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How To Create a Date Ideas Jar: 52 Fun and Simple Date Ideas for Every Season

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If you’re like me (and us, I should say), sometimes planning date nights can feel like a lot of pressure. It’s not that you don’t want to do something fun or romantic (right!!), but let’s face it coming up with creative date ideas week after week can be a bit overwhelming. Plus, it feels like we’re always coming back to the SAME OLD SAME OLD ideas ugh!

That’s where the Date Ideas Jar comes in. It’s simple, fun, and takes all the guesswork out of your weekly dates. Plus, it’s a great way to keep things fresh, whether you’re in a long-term relationship or just starting out.

With a Date Ideas Jar, you and your partner have a year’s worth of date ideas ready to go, one for each week. And the best part? There’s no need to scramble for something to do. Just pull a slip of paper from the jar, and you’ve got your date for the week. It’s spontaneous, easy, and guaranteed to bring you closer together with every draw.

Of course, you could also use this list and make it a monthly challenge. After all, you can make whatever rules up as long as they work for you!

So, how do you get started? I’ll walk you through why I recommend using a Date Ideas Jar, how to create it, and share 52 original and easy-to-do date ideas that fit perfectly with each season.

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Why I Recommend Using a Date Ideas Jar

No More stress

First off, I’m a huge fan of the Date Ideas Jar because it takes away the stress of planning dates and adds a little excitement to your relationship. Instead of falling into the same routine or asking the classic “What do you want to do?” question, you get a fresh idea each week, no overthinking required. It’s perfect for couples who want to stay connected but might be too busy to plan something elaborate every week. Relatable much?

Flexible Challenge

The best part about this system is that it’s flexible. Whether you have just an hour to spare or a whole day, the jar has an idea ready for you. And because each idea is tailored to the season, you’re always doing something that feels right for the time of year.

Plus, let’s be real, there’s something fun about not knowing what the next date will be. You’ll be surprised and excited each week when you pull a new idea together.

Intentional Quality time

But more than that, it’s about making sure you’re dedicating intentional time to each other. Life gets busy, and it’s easy to forget how important those little moments of connection are. The Date Ideas Jar makes sure you’re prioritizing your relationship and having fun while you’re at it.

How to Create a Date Ideas Jar

Creating a Date Ideas Jar is super simple, and you can have it ready to go in no time. All you need are 52 date ideas, one for each week of the year, and a jar (or any container, really) to hold them.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Print out or write down the 52 date ideas (which I’ll provide below).
  2. Cut them into individual slips and fold each one up.
  3. Add them to your jar. You can even decorate the jar together for an extra fun project!
  4. Once a week, sit down together, draw one slip of paper, and that’s your date idea for the week. No need for fancy prep or overthinking, just go with the flow and enjoy the time together.

This simple system keeps things spontaneous and exciting, and it’s always there when you need a fun idea.

Winter Date Ideas For Your Jar

Winter is all about staying cozy, so these date ideas are perfect for keeping warm and having fun together.

1. Create heart-shaped pizzas for each other – Get creative in the kitchen by making your own heart-shaped pizzas. Pick your favorite toppings, and see who can come up with the most creative design.

2. Build a bed fort and watch a movie inside – Use blankets and pillows to build a cozy fort in bed. Then pick a movie, grab some snacks, and snuggle up inside for a comfy movie night.

3. Have a hot cocoa tasting – Make different variations of hot cocoa (peppermint, spicy, classic) and taste-test them to see which one’s your favorite. It’s like your own little cozy café at home.

4. Order Takeout by Candlelight – Order your favorite takeout food, dim the lights or add candles for a romantic ambiance. You can spice it up by ordering for each other so you can be surprised!

5. Draw each other in 10 minutes – Grab a pencil and some paper and see how well you can draw each other in just 10 minutes. It’s a fun way to laugh at your “artistic skills.”

6. Create a vision board for the year ahead – Cut out images and words that represent your goals for the year, and put them together on a shared vision board. It’s a great way to dream big together.

7. Make DIY candle holders for a romantic night – Decorate plain candle holders together, then use them for a candlelit dinner later on. Simple, but sweet!

8. Paint together, switching canvases every 3 minutes – Start painting, then swap canvases (or simple paper if that’s all you have!) every 3 minutes until you’ve each contributed to the masterpiece. Reveal the results at the end and enjoy the creative chaos!

9. Create your own mini spa night – Light some candles, put on face masks, and give each other a mini massage.

10. Have a romantic picnic in the living room – Lay out a blanket on the floor, dim the lights, and use your Christmas lights or candles to create a cozy indoor picnic space.

Spring Date Ideas

Spring is all about fresh starts, so these date ideas help you enjoy the blooming season and connect in fun, creative ways.

11. Go on a neighborhood scavenger hunt – Make a list of things to spot around your neighborhood (like a bird’s nest, specific flowers or blue windows) and explore together, ticking off the list.

12. Go for a scenic drive – Hit up the drive thru for a chai latte and go on an adventure. At every crossroad, take a random right or left and see where it takes you!

13. Visit a nearby garden or park and draw what you see – Bring sketchbooks and pencils and spend the day drawing the flowers, trees, and scenery.

14. Cook a spring-inspired meal with fresh veggies – Pick some fresh, seasonal veggies and cook up a simple, healthy meal together.

