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76 Morning Date Ideas That Your Partner Will Love in 2024 (at home, cheap, outdoors, and more)

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Are you looking for the best morning date ideas? You’ve found it! Whether you’re looking for cute and morning date ideas, winter morning date ideas, morning first date ideas, morning date ideas for married couples or outdoor date dies for the morning, you’ll found them in this post!

Eric and I have been together for years and we’ve lived in four different countries together while working full time. We’ve experienced many different date ideas from attending puppy yoga classes and going on adventures to find secret lookouts to testing lots of date ideas in Vancouver! So whatever you’re looking for, we definitely have morning dates for couples of all interests! So it’s time to dive into our 76 romantic things to do in the morning together. 

For more suited date ideas, use our date ideas generator here.

***Some of the links in this post are affiliate links meaning we earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. This does not change the fact that we only recommend products, stays, activities and attractions we are satisfied with and all opinions expressed here are our own

Us on a morning date in London
Us on a morning date in London
Us on a morning walk in the mountains
Us on a morning walk in the mountains

Morning first date ideas

First dates can be impressive! If you’re looking for “morning date ideas near me” for a first date, you’ll find what you’re looking for in this section. In this section, we share some morning first date ideas. From coffee and breakfast to hiking and sunrise viewing, there are plenty of fun and unique morning date ideas near you to explore. Check out these morning date ideas for some inspiration!

1. Got to the botanical gardens

Eric and I love to visit the botanical garden whether that’s be as something romantic to do in Dublin (where we previously lived) or here in London (where we currently live). Going to the botanical gardens is a perfect first date idea from our list of alphabet date ideas, especially in the morning. It’s also a date idea you can do in many places like when dating in Cincinnati. It’s peaceful and serene, and you can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery without crowds and kids running around. Spring is the perfect time to visit, as the flowers are in bloom and the colors are breathtaking but Eric and I have also visited throughout the year. Winter can actually be quite nice as well if it’s a sunny day! 

Strolling through the gardens together, hand in hand, is a romantic experience that puts very little pressure on each other. For some people it’s also quite relaxing to be in an open space so if you’re nervous for your first date, that’s a great option. It’s also a great way to get to know each other and enjoy the beauty of nature. One spot we particularly find romantic in botanical gardens are the glass houses! These usually are home to jungle-like greenery and plants which is very cool!

Botanical Gardens near Bull Island
best things to do in Dublin for couples

2. Go to a puppy yoga class

Us at yoga with cockapoos
Us at yoga with cockapoos

We can only recommend going to a puppy yoga class as a first date idea! Unless your date is allergic to dogs that is! Eric and I have attended several puppy yoga classes in London and feel in love again every time (both with each other and with the puppies). Though it will take some serious strength not to bring a puppy home with you, it certainly is a fantastic morning date idea.

First, it will help you both gently wake up with some easy yoga moves and stretches. Second, you’ll get to see how your date interacts with puppies and whether they can nurture others. That’s a great quality to have as a partner so keep your eyes out for their behaviour towards the dogs. Finally, you’ll get to see how you interact together with a puppy which can give you signs as to whether you work well as a team (and possibly future parents!). 

Puppy yoga classes come in all shapes and size but generally last for an hour with plenty of puppy play and cuddle time. We’ve attended several classes of puppy yoga in London with Shih Tzus and Cockapoos and it was absolutely lovely every time!

3. Got to the zoo for one of the fun morning date ideas

Going to the zoo is a common first date idea in the morning for good reasons!  Everyone loves animals and you can even make a day out of it! You can explore the exhibits together, learn about different animals, and have some fun while doing it. Talking about the animals and observing them is a great conversation starter and can help you both to get to know each other better without a ton of pressure. From playful monkeys to majestic big cats, the zoo is full of amazing sights and experiences that you can share together. You’ll create some unforgettable memories and perhaps even discover some shared interests.

Here’s a photo of Eric and I at the Amneville Zoo in France! This was one of our very first dates, we look like babies!

Us at the Zoo in France, one of the cute morning date ideas
Us at the Zoo in France, one of the cute morning date ideas

4. Go to an aquarium

Going to the aquarium in the morning can be super romantic! You can admire the beautiful marine life and learn about different species while having a good time together. It’s also a great conversation starter, just like going to the zoo. Additionally, it’s a perfect rainy day date as most aquariums are mostly indoors. The colorful underwater world is fascinating to explore, and you can even get up close and personal with some of the sea creatures. It’s a unique and memorable experience that you can enjoy together.

Some of our first dates were in Vancouver, Canada, which has a stunning aquarium in Stanley Park. Eric and I went the first summer we were together and loved every minute of it. We got to learn about seals and sea lions, see turtles and more. It was a fun activity without too much pressure for a date early in the relationship. It’s one of the easy dates with an A to organize.

5. Go rock climbing

Going rock climbing is an adventurous idea that start with C and unique first date idea, especially in the morning. It’s a fun and exciting way to get active and challenge yourselves. You can support and encourage each other while working together to reach new heights. It’s a great teamwork activity that can help you build trust and create a deeper connection. Rock climbing in the morning is a great way to get your adrenaline pumping and set a positive tone for the rest of the day. You’ll have an unforgettable experience that you can cherish together.

6. Pick up flowers and meet at the park

Another great morning date idea for a first date is picking up some flowers for your date and meeting them at the park. It’s an exciting way to surprise your date and set the tone for a lovely day. The peaceful environment provides the perfect opportunity to get to know each other better while enjoying the beauty of nature. You could even have a picnic for breakfast and share some delicious food together. It’s a sweet and intimate experience that you’ll both treasure, and the flowers will serve as a lovely reminder of your first date. Simple but efficient, that’s what we love for a first date! This is also a pretty cheap boring first date so it’s great if you’re on a budget!

