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35+ Fall Living Room Decor Ideas

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As the air turns crisp and leaves transform into vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow, it’s the perfect time to bring some of that autumn magic into your living room. Decorating for fall doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. With a few thoughtful touches, you can create a cozy, inviting space that celebrates the beauty of the season.

From incorporating fall colors to adding seasonal throw pillows and blankets, these simple ideas will help you transform your living room into an autumn retreat. We’ll also explore how using rustic and natural elements, decorating with pumpkins, and other creative tips can make your living room feel warm and festive.

Whether you prefer a subtle nod to the season or a full fall makeover, there’s something here for everyone. We personally love how these ideas make the living room super cozy without being overwhelming, allowing us to enjoy the season’s charm right at home.

1. Incorporate Fall Colors

To create a fall-inspired living room, start with the right color palette. Shades of orange, rust, mustard, and brown can instantly evoke the feeling of the season. Use these colors in your throw pillows, blankets, and other textiles.

  • Pillows and Blankets: Opt for pillows and blankets in rich, warm colors. Mix and match different patterns and textures to add depth and interest. We love using velvet and knit fabrics as they not only look cozy but also feel incredibly soft.
  • Rugs: A new rug can completely change the look of your room. Choose one with autumnal colors and patterns to tie everything together. A patterned rug can add visual interest without overwhelming the space.
  • Accessories: Incorporate small accessories in fall colors. Think about vases, picture frames, and candles. These little touches can make a big difference.

We really love this idea as it makes the living room super cozy without being overwhelming. The rich, earthy tones bring a sense of calm and warmth, perfect for unwinding after a long day.

2. Add Seasonal Throw Pillows and Blankets

Switching out your throw pillows and blankets is one of the easiest ways to update your living room for fall. Choose cozy fabrics like wool and knit, and look for patterns that feature autumn motifs such as leaves and pumpkins.

  • Variety of Textures: Use pillows in different textures such as velvet, wool, and knit. This adds depth and makes your seating area look inviting.
  • Seasonal Patterns: Look for pillows with fall-themed patterns. Plaids, leaves, pumpkins, and woodland creatures are great choices. These add a fun, festive touch to your decor.
  • Blanket Ladder: Consider adding a blanket ladder to your living room. It’s a stylish way to store and display your blankets, making them easily accessible for chilly evenings.

Adding seasonal throw pillows and blankets is a quick and affordable way to refresh your space. We love how it instantly makes the room feel warmer and more inviting. Plus, it’s fun to mix and match different patterns and textures to create a unique look.

3. Use Rustic and Natural Elements

Bring the outdoors in by incorporating natural elements such as wood, branches, and dried flowers. These items add a rustic charm to your decor and help create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

  • Wooden Accents: Use wooden trays, bowls, and candle holders to add a natural touch. These items can be functional and decorative at the same time.
  • Branches and Leaves: Collect branches and leaves from your yard to use as decorations. Place them in vases or arrange them on your mantel for a simple, rustic look.
  • Dried Flowers: Dried flowers are perfect for fall. They add a touch of nature and can be used in various arrangements around your home. Consider creating a dried flower wreath or garland.

We adore incorporating natural elements into our decor. It brings a bit of the outdoors inside and creates a connection with the changing season. Plus, using items from nature is an eco-friendly and cost-effective way to decorate.

4. Decorate with Pumpkins

Pumpkins are quintessential fall decorations. You can use real pumpkins or opt for decorative ones made of ceramic or fabric. Place them on your coffee table, mantel, or even on your stairs for a festive touch.

  • Real Pumpkins: Use a variety of sizes and colors to create an interesting display. Mini pumpkins can be placed on shelves or tables, while larger ones can be the centerpiece of your decor.
  • Decorative Pumpkins: If you prefer something that lasts longer, decorative pumpkins made of ceramic or fabric are a great alternative. They come in many styles and can be reused year after year.
  • Pumpkin Arrangements: Combine pumpkins with other fall elements like leaves, berries, and candles to create beautiful arrangements for your coffee table or mantel.

Decorating with pumpkins instantly brings a festive feel to the living room. We love using both real and decorative pumpkins to add variety and texture. It’s a simple way to embrace the season’s spirit.

5. Create a Focal Point with a Fall Wreath

A fall wreath made of leaves, berries, and pinecones can be a beautiful focal point in your living room. Hang it above your fireplace or on a prominent wall to add a touch of seasonal elegance.

