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15 Vow Renewal Do’s And Dont’s For Long Term Couples

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Planning a vow renewal ceremony is a beautiful way to celebrate your ongoing love and commitment. Whether you’ve been married for a few years or several decades, renewing your vows offers a special moment to reflect on your journey together and reaffirm your promises. It’s an opportunity to celebrate how far you’ve come, cherish your memories, and look forward to the future.

Many couples choose to renew their vows for various reasons. Some may have had a modest or hurried wedding and now want to have a more elaborate celebration. Others may have faced challenges in their relationship and want to mark a fresh start. Significant anniversaries often inspire couples to renew their vows, serving as a milestone to celebrate their enduring love.

The beauty of a vow renewal is that it can be as unique and personal as you want. There are no set rules or traditions that you must follow, giving you the freedom to design a ceremony that truly reflects your relationship. Whether you envision an intimate gathering with close family and friends or a larger celebration, the focus is on celebrating your love story in a way that feels right to you.

As you plan your vow renewal, think about what will make the day special and meaningful for both of you. This is a chance to create new memories, whether it’s through the setting, the words you exchange, or the people you involve. It’s about celebrating your love in a way that feels authentic and heartfelt.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the key elements to consider as you plan your vow renewal.

1. Know Why You’re Having a Vow Renewal Ceremony

Understanding why you want to renew your vows is essential. Some couples had a massive wedding because their families pressured them. Years later, they may feel it was too much and want a more intimate reaffirmation of their love. Others got married in a courthouse or eloped, missing out on the fun of a traditional wedding. Now, with life more settled, they want to celebrate more formally.

There are also couples who have faced significant challenges, such as a separation or a rough patch in their marriage. Overcoming these obstacles can inspire a desire to renew their commitment. Additionally, big anniversaries like the 5th, 10th, 25th, or 50th year are natural milestones for a vow renewal. These events are perfect times to celebrate your enduring love and to have the ceremony exactly how you want it.

2. Love Shower

Instead of traditional gifts, consider having a “love shower” the day before your vow renewal. This gathering is all about being showered with love and memories. Friends and family can prepare slideshows of photos, give heartfelt speeches, play games, and share favorite memories.

This event sets a warm, loving tone for your renewal ceremony and brings everyone closer. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate your journey together and appreciate the support and love from those around you.

3. Avoid Repeating the Wedding

A vow renewal should be unique and personal, not a repeat of your wedding day. Focus on creating a different experience that reflects where you are now in your relationship.

This can mean choosing a different venue, having a smaller guest list, or incorporating elements that weren’t part of your original wedding. The goal is to celebrate your love in a way that feels fresh and meaningful, rather than just recreating the past.

4. Wear What You Want

When it comes to attire, wear what makes you feel special. Some people believe you shouldn’t wear a wedding dress for a vow renewal, but it’s entirely up to you.

Reaffirming your vows is as important as the original wedding, so if you want to wear a wedding dress, go for it. Alternatively, you can opt for something less formal or more unique. The key is to feel comfortable and confident in whatever you choose.

5. Think About Flowers

Flowers can add beauty and elegance to your vow renewal ceremony. Think about incorporating your favorite flowers or those that hold special meaning to you and your partner.

You can have bouquets, centerpieces, or floral decorations that enhance the atmosphere of your event. Whether you choose a simple arrangement or something more elaborate, flowers can help create a lovely setting for your special day.

6. Have Someone Lead the Ceremony

A vow renewal doesn’t require a legal officiant, so you have the flexibility to choose someone meaningful to lead the ceremony.

This could be a close friend, family member, or someone who has been significant in your journey as a couple. Having someone you care about lead the ceremony can make it more personal and special, adding an intimate touch to your renewal.

7. Walk Together Down the Aisle

For a vow renewal, consider walking down the aisle together. This symbolizes the journey you’ve been on as a couple and the strength of your partnership.

Walking together can be a powerful statement of your shared commitment and love. It’s a beautiful way to start the ceremony, showing that you are united and stronger than ever.

8. Have a First Dance

A first dance is a magical moment that you don’t have to miss out on. Even if you had one at your wedding, having a first dance at your vow renewal adds a special touch to the celebration.

Choose a song that represents your love story or a new favorite that resonates with you both. This dance is a chance to create new memories and enjoy a romantic moment together.

9. Have New Dance Types

In addition to a first dance, consider including new dance types to make the event more memorable. For example, invite all couples married for over 10 years to join you on the dance floor.

This can create a touching and inclusive moment, celebrating long-lasting love and commitment among your guests. It adds a communal feel to your vow renewal and honors those who have shared in your journey.

10. Have a Dessert That’s Different from a Wedding Cake

Instead of a traditional wedding cake, think about having a unique dessert. A French croquembouche, for example, is both elegant and prestigious.

You could also consider a dessert buffet, featuring a variety of sweets that your guests can enjoy. This not only adds a special touch to your vow renewal but also provides a delicious and memorable treat for everyone to savor.

11. Plan in Advance

Planning your vow renewal in advance is crucial for a smooth and stress-free event. Decide on your venue, guest list, and any other key details early on.

This gives you plenty of time to make arrangements and ensures that everything goes according to plan. Advanced planning helps you avoid last-minute stress and allows you to enjoy the process of preparing for your special day.

12. Plan Your Vows

Take time to plan your vows carefully. Think about what you want to say and how you want to express your feelings.

Your vows should reflect your journey together and your commitment to each other. Write them down and practice them so that you feel confident and prepared on the day of the ceremony. Personalizing your vows makes the moment even more meaningful.

forest wedding

13. Re-exchange Your Vows

Re-exchanging your vows is the heart of the ceremony. This moment is about reaffirming your love and commitment to each other. Speak from the heart and let your partner know how much they mean to you.

This renewal of vows strengthens your bond and celebrates the love that has grown over time. It’s a beautiful and emotional part of the ceremony that will be cherished forever.

14. Don’t Have a Bachelor or Bachelorette Party

Since you’re already married, a bachelor or bachelorette party isn’t necessary for a vow renewal. Instead, focus on celebrating together as a couple. You might consider a romantic getaway or a special date night leading up to the ceremony.

The goal is to honor your relationship and enjoy time together, rather than revisiting pre-wedding traditions.

15. Don’t Ask for Gifts

A vow renewal is about celebrating your love, not about receiving gifts. Let your guests know that their presence is the greatest gift they can give.

If guests insist on giving something, you could suggest donations to a favorite charity or a cause that means a lot to you. This way, the focus remains on the meaning of the day and the love you share, rather than material gifts.


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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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