7. Surprise each other with a twist on breakfast, one of the unique breakfast date ideas

Surprising each other with breakfast at the park is a sweet and fun romantic first morning date idea. It’s an exciting way to show your thoughtfulness and creativity while enjoying the peaceful environment of the park. Each person can pick something for breakfast to surprise the other, which is a fun way to get to know each other better and even get a laugh in. You can even make it a bit more interesting by having a color theme, like having a blue breakfast where you’re only allowed to bring blue breakfast items. It’s likely an experience you’ll remember and is a fun twist on simply going for breakfast!

8. Go rollerblading together

Going rollerblading is an exciting and active first date idea. Rollerblading spaces are usually not too busy in the morning which makes it a great idea if you want to have more space with your date and be in a more intimate setting. You can help each other learn how to rollerblade and have fun while doing it. Whether you prefer to rollerblade hand in hand or get a bit competitive with some easy figures, you’ll have a great time together. It’s a fun way to stay active, and create some memorable moments. Rollerblading can be done both indoors and outdoors so it’s great no matter the weather or the season. Plus, it’s a unique experience that you can share together, helping you to bond and get to know each other better.

9. Go bike riding

Going bike riding is a romantic and exciting first date idea, especially in the morning. You can ride your bikes and take breaks here and there to talk to each other, enjoy the scenery, and get some fresh air. It’s a great way to spend time together and explore new places. If you’re a bit scared of conversation, the bike rides give you breaks where you don’t have to talk. It’s a fun and active date that allows you to bond and create new memories while removing the pressure of silences!

10. Go tandem bike riding

Going tandem bike riding is a romantic and exciting first date idea, especially in the morning. It’s a great way to experience teamwork and have fun as you figure out how to be in sync with each other. You’ll have to work together to pedal and steer, creating a unique and fun bonding experience. It’s also a great opportunity to explore new places and enjoy the outdoors together. You’ll both have a blast on this active and adventurous date, creating fun memories to talk about on your next date!

11. Ask each other the questions to fall in love

Asking each other special questions to fall in love is a unique and exciting first date idea. In the morning, it can be hard to find conversation topics, especially if you’re tired from your week. Having questions ready will easily start conversations to learn about each other. It’s a great way to get to know each other on a deeper level as well and find out each other’s expectations and favorite romantic activities. Here are five questions that will make you fall in love:

  • What is your favorite childhood memory?
  • What are your goals and aspirations in life?
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  • What is your idea of a perfect date?
  • What do you think are the most important qualities in a partner?

Asking these questions will allow you to learn more about each other and see if you’re compatible. It’s a perfect date idea for those who enjoy meaningful conversations and building a strong foundation for a lasting relationship. note that this also works for married couples or couples who’ve been together for a long time! It’s good to check up on each other and see how our answers evolve with time!

Morning date ideas for married couples

For couples who are married, starting the day off with a morning date can be a great way to reconnect and spend quality time together. Here are some morning date ideas that can help keep the spark alive.

11. Go golfing

Going golfing is a romantic and exciting morning date idea for married couples. It’s a great way to learn and develop a skill together while enjoying the beautiful scenery on the golf course. You’ll have the opportunity to bond over a shared experience and challenge each other to improve your game. Plus, golfing is a low-impact activity that can be enjoyed at any age, making it a great choice for couples looking to stay active and have fun together. So grab your clubs and enjoy a morning on the greens with your partner.

12. Make coffee and discuss your relationship

Romantic mornings are those who make you feel cared for. And that’s why making coffee and discussing your relationship is a romantic and intimate morning date idea for married couples. It’s a great way to show your partner that you care by checking in on their goals and dreams as they evolve over time. You’ll have the opportunity to learn more about each other and strengthen your bond through open and honest communication. Plus, the act of making coffee together can be a fun and relaxing activity that sets the tone for a great day ahead. So take the time to connect with your partner and enjoy a romantic morning at home.

13. Get a couple massage for the most relaxing couple morning date

If you’re looking for relaxing morning date ideas, getting a couples massage is probably one of the ideas that come up often. And for good reasons! It’s not original but it’s a classic one that makes everyone feel better!

Getting a couple’s massage is a romantic and rejuvenating morning date idea for married couples. It’s a great way to unwind and relax together while indulging in a pampering experience. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with your partner on a deeper level as you both experience the benefits of massage therapy. Plus, the physical touch and intimacy of the experience can help strengthen your bond and enhance your overall well-being. So treat yourself and your partner to a luxurious morning of relaxation and romance. Even better, you’ll be able to feel the benefits of your massage throughout the day!

If you’re on vacation in Greece, we highly recommend getting a couples massage by the pool or on the beach! Eric and I have done it several times and either is great. If you book a stay at our favourite suites in Greece, we highly recommend their couples massages! The staff was kind to come and provide the massages by the pool and it was an absolute dream!

Us getting ready for a couples massage in Greece in the morning
Us getting ready for a couples massage in Greece in the morning
Us enjoying the pool in Greece in the morning
Us enjoying the pool in Greece in the morning

This is the suites we stayed at in the romantic Greek Islands.

14. Write each other a letter

Writing each other a letter is one of the sweetest morning date ideas for married couples. Take some time to express your feelings and emotions in a thoughtful letter to your partner. This simple act can be incredibly meaningful and can help you both feel more connected and appreciated in your relationship. Plus, it’s a great way to start your day with a little bit of love and romance. So grab a pen and paper and write down everything you love about your partner, they’ll be sure to treasure it forever.

15. Go to open houses

There is nothing Eric and I like more (well there is but you see what I mean) than going to other people’s houses to see how they are and what ideas they had when building the house. And lucky us, it’s also a great morning date idea for long-term couples! 

Going to an open house together can be a fun and romantic morning date idea for married couples. It gives you the opportunity to imagine what your life could be like in a new home or in a new neighborhood. You can explore different styles of homes and envision how you could make them your own. It’s a great way to bond and dream together, and maybe even get inspired to make some changes or improvements to your own home. So grab your coffee and start exploring!

