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100 Prom Captions For Instagram

Save to Find It Later!

Prom is right around the corner! And of course, you’re going to take cute photos. It would be a shame not sharing them with your friends and family on social media. But so many captions have already been used so it can be difficult to find just the right caption for your photos. Whether you’re looking for a cute caption or puns, we’ve got you! Here’s a list of 100 Instagram captions broken down by different categories to perfectly capture the vibe of your prom.

Cute Prom Captions For Instagram

1. Dancing under a sky full of stars
2. Twirling into the night
3. Prom night feels with my favorite people
4. Keeping the heels high and the standards higher
5. Dreamy night with dreamier dates
6. From sneakers to high heels
7. Sparkles, smiles, and good vibes
8. Caught up in the magic of tonight
9. Making memories in our best dress
10. Forever kind of night

Funny Prom Captions For Instagram

11. Cinderella never had to deal with high school
12. Why be moody when you can shake your booty?
13. They say high school is a circus, guess tonight we’re the main act!
14. Prom: the good, the bad, and the fabulous
15. Remember, Cinderella didn’t get to keep the dress
16. Prom: because even our textbooks need a night off
17. Here to steal the spotlight, not your date!
18. Lookin’ sharp—literally, this boutonniere is a hazard
19. Dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen!
20. This is my prom face

Travel Prom Captions For Instagram (For Exchange Student)

21. Globetrotting to prom
22. Wanderlust and fairy dust tonight
23. Not all who wander are lost, but I am, can you help me find my date?
24. A flight to remember: Prom edition
25. Traveling back in time to tonight
26. Prom around the world in one night
27. Passport to prom: destination glamour
28. Jet-setting into a night to remember
29. Prom: my favorite kind of world tour
30. Let the adventure begin at prom

Prom Play on Words

31. Having a ball at the ball
32. Prom and proper
33. Our night to sparkle and sleigh
34. Suiting up for a knight to remember
35. Ready to roll out the red carpet
36. Prom – where every hour is golden
37. Let’s make this night reign
38. Time to paws and reflect on how great we look
39. Rocking and rolling into prom night
40. Prom: hopping into a night of fun

Prom Puns

41. Lettuce turnip the beet at prom
42. Don’t go bacon my heart at prom
43. I’m just here for the punch
44. Ready, set, glow
45. Our love is prom-potent
46. Yule ball was nothing on this
47. Keep calm and prom on
48. Peas join me on the dance floor
49. I mustache you to prom
50. Owl see you at prom

Romantic Prom Captions For Instagram

51. Stars in our eyes and love in our hearts
52. Dancing through life with you
53. Caught in a fairytale
54. Here’s to a night as magical as our love
55. Prom with you is a dream come true
56. Forever starts tonight
57. With you, every dance is a slow dance
58. Under the moonlight with my forever date
59. Love is in the air and tonight is ours
60. You had me at ‘let’s go to prom’

Prom Captions For Couples

61. Together is our favorite place to be
62. Con-grad-ulations to us, we made it to prom
63. Prom kings and queens in our own fairy tale
64. Double trouble at the prom tonight
65. With you, I’d dance anywhere
66. Us against the world, starting with prom
67. Picture perfect memories, just us two
68. Stealing the spotlight and your heart
69. Hand in hand, heart to heart on this night
70. Our prom-ise to always dance together

Inspiring Prom Captions For Instagram

  1. Here’s to nights that turn into mornings and friends that turn into family
  2. Shine bright tonight, the future is yours!
  3. Let no one dull your sparkle
  4. On top of the world on prom night
  5. Dare to dream, starting tonight
  6. Keep your heels, head, and standards high
  7. To the nights we dream about all year
  8. Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire
  9. Prom night: where dreams are illuminated
  10. Here’s to looking at you, future

Group Prom Captions

  1. Squad’s all dressed up
  2. Together we shine
  3. Rollin’ with my homies tonight
  4. Friends who slay together, stay together
  5. Prom crew like no other
  6. United we stand, in tuxes and gowns
  7. Our pack cleans up nice!
  8. Vibing with my tribe
  9. Friends by heart, prom-goers by choice
  10. In our best, feeling like the rest


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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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