15. Try air dry clay – Grab some air dry clay online or at your local craft store and make each other a keychain. I share my air dry clay tips here.

16. Write your love story in 30 minutes – Take turns writing about how you met and your journey as a couple, then read your stories out loud to each other. It’s a sweet way to relive those early memories.

17. Decorate flower pots for planting together – Paint and decorate small flower pots, then plant herbs or flowers in them to enjoy throughout the season.

18. Visit a farmers market and buy something new to cook together – Head to the market and pick up something unique to cook together. It’s a fun way to try new flavors and experiment in the kitchen.

19. Go cloud watching in the park – Lay out a blanket and spend some time looking up at the clouds, pointing out fun shapes and enjoying the peaceful moment.

20. Go berry picking – Grab a bucket and go berry picking nearby. you can then clean them out and make your own jam!

Summer Date Ideas

With summer comes longer days and warmer weather, so these date ideas are all about making the most of it.

21. Go swimming – Go to a nearby lake or river and go swimming or even just dipping your toes. You can sit together and relax or chit chat!

22. Create DIY popsicles together – Try out different flavors and make your own popsicles. Then enjoy your frozen creations on a warm evening.

23. Watch the sunset from a rooftop or balcony – Find a good spot, bring some snacks, and watch the sun go down together. It’s a beautiful and peaceful way to end the day.

24. Make homemade ice cream with simple ingredients – Try your hand at making homemade ice cream. Experiment with flavors, and then enjoy your creation together.

25. Make smoothies – Have a smoothie competition and see which of you can make the best recipe with what you have at home.

26. Have a backyard stargazing night with a blanket and snacks – Set up a blanket in the yard, grab some pillows, and spend the evening stargazing. It’s a romantic, peaceful way to connect.

27. Have a picnic with only finger foods – Pack up finger foods like sandwiches, fruits, and snacks, and enjoy a casual meal outside without the need for utensils.

28. Make flower petal art using summer blooms – Pick or gather summer flowers and create art using the petals.

29. Have a color-themed picnic – You each pick a color and go to the store to grab items that are this specific color. This is both a challenge and a way to discover new foods together while having a romantic picnic.

30. Make your own lemonade and set up a “lemonade stand” at home – Have fun making fresh lemonade and create a little lemonade stand inside.

Fall Date Ideas

Fall is all about crisp air and cozy moments, so these dates help you enjoy the season while staying connected. I have lots more fall date ideas here in case these aren’t enough.

31. Do a fall bingo walkDownload my fall bingo cards and take a walk, spotting different fall elements like colored leaves and pumpkins.

32. Make caramel apples together – Melt some caramel and create your own caramel apples, adding toppings like nuts or chocolate.

33. Write secret love notes to each other and hide them around the house – Write little love notes, then hide them in places your partner will find later on.

34. Watch a spooky movie with popcorn and cozy blankets – Pick a classic spooky film, grab some popcorn, and snuggle up for a fun movie night.

35. Go on a leaf-hunting walk and collect your favorite ones – Take a walk through the park and gather pretty fall leaves. Then make a simple fall arrangement with them.

36. Make heart-shaped s’mores in the oven – Use cookie cutters to make heart-shaped s’mores, even if you don’t have a fire pit.

37. Have a pumpkin carving contest – Grab some pumpkins and challenge each other to see who can come up with the most creative design.

38. Create a fall-themed playlist and have a mini dance party – Make a playlist with your favorite fall tunes and have a little dance party at home.

39. Make DIY fall-scented candles – Try your hand at making candles with scents like cinnamon, apple, or pumpkin spice.

40. Bake pumpkin bread together – Spend an evening baking pumpkin bread from scratch, then enjoy it with a hot drink.

All-Season Date Ideas

These date ideas work year-round and are perfect for any time you need a fun, creative way to connect.

41. Draw your love story in 30 minutes – Take turns drawing your journey as a couple and reveal the results.

42. Have a DIY photo shoot in your home – Set up a mini photo shoot at home with different outfits and props. Get silly, creative, and take some great pictures together.

43. Try making each other’s favorite childhood snack – Recreate your favorite childhood snacks and share the memories behind them.

44. Create a memory jar with notes about your favorite moments together – Write down sweet memories and put them in a jar.

45. Build something together using materials you already have – Find things around the house and create something together, whether it’s a small craft or DIY decor.

46. Write each other a letter and exchange them over dinner – Sit down and write letters to each other, then read them aloud while having dinner together.

47. Have a fondue night with whatever you’ve got – Use cheese, chocolate, or whatever ingredients you have to make a simple fondue and enjoy dipping snacks.

48. Play “20 Questions” with fun and surprising twists – Take turns asking each other unexpected questions to learn new things about each other.

49. Cook a meal with only ingredients you already have in your kitchen – Challenge yourselves to create a meal with whatever you find in the pantry or fridge.

50. Create a scrapbook of your relationship – Spend the day making a scrapbook together, adding pictures, ticket stubs, and mementos from your time together.

51. Set up a home obstacle course – Use items around the house to create a fun obstacle course, then take turns completing it for a bit of friendly competition.

52. Try recreating a meal from your favorite restaurant – Pick a dish you both love from a restaurant and try to recreate it at home. Have fun experimenting and enjoying the results.

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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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