16. Go on a sunrise couple’s photoshoot

Another one of the best morning date ideas we love for married couples is booking a photoshoot. It seems that most people only book couples photoshoots for big events like a wedding or an engagement. But it’s equally as good of an idea to do it when there is nothing to celebrate but your everyday love for each other! The best thing about doing it in the morning is that you get to do it at sunrise when the world is still quiet, places not crowded and the light exceptional.

It is also an intimate and fun activity that can bring back feelings of youthfulness. As you capture the beauty of the sunrise together, you can feel your bond growing stronger. This activity requires you to focus on each other and spend quality time together. The photoshoot will also provide a wonderful opportunity to create some beautiful memories that you can cherish forever. So why not surprise your spouse with this romantic date idea?

Cute morning date ideas

Looking for some cute and romantic ways to spend a morning with your significant other? Look no further! Here are some creative and cute morning date ideas that will help you connect with each other and make unforgettable memories.

17. Take a morning class together 

Going to a morning class is a cute and unique way to start a day date. Whether it’s a pottery, cookie, or cocktail class, it’s a fun way to learn something new together. The best part is, you don’t need to be good at it! Plus, it’s a great opportunity to try something different and spice up your routine. 

18. Go to a cat cafe, one of the best morning activities for couples

Visiting a cat cafe is a cute morning date idea that Eric and I have tried and enjoyed in several cities such as Dublin, London, Porto, Warsaw and Metz. It’s an occasion to have yummy treats while spending some cuddly time with cats. We loved snuggling with the cats while indulging in sweet treats and enjoying the cute ambiance. It’s a great way to connect and chat with each other while being surrounded by adorable fluffs. Our most recent experience was at Java Whiskers in London and it was super cute. 

Going to a cat cafe in the morning is the best date idea! In the morning the cats haven’t spent too much time with humans yet so they’re more prone to wanting snuggles which is greta for you! And because it’s morning, you can enjoy a nice breakfast there. Note that a lot of cat cafes are vegan so it’s a great opportunity to try new breakfast items too!

Marie and Tom at Java Whiskers Marylebone
Marie and Tom at Java Whiskers Marylebone

19. Go to a yard sale

Going to a yard sale for a morning date can be a fun and unique way to spend time together. You can find all sorts of funky and cute things, from vintage home decor to stylish clothes. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about your partner’s taste and interests. You can bond over finding hidden treasures, and it’s an inexpensive way to spend the morning together. Who knows what you might find?

20. Go visit a pet farm

Visiting a pet farm is a cute and fun morning date idea. You get to have yummy treats while spending time with a variety of animals like sheep, cows, and alpacas. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about these furry friends, and even pet them. Not only is it a unique experience, but it’s also a great way to bond with your partner over a shared love for animals. So if you’re looking for a fun and memorable morning date, visiting a pet farm is a great choice! 

On one of our recent dates, we visited the Mudchute Farm in London and loved it! Our expectations were low as we didn’t really think much of it but we were pleasantly surprised. We had a lot of fun petting the goats and watching the llamas be silly. It was a great time we shared together! Note also that most pet farms are free or really cheap so it’s great if you’re on a budget!

Us at Mudchute Farm, one of our favourite free morning date ideas
Us at Mudchute Farm, one of our favourite free morning date ideas

21. Go meet wild animals

Going to observe wild animals is one of the cutest date morning ideas. It’s easier to spot animals in the morning and you can choose from various options like bird watching or deer watching. You can take a walk in Phoenix Park, Dublin, for instance, and spot a herd of wild deer, which is an activity we’ve done a lot together when we lived in Dublin. It’s a relaxing way to spend time together in nature and appreciate the beauty of wildlife.

Us in Phoenix Park to see the wild deer
Us in Phoenix Park to see the wild deer

22. Bake together

Baking together for a morning date is such a cute idea. You get to start the day with a fun activity that is also delicious. Working as a team to bake and decorate cupcakes or cookies allows you to bond and express your creative side. You can learn more about each other’s tastes and preferences, and have a great time doing it. Plus, the end result is a yummy treat that you can enjoy together or share with others.

Fun morning date ideas

If you’re looking to have a fun morning date, there are plenty of exciting and adventurous activities to choose from. Whether you want to explore the outdoors, indulge in a delicious breakfast, or engage in a creative activity, there are many fun things to do in the morning. Check out our list of fun morning date ideas and start planning your next adventure!

23. Go to an arcade, one of the morning date ideas for fun

Going to an arcade for a morning date is so much fun! You can beat the crowds and have more opportunities to play your favorite games. It’s a great opportunity to revisit old games like Mario and experience that nostalgic feeling from your childhood. You and your date can compete against each other in friendly competition or team up to take on the games together. It’s a unique and fun date idea that is sure to create lasting memories and a lot of laughs. Eric and I spent quite a bit of time at Token, an arcade and bar space in Dublin City. We had lots of fun playing Mario and other games!

Eric and I at the Arcade in Ireland
Eric and I at the Arcade in Ireland

24. Go to a trampoline park

Going to a trampoline park for a morning date is an absolute blast! With fewer people around, you and your partner can bounce from trampoline to trampoline without any hassle. It’s so much fun jumping around and trying to break records, all while feeling like a kid again. Plus, it offers plenty of opportunities to hug and hold hands. It’s a unique date idea that will keep you both active and create a playful atmosphere that will help you both bond.

25. Cooking class

Going to a cooking class for a morning date is a fun and creative way to spend the day together. You can learn new recipes, including exotic dishes, and get inspired to spice up your meals at home. It’s a great way to work together with your partner to create something delicious, while also learning new skills in the kitchen. Plus, you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor at the end of the class. It’s a unique and tasty date idea that you won’t forget anytime soon!

