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68 Blogging Advantages and Disadvantages that Will Surprise You in 2024

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Are you looking for the blogging advantages and disadvantages? You’re in the right place! I’m Marie, and after having been a successful YouTuber and Influencer with over 20,000 subscribers, I quit it all to grow my romantic travel blog with my partner Eric. In less than a year, I managed to 10x my traffic, reach 50,000 monthly sessions and generate revenue by implementing my SEO and Keyword Research Strategy. I’m now an SEO strategist and teach others how to increase their traffic in my course Keywords That Convert and through coaching.

In this blog post, I share with you 68 pros and cons of blogs in 2023 that may be decisive in whether you keep blogging as a side hustle, a full time job or to launch your small business.

Blogging advantages and disadvantages
Blogging advantages and disadvantages

***Some of the links in this post are affiliate links meaning we earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. This does not change the fact that we only recommend products, stays, activities and attractions we are satisfied with and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What is a blog

Before dipping into the blogging advantages and disadvantages, it might be important to clarify what a blog is. 

What we generally call a blog is nothing more than a website that you can find online. Think of every time you’re looking for a recipe or what to do this weekend in Google. When you click enter, a number of websites answering your questions come up. These are websites and blogs. 

Ten years ago, the term “blog” referred to online journals where people would talk about their life. Though these still exist, you cannot rank on the first page of Google by just doing that and therefore that style of blog has mostly disappeared or only appears on page 54. And who ever check page 54 right?

These days, professional blogs are mostly websites, just like a company would have (more on this in point 9 below). Blogs can be about anything and that’s part of the reason why they’ve become such a popular side hustle or full time job. Anyone can write a blog as long as you have knowledge about something and a solid SEO strategy. 

Why do people blog

There are a range of reasons why people blog. Most bloggers that I know started their blogs as a way to share about their life, travels or skills with their audience. Wanting to help others is often how we start! 

Blogging is also an excellent way to create passive income, and scale your income to numbers you would never see at a traditional full time job. 

Other people also blog to promote their business (thinking of wedding photographers here) or to document their lives, or simply to escape their day!

Blogging advantages and disadvantages as a business

Just like anything in this world, blogging, whether as a side hustle or a hobby has got bot advantages and disadvantages. In this section, you’ll find a list of 35 advantages and disadvantages of a blog business. 

20 blogging advantages that will make you want to start a blog

What are the advantages of blogging? Blogging as a side hustle or a full time job has got many advantages. In this section, I gathered the blogging advantages that I have experienced as a blogger and SEO strategist. I also included advantages that other bloggers have shared unanimously over the years. 

  1. Owning your platform

If you’re wondering what is blogging and what are its advantages and disadvantages, you’re in the right place. Blogging and being a blogger simply means that you own a website online. This means, people can search for queries such as “can I feed my cat chocolate” and find answers on websites or blogs that you create.

Blogging is often compared or confused with being an influencer. In contrary to blogging, an influencer operates their business on a social media platform like Instagram or TikTok. Both, however, are content creators. 

The top advantage of blogging, in my experience, is that you own your platform in comparison to being an influencer on social media. As I’ve been both an influencer on social media and YouTube and I’m now a blogger, I can easily compare the two. If we put it in simple words, when you build a business solely on social media, it’s like renting a room in a house that you don’t own and that is built on a land that you don’t own either. At any moment, the landlord can decide to sell the house and kick you out. If that happens, you’ll have to move and build your business elsewhere.

The same applies to influencers. When posting on Instagram for example, you don’t own your account, you are simply renting some space on the app but it is the app that owns the space. Recently, there has been an increasing number of big influencer accounts that got hacked or accidentally deleted by Instagram and these accounts were never recovered, forcing the influencer to start their business all over again. Imagine how that feels like when you spent 3 years building a community of 100,000 people!

Having a blog is a completely different beast. When you start a blog, you need a host and a blog. Your host is essentially an estate agent that gives you a piece of online space for a monthly or yearly fee. Your blog, is like the house that you own and build on that piece of land. If your host disappears tomorrow, you can just move your blog to another one. No-one owns your blog except for you. 

