other countries. This often surprises foreigners from nations where soccer is a significant part of the culture.

13. Health system

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The American health system, characterized by high costs and lack of universal coverage, often comes as a shock to foreigners. Many are accustomed to state-funded healthcare systems that provide more accessible services.

14. Multilinguism

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Americans typically speak only English, whereas it’s common in many parts of the world for individuals to be fluent in multiple languages. This can sometimes limit Americans’ ability to engage globally.

15. Accepting criticism

stop being rude
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Accepting criticism gracefully is an area where Americans might struggle. The U.S. culture often promotes positivity and self-assurance, which can sometimes come across as defensive when faced with critical feedback.

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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