26. Go to matinee concert

Going to a matinee concert for a morning date is a fun and romantic way to start the day. You can enjoy live music and performances in a more intimate setting with fewer people around. It’s a great opportunity to discover new artists or enjoy the music of your favorite bands. Plus, you can take advantage of the daytime energy to fully immerse yourself in the experience. It’s a unique and enjoyable date idea that will create lasting memories and bring you and your partner closer together. Plus, if you’re anything like us, you’ll be happy to have the chance to go to bed at a decent time!

27. Go on a scavenger hunt

Going on a scavenger hunt for a morning date is a fun and exciting way to spend time with your partner. You can work together to solve clues and uncover hidden treasures, all while exploring new places and having fun. It’s a great opportunity to get outside and be active, while also exercising your problem-solving skills. Plus, you can personalize the hunt to your interests and create a unique experience that you’ll both enjoy. It’s a memorable date idea that will keep you both entertained and engaged throughout the morning.

Most cities now offer cheap scavenger hunts which you can book here

28. Go geocaching together

One of our favourite morning date ideas is going geocaching. We go geocaching quite a few times a year and it always makes us feel like we’re super adventurous! You can use your GPS device or smartphone to navigate and discover hidden caches around your area, all while exploring new places and enjoying the outdoors. It’s a great opportunity to work together, exercise your problem-solving skills, and discover hidden gems in your community.

One of the advantages of geocaching is that there is no start time so if you’d like to sleep in, you can and then go geocaching. It’s also a couple activity that you can do anywhere! Plus, it’s a low-cost and unique date idea that will keep you both engaged and entertained for hours.

To go geocaching, you can download the geocaching app on your phone for free.

29. Go to a matinee game or theatre play

Going to a matinee game of a theatre play for a morning date is a unique and enjoyable experience that you and your partner will both love. You can immerse yourselves in a live performance of a play or musical, with fewer crowds and lower ticket prices. It’s a great way to start your day with a dose of culture and entertainment, while also spending quality time together. If you prefer sports, you can go see a morning game. The advantage of morning games is that they are usually cheaper to attend! Plus, you can grab a brunch or lunch afterward to discuss and share your thoughts on the performance.

30. Got to a dance class together

Going to a dance class for a morning date is a fun and unique way to spend time with your partner. You’ll have the opportunity to learn new moves, get a workout in, and bond over something new. It’s good to go in the morning because you’ll have more energy and it can jumpstart your day. Remember that everyone is there to learn and have fun, so don’t be afraid to let loose and enjoy the experience together!

Early morning date ideas

Whether you’re an early bird or just looking to switch up your date routine, these things to do early in the morning will help you start your day off right with your special someone. From cozy breakfast dates to outdoor activities, there’s a romantic morning date idea for everyone to enjoy together in the early hours of the day.

31. Go to the beach

When Eric and I got engaged, we spent the next early morning at the beach. It was just the two of us and was the perfect early morning date to connect and really be present with each other.  Even though the water wasn’t very warm, we ended up going into the water and laughed a lot! That’s exactly how an early morning date should make you feel: happy.

Going to the beach for an early morning date is a great way to spend time with your partner. You’ll be able to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere, bask in the morning light, and take advantage of the cooler temperatures before the day gets too hot. There’ll be less crowds, so you can have more space to relax and enjoy the scenery. You can go for a morning swim, enjoy a romantic walk, or have a picnic breakfast while watching the sunrise. It’s an ideal way to start your day together!

Eric and I enjoying the beach early in the morning after our engagement
Eric and I enjoying the beach early in the morning after our engagement

32. Go watch the sunrise

Watching the sunrise for an early morning date is a romantic and unforgettable experience that you and your partner will cherish forever. You can witness the beauty of nature and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere before the day gets too busy. There’ll be less crowds than at sunset (We won’t mention Santorini haha), so you can have more privacy and enjoy each other’s company. The light is perfect for capturing stunning photos or simply admiring the view. Plus, it’s a free and easy date idea that you can do anywhere. It’s an ideal way to start your day together!

33. Breakfast at the beach for sunrise

Having breakfast at the beach for sunrise is a peaceful morning date ideas for couples who like to wake up early. You can enjoy the beautiful view, the peaceful atmosphere, and the yummy fresh croissants that will taste even better in the fresh morning air. Sunrise is generally more peaceful that sunset no matter where you go. Some of our favourite places to watch sunrise include Cox Beach on Vancouver Island, Ambleside Beach in the West of Vancouver and of course, the hotels on the Santorini caldera! The light is perfect for capturing stunning photos and admiring the scenery. It’s an ideal way to connect with your partner and start your day feeling energized and happy.

34. Hike a mountain at sunrise

Hiking at sunrise is a fantastic way to spend quality time with your partner and enjoy the beauty of nature. You can start your day feeling energized, refreshed, and ready to take on anything that comes your way. There’ll be less crowds, so you can enjoy the peaceful and quiet atmosphere. The morning light is perfect for taking in the stunning views and capturing amazing photos. Some of the best places to hike early in the morning include romantic hikes in Utah’s national parks, spending sunrise at Monument Valley or spending sunrise at Arches National Park. It’s a great way to boost your mood and create lasting memories together. Don’t forget to bring snacks and water to keep you fueled and hydrated!

35. Rent a boat and have breakfast at a remote beach

Renting a boat to go to a remote beach, like we did in Kleftiko, see photos below, for an early morning date is an unforgettable experience that you and your partner will cherish forever. You can enjoy the peace and quiet of the water and the stunning scenery without any distractions or crowds. The morning light is perfect for capturing amazing photos and enjoying the beautiful views. One of the advantages of renting a boat during the early morning is that the water is usually calmer at that time of the day. If you get easily seasick like us, you’ll love that!

You can start your day feeling energized, refreshed, and ready to take on the world. It’s a perfect way to connect with your partner and create lasting memories together.

best Milos beaches
Tsigrado beach Milos

36. Go dog walking together

Going for an early morning walk with your dog is a great way to spend time with your partner and connect with your furry friend. You can enjoy the fresh morning air and start your day with some exercise and fresh air. It’s a great way to disconnect from your phone and focus on each other and your pet. Walking your dog as partners can also be a bonding experience and a way to learn more about each other.