  • Materials: Use natural materials like dried leaves, pinecones, and berries. You can also add small pumpkins or gourds for extra detail.
  • Placement: Hang the wreath above your fireplace, on a large wall, or even on an interior door. It’s a versatile decoration that works in many spots.
  • DIY Option: If you’re feeling crafty, consider making your own wreath. It’s a fun project that allows you to customize the colors and elements to match your decor.

Creating a focal point with a fall wreath adds a touch of elegance and makes the room feel more seasonal. We enjoy crafting our own wreaths because it’s a fun activity and the results are always unique.

6. Use Warm Lighting

As the days get shorter, create a cozy ambiance with warm lighting. Use candles, string lights, and lanterns to add a soft, inviting glow to your living room. The flickering light will enhance the cozy fall atmosphere.

  • Candles: Place candles in different sizes and shapes around the room. Scented candles can also add a pleasant aroma that complements the fall theme.
  • String Lights: Drape string lights across your mantel, around windows, or along shelves. They add a magical touch and are perfect for creating a cozy vibe.
  • Lanterns: Use lanterns as decorative pieces. Fill them with candles or fairy lights for a beautiful glow.

We love using warm lighting because it instantly makes the room feel more inviting and cozy. It’s perfect for relaxing evenings and adds a magical touch to the fall decor.

7. Layer Textures

Layering different textures can add depth and warmth to your living room decor. Mix materials like wool, leather, and faux fur in your cushions, rugs, and throws. This creates a rich, cozy environment perfect for fall.

  • Textile Variety: Use a variety of textiles in your decor. Wool blankets, leather cushions, and faux fur throws are great choices.
  • Layered Rugs: Place a smaller, patterned rug over a larger, neutral one. This adds visual interest and creates a cozy foundation for your seating area.
  • Decorative Elements: Incorporate textured decorative elements like woven baskets, knit poufs, and chunky knit blankets.

Layering textures is one of our favorite ways to decorate for fall. It makes the room feel luxurious and cozy, perfect for the colder months. Plus, it’s a simple way to update your space without a lot of effort.

8. Add Autumnal Artwork

Incorporate artwork that reflects the beauty of fall. Landscapes with autumn foliage, harvest scenes, or abstract pieces in fall colors can enhance the seasonal feel of your living room.

  • Seasonal Prints: Look for prints and paintings that feature fall scenes. Forests, mountains, and harvest scenes are great choices.
  • Abstract Art: If you prefer a modern look, choose abstract art in fall colors. This can add a sophisticated touch to your decor.
  • Gallery Wall: Create a gallery wall with a mix of seasonal artwork and family photos. This personalizes your space and makes it feel more homely.

Adding autumnal artwork is a subtle yet impactful way to bring the fall season into your home. We love how it enhances the overall theme and adds a touch of elegance to the decor.

9. Arrange a Fall Centerpiece

Create a stunning fall centerpiece for your coffee table or dining table. Use a mix of pumpkins, gourds, candles, and dried flowers. This adds an elegant touch and brings the fall spirit into your home.

  • Pumpkin Display: Use a variety of pumpkins and gourds in different sizes and colors. Combine them with candles and dried flowers for a beautiful arrangement.
  • Natural Elements: Incorporate natural elements like pinecones, acorns, and twigs. These add texture and interest to your centerpiece.
  • Decorative Tray: Arrange your centerpiece on a decorative tray. This makes it easy to move and helps keep everything organized.

Creating a fall centerpiece is a fun way to get creative with your decor. We enjoy experimenting with different elements and designs. It’s a simple yet effective way to bring the fall spirit into our living room.

10. Add Seasonal Greenery

Don’t forget the greenery! While flowers might not be as abundant in fall, you can still decorate with seasonal plants like mums, eucalyptus, and dried grasses. These add a touch of nature and freshness to your living room.

  • Mums: Place potted mums around your living room. They add a pop of color and are perfect for fall.
  • Eucalyptus: Use eucalyptus in vases or as part of a garland. Its soft green color complements the fall palette.
  • Dried Grasses: Incorporate dried grasses like pampas grass in your decor. They add texture and a natural touch.

Adding seasonal greenery brings a fresh element to your fall decor. We love how it complements the other decorations and adds a touch of nature to the living room.

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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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