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7 Worst Things To Happen At A Wedding That You Won’t Believe

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A wedding is one of those milestone events that many dream of being picture-perfect. It’s not just about marking the start of a lifelong journey with your partner, but also about creating a day filled with joy, love, and unforgettable memories.

Given the time, effort, and often a significant amount of money invested in making the day just right, the stakes are high for everything to go smoothly. However, life has a way of throwing curveballs, and despite the best-laid plans, some weddings end up far from the fairy tale ending envisioned. Whether it’s due to unexpected weather, last-minute hiccups, or personal dramas unfolding in real-time, things can go plain wrong.

Not everyone is lucky enough to have their special day go off without a hitch, leading to stories that, some painful, some funny.

Tornado on the Desert
Photo Credit: Thilani Ratheep via Pexels.

1. The Unexpected Death

An outdoor Texan wedding saw happen one of the worst things anyone can think of for such a happy day: “Outdoor summer wedding in TX. The groom’s 90+ year old grandmother died during the reception. They found out when she couldn’t be roused for family pictures.”

2. The Muddy Dress

A wedding dress can cost in the thousands of dollars so fair to think you wouldn’t want it ruined: “It was an overcast day, had rained earlier but weather was clearing up. Bride and groom went to take some photos after the ceremony. A kid, probably 6 or 7, unsupervised, ran up to a puddle the bride was carefully walking past and jumped in it. Her dress had mud splatter all the way up to her shoulder. I felt so bad for her.”

3. Did Someone Said… tornado?

A Pennsylvania outdoor reception turned into chaos when a tornado came around: “Under a huge covered, wall-less pavilion, maybe 100′ x 200′ with a huge fireplace. 250 people. Wind and rain so bad it was soaked entirely under the whole pavilion. A tornado passed within 100 yds. Wild day.”

4. The Skeleton Encounter

“I used to be a wedding registrar. I conducted one wedding where the bride’s father had passed away the year before. The ceremony was held outside in a venue’s walled garden, upon entering the garden to take their seats the guests were met by a skeleton which was dressed up in the father of the bride’s clothes and asked to shake his hand……!!!”

5. When A Piece Of Cake Sends You To The Hospital

A famous wedding tradition is to feed each other cake as the bride and groom before serving it to your guests. But sometimes, it just goes wrong:

“Outdoor wedding. Bride gently fed wedding cake to her new husband. Groom shoved cake at his new bride’s face so hard that it broke one of her teeth. He kept pushing her until she tripped and fell over backwards. She broke her wrist when she tried to stop the fall. There was blood dripping from her mouth. The groom’s father then began to beat the living shit out of his own son. Good times.”

6. When Your Guests Ruin It For You

This story breaks our heart. Please always remember to be sensitive and not make assumptions about others based on your own beliefs. Some people may be struggling with issues you don’t know about. That’s what happened to this bride:

“A friend of mine caused some drama at her own wedding because she wasn’t drinking champagne. A bunch of the older ladies on her side of the family noticed, and decided the only possible explanation was that she was hiding a pregnancy. They started pointing it out to anyone who would listen, even going so far as to say they see “a little bump” under her dress.

I guess these family members weren’t close enough to the couple to know two very important details:

  1. The bride is a recovering alcoholic. She doesn’t drink, ever. Not even at her own wedding.
  2. The bride and groom had been trying to get pregnant for probably 2 years at that point, and were starting to be resigned to the fact they they wouldn’t be able to have kids. (This was eventually confirmed, but they did not know this at that time.)”

7. When The Priest Forgets To Actually Marry You

“The priest forgot to actually marry them.

He did the whole ceremony (including a part where he “gifted” the couple an invisible shovel they could use to “dig their way out of problems”, and a part where he actually gifted them a painting of people picking potatoes) but accidentally skipped the vows section. He had to get the couple back together after they got back from their honeymoon to perform that section by itself so that the union could be recognized by the church.”

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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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