Morning date ideas at home

Are you tired of the same old dinner and movie date nights? Why not switch things up and plan a romantic morning date at home instead? Morning dates can be just as fun and intimate as evening dates, and can offer a refreshing change of pace to your routine. Plus, you can save money and avoid the crowds by staying in. From cooking breakfast together to snuggling in bed with a good book, there are endless possibilities for a cozy and memorable morning date at home.

37. Do crossword puzzle together

Doing crossword puzzles together is one of the great home date ideas that can be both romantic and fun. You and your partner can connect and work together to solve the clues and complete the puzzle. You can laugh at weird or unknown words and learn new things together. Doing crossword puzzles in the morning can be especially enjoyable as it sets a positive tone for the day and can be a relaxing activity to start your day. It’s a great way to spend quality time together away from screens and while also exercising your brain.

38. Play board games, one of the fun and easy morning date ideas

Playing board games is a fantastic home date idea that can be both romantic and fun. You and your partner can connect and engage in healthy competition, which can add some excitement and keep things interesting. Board games can also be a great way to bond over shared interests or learn more about each other’s likes and dislikes. Playing board games in the morning can be especially enjoyable as it sets a positive tone for the day and can be a relaxing activity to start your day together. Some boards games we highly enjoy playing together include Carcassonne and Jaipur!

39. Watch a movie with breakfast in bed

Starting your day with a cozy breakfast in bed while watching a romantic movie is a perfect way to connect with your partner. It’s a relaxing way to spend a lazy morning, snuggled up with each other, without having to worry about getting dressed and going out. Plus, it’s cheaper than going to the cinema. Watching a movie together can also create memories and inside jokes that you can share in the future. You can even make breakfast together as a team effort!

40. Make brunch together

Making brunch together can be a romantic and fun home date idea. It can even become one of your morning ritual ideas. It’s a great way to connect with each other while enjoying the process of creating something delicious. Working as a team to prepare a meal can also strengthen your bond. Additionally, making brunch at home is usually cheaper than going out to a restaurant, and you have the freedom to customize the meal to your liking. Overall, you can enjoy a cozy and intimate morning together.

41. DIY a spa at home

Having a DIY spa day at home is a perfect romantic date idea for the morning. It allows you to connect with your partner while indulging in some self-care activities. Doing it in the morning sets the tone for a relaxing day ahead. Plus, it’s much cheaper than going to an actual spa. You can take a warm bath with candles, give each other massages, and apply face masks together. Don’t forget to take a funny photo with weird face masks on and use some of our couple captions for instagram to share the fun! All of these activities make for an intimate and rejuvenating morning spent together.

42. Create a home scavenger hunt, one of the funnest morning date ideas for creatives

A fun and creative home date idea is to create a scavenger hunt in your home! It’s a great way to connect and have some fun together. Doing it in the morning can make it even more enjoyable as you both start your day with a fun activity. You can be as creative as you want with the clues and have a prize waiting at the end. It’s a great way to build excitement and work together as a team.

Outdoor date ideas in the morning

Spending time outdoors is a greta idea to kick off your days. Check out these outdoor ideas for morning dates that we love ourselves!

43. Go alpaca walking, perfect for peaceful morning lovers

One of our favourite morning date ideas is going alpaca walking. We went alpaca walking in Ireland and had a blast. There are many benefits to alpaca walking but one of them is definitely creating amazing memories with your partner. 

Going alpaca walking in the morning can be a unique and romantic outdoor date idea. You’ll enjoy the peacefulness of being surrounded by nature while spending time with gentle and fluffy alpacas. Unlike llamas, alpacas don’t spit, which makes for a more pleasant experience. Walking and petting these adorable creatures can be a magical and calming experience. You can explore mountains, forests, and meadows with them, feed them, and make unforgettable memories together. It’s a great opportunity to connect with each other and with nature.

Us walking alpacas, one of the couple things to do in the morning
Us walking alpacas, one of the couple things to do in the morning

44. Go on a hot air balloon ride

Going on a hot air balloon ride is a romantic and unique date idea for couples. In the morning, you can enjoy the peacefulness of the sky with fewer crowds and great lighting for photos. The breathtaking views and the adrenaline rush of being up high together can create an unforgettable experience. The sense of adventure and intimacy make hot air balloon rides a popular choice for couples. 

45. Go horseback riding

Going horseback riding in the morning is a great outdoor date idea. It’s a romantic way to connect with your partner while enjoying the beauty of nature. Riding horses in the morning is peaceful, and the gentle animals can help you feel calm and relaxed. It’s also a great way to explore the outdoors, whether it be in the mountains or on the beach. You and your partner can bond over the experience of horseback riding, creating a unique memory that you’ll cherish. 

Eric and I have gone horseback riding several times including in the Dingle Peninsula but also on the beach in Corsica and we loved it every time. It’s very romantic and we loved sharing these special times together.

Eric and I riding horses in the morning in Ireland, one of our favorite morning date ideas
Eric and I riding horses in the morning in Ireland, one of our favorite morning date ideas

46. Hop on a mini-road trip

Us on a road trip in Ireland
Us on a road trip in Ireland

Going on a mini-road trip is a lovely morning date idea for outdoor lovers. You can explore local areas, discover new places, and make memories together. The morning light is perfect for scenic drives, and you can enjoy the peace and quiet before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. Some of our favourite scenic drives include the drive to Whistler and the drive to Tofino on Vancouver Island. The landscapes are absolutely incredible and even though we’ve driven them many times, we appreciate them as a way to connect every time!  You can share music together, sing along, and make your own little movie as you drive. It’s an affordable and easy way to escape the city and enjoy some quality time together. And who knows, your mini-road trip might turn into a bigger road-trip!