  1. SEO vs algorithms

How many times a day do you hear social media influencers complaining about algorithm changes, about “beating the algorithm”, about “lack of visibility” and being “shadow banned”. For having built my own brand on social media and YouTube, I can assure you that those are daily conversations between influencers. 

Thought there are strategies that you can use to make it on social media, there is always a part of luck and part that you have no control over: the algorithm and its changes. On top of this, social media platforms tend to be very quiet about strategies that actually work and those that don’t to grow accounts. It’s very difficult to get actual guidance from them, making it difficult to adopt proper efficient strategies. 

One of the biggest advantages of blogging is that the only thing you have to listen to is Google and SEO which stands for Search Engine Optimization. The best part is that it is Google that decides what SEO should look like and they also communicate on it, letting you know what you should do about your blog to increase your traffic!

  1. Serene work

In my experience, one the biggest blog advantages is that it is pretty serene work. I used to be extremely stressed all the time about social media algorithms, and having to adjust my strategies all the time. Now, I’m more relaxed. And that’s because my strategies bring results (aka traffic increase and revenue) in a consistent manner. It’s a much better lifestyle if you ask me!

Social media platforms also favour creators who use the new features which lately seem to pop up every five minutes. This can be quite stressful. In blogging, things tend to be a lot more stable which makes it a lot easier to focus and get results. 

  1. Working from home

One obvious blogging advantage is that you can work from anywhere in the world, including from home or abroad. This has many advantages in itself such as saving money from not having to commute, being able to watch your own children, being able to receive packages or be there when the plumber comes.

Being able to work from home also opens a lot of doors for those who simply cannot walk or drive easily for health reasons for example. 

  1. No face showing

How many people would love to work online but are absolutely freaked out about showing their faces? So many! This is all I could hear when I was a relatively big channel on YouTube. People would always come to me and say “I could never do what you do, I’d be too scared to show my face”. 

Well, good news is, you don’t have to show an inch of skin in your blog posts. Actually you can literally blog about anything without ever saying who you are and showing your face. It’s quite incredible what some blogs out there are about and we have no idea who is behind them. 

If you want to work online and don’t want to show your face, blogging is a great line of work to go into!

  1. Does not rely on number of followers

Another blogging advantage is that you can start and scale your blog with absolutely 0 followers. Actually most people who visit your blog will probably only visit it once or twice and that’s absolutely normal. 

If you’re not into building communities (though you can but it’s not a must-do), and don’t want to owe an audience anything, blogging is for you!

But who will read my blog?, you may ask. People. People who find you through the search function of Google. But to appear in search or “rank” as we say, you will need a solid and reliable SEO Keyword Research strategy. 

You can get my free book on 18 Free SEO tools to increase your traffic here:

  1. Content is evergreen (= don’t have to produce content every single day to stay relevant)

One of the top advantages of a blog is that the content you write is, for the most part, evergreen. This means that you do not have to post everyday to stay relevant like you would on social media. It also means that a post you publish today can still be relevant and showed by Google to people in two years time. 

In comparison to my experience on social media, this is life-changing. Evergreen content means that you don’t feel pressured to produce new content everyday. It also means that you can focus on quality rather than quantity which is an essential part of a solid SEO strategy. 

  1. Can be anonymous, one of the biggest advantages of blogging

When starting on social media, most people’s biggest fear is that their family and friends will find out. “If I post on my personal account, people I know will know and I’m scared”. How many times have I seen this message on forums and Facebook groups! 

To be honest, it’s a fair fear. Starting a business online in a craft you haven’t mastered yet can be extremely intimidating. You don’t need your peers pressure or judgement on top of it. Most people have no idea what working online whether on social media or on a blog actually means and how much work it can represent. So they can be quick to judge. And you have the right to want hide from that!

The good news is that blogging can be anonymous. Actually, unless you show your blog to your family and friends, and unless they search for a post of yours that rank on the first page of Google, it will be months and maybe even years before they even know you have a blog. To find you, they would have to search for content you write about which is easily avoidable. That’s one of the biggest advantages of blogging.

