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17 Things America Does Right According To Foreigners

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17 Things America Does Right According To Foreigners

Photo Credit: David Dibert via Pexels.

When people from other countries talk about what America does well, several things come to mind. From customizable restaurant orders to the spirit of innovation at NASA, America has many unique aspects that impress foreigners. This list explores 17 things that stand out to those who’ve experienced America from the outside, highlighting what makes the country special in the eyes of international visitors.

1. Altering your restaurant order

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In America, personalizing your meal at a restaurant is almost a given. Unlike many places in Europe, such as Spain, where menu items often come as described with little room for change, U.S. restaurants typically allow you to tweak your order to your liking. Whether it’s swapping out a side, removing an ingredient, or asking for an extra sauce, the flexibility in American dining is a big plus for many.

2. American optimism

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One of the most notable traits in the United States is its prevailing sense of optimism. Americans often display a hopeful outlook on life and a belief that things will improve, which is infectious and encouraging to those around them. This positive attitude is seen as a driving force behind many personal and collective achievements in the country.

3. American 80s music

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The 1980s was a defining decade for American music, with iconic sounds that still resonate today. From pop and rock to hip-hop, the era produced a plethora of artists and bands whose music crossed borders and left a lasting impact worldwide. The catchy tunes and groundbreaking videos continue to be celebrated and enjoyed by all ages.

4. Someone is always hyping someone up somewhere

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In America, encouragement and support among people are widespread. Whether in professional settings, schools, or social media, you’ll often find someone cheering for others. This culture of support helps build confidence and fosters an environment where people feel valued and motivated.

5. Central AC

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The widespread availability of central air conditioning in the U.S. is something many foreigners appreciate, especially those from hotter climates. Unlike many parts of the world where air conditioning might be limited to certain areas or deemed a luxury, it’s a standard feature in American homes and buildings, providing comfort and relief from the heat.

6. Spooky Season

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The celebration of Halloween and the fall season, often referred to as “spooky season,” is a uniquely American experience that many foreigners find fascinating and fun. The elaborate decorations, costumes, and community events offer a cheerful and slightly spine-chilling way to engage with neighbors and celebrate the change of seasons.

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7. Theme Parks

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America is home to some of the world’s most famous theme parks, offering adventures and entertainment for all ages. From Disneyland to Universal Studios, these parks are designed for escapism and fantasy, providing unforgettable experiences that are hard to find elsewhere.

8. Road Trips

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The U.S. is an ideal country for road trips due to its vast and varied landscapes, well-maintained highways, and countless landmarks. The freedom to explore the nation’s scenic routes and unique cities at one’s own pace is a quintessential American adventure.

9. Handicap Accessible Buildings

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Accessibility in America is taken seriously, with laws and regulations ensuring public spaces are accessible to people with disabilities. This inclusivity allows everyone to participate more fully in society, which is highly valued by visitors who may struggle to find similar accommodations in their home countries.

10. NASA

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NASA is not just about space exploration; it’s also committed to educating the public and sharing its discoveries. The agency’s efforts to keep people informed and involved in its missions cultivate an ongoing interest in science and technology. The advancements NASA makes are seen as steps forward for all humanity.

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11. Entertainment industry

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The U.S. entertainment industry is a global powerhouse, producing films, television shows, music, and more that are consumed worldwide. Its ability to innovate and entertain is one of America’s most influential cultural exports.

12. Flying Miles system

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The frequent flyer programs offered by American airlines are a boon for travelers. These programs reward customer loyalty with benefits like free flights, upgrades, and other perks, making air travel more accessible and enjoyable.

13. Washrooms everywhere during public events

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The availability of public restrooms at events in the U.S. is something many foreigners appreciate. This convenience ensures that attending large public gatherings is comfortable and accessible for everyone.

14. The public library system

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America’s public library system is a cornerstone of community education and resource sharing. With access to books, the internet, and educational programs, libraries play a vital role in supporting lifelong learning and community engagement.

15. Cuisine and restaurant diversity

Lobster roll in Maine
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The U.S. boasts an incredibly diverse culinary scene, thanks to its multicultural population. This diversity is reflected in the wide array of restaurants serving dishes from around the world, offering something for every palate.

16. Being able to turn right on red

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The rule allowing drivers to turn right on a red light, after stopping, in many parts of the U.S. is seen as a traffic flow efficiency that many foreigners find practical and convenient.

17. Product choices in stores

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Shopping in the U.S. can be an adventure due to the sheer variety of products available in stores. This wide selection gives consumers the freedom to choose exactly what they want and often at competitive prices.

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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