47. Go on a morning hike together

Going on a morning hike with your partner can be a romantic and rejuvenating date idea. You can explore local areas and discover new paths while enjoying the fresh air and exercise. Hiking in the morning can help you avoid the crowds and give you a peaceful experience with your loved one. It’s a free and easy way to spend time together, and you can enjoy beautiful views along the way. Plus, the physical activity can leave you feeling energized and ready for the rest of your day.

Us hiking to a waterfall in the morning
Us hiking to a waterfall in the morning

48. Visit a farmers market

Visiting a farmers market is a great outdoor date idea in the morning. It’s romantic to wander around and explore the various stalls with your partner, selecting fresh produce for a breakfast together. You can buy locally sourced food, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, cheese, and baked goods. The atmosphere is friendly, and you can chat with vendors and other shoppers. Plus, being outdoors in the fresh air is energizing and healthy. Going in the morning means avoiding crowds and enjoying a peaceful start to the day.

49. Go for a run, one of the energising morning date ideas

Going for a run together is a perfect outdoor date idea in the morning. It’s not only a great workout but also a chance to bond and challenge yourselves as a couple. Running in the morning can help set a positive tone for the day ahead and can also help reduce stress. You can push each other to reach new milestones, while enjoying the fresh air and beautiful scenery around you. So why not lace up your sneakers and hit the pavement together?

50. Go fishing with your partner

Going fishing is a great outdoor date idea for the morning. It’s an opportunity to learn a new skill, and you get to share the experience with your partner. It can be romantic, with the peacefulness of the water and the chance to catch something together. You can learn more about your partner’s interests and hobbies, and spend time in nature away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Plus, you get to enjoy the morning sunshine and fresh air.

Saturday morning date ideas

Saturday mornings are for reconnecting together and having fun to kick off the weekend. So in this section, we’ve included some good morning date ideas for those Saturdays when you don’t know what to do.

51. Check out a museum

Exploring museums with your partner on a Saturday morning can be a unique and romantic date idea. You can learn about each other’s interests, appreciate art, and spark meaningful conversations. In the morning, you can avoid crowds, and have a more intimate experience. Additionally, museum exhibits can often lead to laughter and fun as you discover new things together. So, if you’re looking for a relaxed and cultural date idea, a museum visit on a Saturday morning could be perfect for you.

Eric and I at the Natural History Museum in London
Eric and I at the Natural History Museum in London

52. Make lattes at home

One of the best Saturday morning date ideas is making lattes together. Creating lattes at home can be a fun and romantic way to spend a Saturday morning. You can take turns brewing, steaming milk, and trying different flavor combinations. It’s a relaxing activity that allows you to slow down and enjoy each other’s company. You can sit together, sip on your homemade lattes, and have a good conversation. Plus, making lattes at home is a more cost-effective alternative to going out to a coffee shop.

53. Go to a skydiving simulator

I (Marie) can be a big fan of high sensation so if you’re anything like me, you’ll love this morning date idea! You and your partner can start your weekend off with a bang by visiting a skydiving simulator. It’s a thrilling activity that allows you to experience the sensation of skydiving without actually jumping from a plane. It’s a great way to bond and check off a bucket list activity together. Plus, it’s better to do it in the morning when you are fresh and energized for the day and haven’t had much time to think about it. This high-energy activity will kickstart your weekend and leave you both feeling invigorated.

54. Go thrift shopping together

Looking for a unique and affordable date idea for a Saturday morning? Why not try thrift shopping together? It can be a romantic and fun experience to explore a thrift store and search for hidden treasures. You might even find matching outfits or unique pieces to add to your home decor. Plus, going early in the morning means you’ll have more time to search through the store and more options before the crowds arrive. So why not grab a coffee and spend a few hours browsing together?

Sunday morning date ideas

From a Sunday morning coffee date to taking class together, we’ve included some fun morning date ideas that we love to do on Sunday mornings!

55. Order brunch and read together

Us having egg benedict for brunch
Us having egg benedict for brunch

You can order brunch and spend a lazy Sunday morning reading together. This date idea is a great way to connect with your partner while enjoying delicious food and good books. It’s an inexpensive way to spend quality time together without leaving the comfort of your own home. As you savor your brunch, you can discuss your favorite books and authors, and perhaps even read some passages aloud to each other. This is the perfect way to slow down and appreciate each other’s presence. Reading together with brunch is a unique twist on the usual Sunday morning breakfast ideas!

56. Go to a gardening class

Looking for a unique and educational date idea this Sunday morning? Why not try a gardening class together? Not only is it a budget-friendly option, but it also provides an opportunity to connect with each other and nature. Spend quality time together while learning new skills, all while enjoying the fresh air outside. Gardening is a relaxing activity that can be enjoyed by anyone, and taking a class together is a great way to make memories and deepen your connection.

57. Go fruit picking for a sweet morning date idea

Looking for a sweet and romantic way to spend a Sunday morning with your partner? Why not go fruit picking? You can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery while picking delicious, locally grown fruit. It’s a fun and inexpensive activity that allows you to connect and spend quality time together. Plus, you get to bring home your tasty bounty and create something delicious together, like a homemade pie or jam. You can even make healthy morning breakfast ideas together afterwards! So grab a basket and let’s get picking!

58. Have an all day movie marathon

Looking for a cozy and relaxing date idea? How about an all-day movie marathon with your partner? You can snuggle up on the couch, disconnect from the world, and enjoy each other’s company all day long. This is a date you can organize during winter. It’s a cheap way to spend quality time together, and you can catch up on all the movies you’ve missed. You’ll have a chance to connect, talk about your favorite films, and maybe even discover some new ones. It’s the perfect way to slow down and appreciate each other’s presence.

59. Go to the spa, one of the most relaxing morning date ideas

Sunday mornings are meant for disconnecting from the world and relaxing together with your safe partner! That’s why we recommend indulging in a relaxing and rejuvenating morning at the spa for a perfect Sunday date. Unwind with a couple’s massage, detox in the sauna or soak in a natural hot tub or in natural hot ponds like you would on the Big Island. Reconnect with your partner as you both de-stress from the week’s chaos. With tranquil surroundings and soothing aromas, the spa provides the perfect romantic escape. Cherish the quiet time with each other and emerge refreshed for the week ahead. Let yourself be pampered and indulge in self-care together.

60. Work on your dreams at a coffee shop

Imagine spending a Sunday morning at a cozy coffee shop, working on your dreams together. It’s a great opportunity to support each other and make progress on your individual goals. The quiet atmosphere and the smell of coffee can be inspiring, creating the perfect environment to focus and get things done. You can share your ideas and brainstorm together, and take breaks to enjoy each other’s company. It’s a fulfilling way to spend a morning, and you can leave feeling motivated and accomplished.

Morning date ideas in the winter

In this section, we included some of our favourite morning date ideas winter style that allow us to have fun in the morning even on cold days!

61. Make a snowman

When we moved to London during winter, we got lucky enough to get snow! So we got out and made a snowman together. Though I had to motivate Eric to go into the cold, we had an absolute blast making the snowman. We felt like two kids working together to build the biggest and cutest snowman in the city! You can easily bond over the creative process of building the perfect snowman, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of a snowy morning. It’s a simple and fun activity that allows you to let loose and be silly with your partner. Plus, the memories you make will last a lifetime, and you’ll have a cute snowman to admire afterwards.

Eric and I making a snowman in London
Eric and I making a snowman in London

62. Go on a snow walk, one of the easiest morning date ideas in the winter

Marie and Rio on a morning snow walk
Marie and Rio on a morning snow walk

Going on a snow walk together is a perfect morning date idea in the winter. With the serene and peaceful surroundings, you can connect and spend quality time with your partner. It’s also an excellent opportunity to get some fresh air, exercise and take in the beautiful winter scenery. The snow also acts as a natural sound barrier, creating a peaceful atmosphere, making it a romantic and intimate experience. So, bundle up and enjoy each other’s company while exploring the winter wonderland around you.

63. Make hot chocolate balls together

I (Marie) don’t really like coffee but I’m a big hot chocolate fan! Making hot chocolate together is actually super fun! You get to make ball shaped chocolate pieces that you can then fill with the stuffing of your choice such as cocoa powder and marshmallows. Once you’ve made your chocolate balls, you can just drop them into hot milk and sip on your delicious drinks together by the fire looking at the window!

64. Draw each other

Sometimes, Eric and I get bored in the winter. Especially living in Ireland and in the UK (Check out the relationship between Ireland and the UK here), the winter weather can be grim so outdoor activities don’t always sound amazing. Instead, we’ve come up with a date idea where we draw each other. It’s a date idea that starts with d and that doesn’t take more than an hour so it’s easy to find the time and it’s also hilarious. We’re not great drawers so our portraits are always a bit funky but we have the best time laughing together!

65. A fun twist on drawing together

A fun twist we like to do on drawing together is switching our pieces every 5 or 10 minutes. The way it works is that you each start a drawing on your own piece of paper that the other can’t see. Then you fold it in a way that still hides it from your partner and switch drawings. You now have your partner’s drawing but you still don’t know what it is. From there you have to continue the drawing with your own ideas. You can hide and switch as many times as you’d like. Eric and I have done this many times. It works best if you’re drawing something vertical or horizontal like a character or a village so you can hide the top or side of the drawing.

66. Build candles together

One cozy winter morning date idea is building candles together. The advantage of this is the opportunity to create something unique and personal while spending quality time with your partner. It’s a chance to learn a new skill, be creative, and share a romantic moment by candlelight. You can choose your favorite scents, colors, and even add personal touches like dried flowers or herbs. It’s an activity that allows you to connect and make something special together.

67. Go Ice skating, one of the best morning date ideas in winter

Ice skating together is a perfect winter date idea! Not only it’s fun, but also it’s a great way to bond with your partner. Eric and I have gone ice skating many times whether that’d be in Vancouver or at Winter Wonderland in London. We love it because you can hold hands, laugh, and glide together on the ice rink. Skating will help you both stay active and warm during the cold winter mornings. Additionally, ice skating can bring back nostalgic childhood memories, making it a romantic and nostalgic experience. You’ll have a great time with your partner, creating new memories and enjoying each other’s company.

Here’s a photo of Eric and I on one of our ice skating dates!

Us ice skating in London at 10am, one of the funnest morning date ideas we've done
Us ice skating in London at 10am

68. Chase the Christmas decorations

Whether you’re spending Christmas in Dublin or Vancouver or somewhere else in the world, we recommend using your environment to create a date idea! And that is, using the Christmas decorations. There’s plenty of date ideas you can make with them. One of our favourite morning date idea with Christmas decorations is to film them during the day and create transitions with night time when they’re lit. You can also go in the morning and rate each of them. Even though some Christmas decorations only light up at night, many are up from the morning like Christmas trees and indoor decorations.

69. Christmas morning date ideas 

Morning date ideas can also happen on Christmas morning! Most couples run around during Christmas trying to get places and see people. In the midst of the Christmas chaos, we hope you can take the time to do some of the below morning date ideas. We crafted the Christmas morning date ideas to be easy and short which allows you to easily include them in your schedule.

70. Make and decorate Christmas cookies together

On Christmas morning, spend time with your partner making and decorating cookies. This activity is perfect for creating memories, having fun, and showing off your creative side. You can customize the cookies to your liking and make them extra special by using holiday-themed cookie cutters and decorations. The process of baking together is not only romantic but also an opportunity to bond over something sweet. You can also enjoy the cookies as a tasty treat to complete your Christmas morning celebration.

71. Write each other a letter to open next Christmas

One of the best morning date ideas at Christmas is to write each other a letter that you can open next Christmas. Next Christmas, you can then both open last year’s letters and write new ones for the next year. 

72. Christmas morning breakfast ideas

Another Christmas morning date idea is surprising your loved one with a homemade breakfast. Show off your culinary skills by making pancakes, waffles, or French toast topped with seasonal berries and whipped cream. Alternatively, whip up a classic scrambled egg breakfast with crispy bacon and fresh orange juice. Making breakfast together is an intimate and romantic way to start the day and celebrate the holiday season. Take your time enjoying each other’s company and savoring the delicious flavors of the season.

Wedding morning date ideas

Eric and I have bene organising our own wedding and we’re planning on doing something special on our big day’s morning. So we wanted to include some morning of wedding ideas that may inspire you too.

73. Write each other a poem

Writing a poem for each other on your wedding morning is a beautiful way to express your love and commitment. It allows you to connect deeply with your partner and express your feelings in a creative way. It also creates a special memory that you can cherish forever. Writing a poem shows that you’ve put effort and thought into the day, and it’s a heartfelt gesture that your partner will appreciate. Taking this time to share your words of love can help set the tone for a romantic and meaningful wedding day.

74. Sit together in silence

One of the best wedding morning ideas is one of the simplest date ideas: sitting together in silence. Sitting together in silence can be a beautiful and intimate moment that allows you to take in the magnitude of the day. Without words, you can connect with your partner and appreciate each other’s presence. The quiet allows for reflection, and being in each other’s company can bring a sense of calm and comfort. It’s a moment to treasure and soak in the joy of the day ahead. You can hold hands, hug, or just be near each other, enjoying the moment together.

75. Go swimming together, one of the peaceful morning date ideas

On your wedding morning, take a dip together in a pool or ocean. This refreshing activity is a great way to start your big day. Not only is it fun, but it also helps you to relax and destress before the wedding ceremony. You’ll have a moment to connect with your partner and enjoy each other’s company before the craziness of the day begins. Plus, swimming together is a romantic and intimate way to kick off your new life together as a married couple.

76. Wedding morning breakfast ideas

On your wedding morning, take the time to make breakfast together. Snuggle up, hold each other, and appreciate this quiet time together before your big day starts. This is a good time to ensure to stay connected and present throughout the day. 

Good morning text ideas for couples

In this section, we’ve included good morning couple text ideas that you can send each other in the morning or even the night before so your loved one can see it first thing in the morning.

  1. “Good morning, my love. Waking up next to you makes every morning special.”
  2. “I hope your day is as beautiful as you are. Good morning, my darling.”
  3. “Every morning I wake up grateful for another day with you. Good morning, my sweetie.”
  4. “My day always starts with a smile knowing you’re in it. Good morning, my love.”
  5. “I had the sweetest dream about you last night. Good morning, my heart.”
  6. “Rise and shine, my love. The world is a better place with you in it.”
  7. “Mornings are so much better with you by my side. Good morning, my angel.”
  8. “I love waking up to your beautiful face every morning. Good morning, my sunshine.”
  9. “I never knew mornings could be so wonderful until I met you. Good morning, my love.”
  10. “You’re the first thing on my mind when I wake up. Good morning, my precious.”

Morning date ideas FAQs

Are morning dates a good idea?

Morning dates can be a great idea for couples who want to spend quality time together and start their day off on a positive note. They allow for a more relaxed and intimate atmosphere, as well as the opportunity to enjoy activities that may not be possible during the evening.

What couples do in the morning?

Couples in the morning can engage in a variety of activities, such as having breakfast together, going for a walk, practicing yoga, or simply cuddling in bed. These moments can help strengthen the bond between partners and set a positive tone for the day ahead.

Are daytime dates good?

Daytime dates can be a great alternative to traditional evening dates. They allow for more creativity in terms of activities and can be less expensive. They also provide a more relaxed atmosphere and the opportunity to enjoy natural lighting and outdoor environments.

What does a morning date mean?

A morning date can mean different things to different people. It can signify a desire for more intimacy and connection, a shared interest in starting the day off on a positive note, or simply a preference for morning activities. Whatever the reason, a morning date can be a unique and meaningful experience.

What are some fun things to do in the morning with friends?

Morning activities with friends can include going for a hike, trying a new workout class, having brunch, visiting a local farmer’s market, or exploring a nearby park or neighborhood. These activities provide a great opportunity to bond with friends and create new memories together.

What are some good fourth date ideas and what should I expect?

Good fourth date ideas can include trying a new restaurant, attending a concert or show, going on a hike or bike ride, or taking a cooking class together. By the fourth date, there should be a level of comfort and ease in each other’s company, allowing for more relaxed and enjoyable dates. Expect to have fun, get to know each other better, and potentially take the relationship to the next level.

Are morning dates better than date night?

Whether morning dates are better than date nights depends on personal preferences and schedules. Morning dates offer a more relaxed atmosphere and the opportunity to engage in unique activities, while date nights provide a more traditional and romantic setting. Ultimately, the best option is whatever works best for both partners.

What should I do with my girlfriend in the morning?

Activities to do with your girlfriend in the morning can include having breakfast together, practicing yoga, going for a walk or jog, or simply spending time cuddled up in bed. The key is to find activities that you both enjoy and that allow for a relaxed and intimate setting.

How can I have a romantic morning?

To have a romantic morning, focus on activities that promote intimacy and connection with your partner. This can include having breakfast in bed, enjoying a sunrise together, practicing yoga or meditation, or taking a relaxing bath or shower together. The most important aspect is to focus on each other and create a calm and loving atmosphere.

What time is good for a morning date?

The time for a morning date can vary depending on personal schedules and preferences. Generally, morning dates should take place before noon to allow for a relaxed and stress-free atmosphere. However, the exact time can be adjusted to fit individual schedules and preferences.

What is a good morning date outfit

When choosing an outfit for a morning date, consider the activity and setting. For more casual activities such as hiking or brunch, comfortable and casual attire is appropriate. For more formal activities such as attending a show, you can wear a nice pair of jeans with a nicer top or a dress.

Any questions on our morning date ideas? Drop them in the comments or on insta and we will get back to you asap.


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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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