  1. Improves the SEO value of a website, a big blogging advantage for small businesses

Though a blog is a website, a website is not always a blog. A lot of companies create a website with their services and about page as a window for people to find them. But how are people going to find you online if you don’t write about things they wonder about. 

This is where blogging improves your SEO value and helps you attract more clients. That’s because blogging with a solid SEO strategy will focus on answering your clients questions to become a reference for them to go to. You can do this through Keyword Research and auditing your website for SEO. 

Don’t know why your site isn’t growing and need personalized guidance? Book an SEO audit from me here.

  1. High income

In the blogging pros and cons, we can’t forget to mention the huge financial advantage a blog can provide. Some bloggers, actually numerous bloggers, make over $10,000 a month from their blog (gross). That’s more than what most people could ever make a t a regular job. 

  1. It’s a passion job

Most professional bloggers, those who stick around long enough to make money off their blogs are completely passionate by blogging (hi, it’s me!) and everything that goes with it. It’s actually amazing to be doing something all day that you love ( I’ve worked at jobs I didn’t like and the difference is gigantic!). 

Passion is also what gets you through the tough times of blogging (there will be some) whether big or small.

  1. Several revenue streams 

Talking about the pros and cons of blogging in the financial departments, one of the blogging pros is that it allows you to have several revenue streams. 

We all know, especially after the past couple of years, that having one revenue stream can be very risky and create a lot of anxiety as well. While blogging, you can monetise your blog through different avenues including ads, products, courses, affiliates and more. 

  1. Source of passive income

If you are wondering what are the advantages and disadvantages of blogging, I can definitely say that one of the best advantages of blogging is that it creates passive income.

Passive income is income that you receive without having to do anything. In reality, there is always a bit of work to provide at first to receive passive income but once it’s done, you barely have to do anything anymore.

The best example of passive income in blogging is affiliate marketing. When writing posts with affiliated links, you provide the initial work of actually writing the posts and publishing it. But once it’s posted, the affiliated links bring in revenue without you having to do anything. That’s passive income.

  1. Days are always different

Increasing traffic on a blog involves a number of different tasks that keep you on your toes. For that reason, two days never look the same and that can be amazing for people (like me) who need variety not to feel bored. 

  1. A flexible schedule, one of the best benefits of blogs

Though blogging involves a lot of work (often more hours than a traditional 9-5 job), one of the best blogging advantages is that it can be as flexible as you want it to be. Blogging offers two types of flexibility: time flexibility and location flexibility. 

Flexible doesn’t always mean working whenever you want as there are blogging related tasks that need to be done when others are working as well, but it does offer a flexible working schedule more often than not.

For example, some bloggers work and travel at the same time so they are able to take a couple of days off to reach their destinations and arrange their working schedule around their activities. Others have kids and therefore need the flexibility to take kids to school and a longer lunch break. 

Now, you may not have any of those other life obligations but that’s even better. You can arrange your schedule completely as you want. If you’re a morning person, you may be doing your best work from 5am to 10am and blogging offers you that flexibility. If you’re more of a night owl, you can do that to.

  1. Don’t need to be tech savvy

Yes, creating a blog can be intimidating. No, you don’t need to be tech savvy or know how to code to do it. Actually, I’m pretty sure none of the bloggers I know know how to code. The great news is that if you struggle creating your blog, we all have gone through it so there is always someone that can help you. 

  1. It’s creative 

You may think that blogging is a creative job and you are right! But it’s not just creative in the writing sense. It’s creative in many ways that manifest themselves at other times than writing like when building links or adding images to your posts. 

  1. Cheap to start

In most cases, starting a business involves an investment of at least a few thousands of dollars. One advantage of starting a blog is that the starting investment is quite minimal. There are two main expenses for beginner bloggers:

  • hosting
  • keyword research tool

Download your free Keyword Research Template here and find out how to find keywords for content writing here

Hosting is what you need to be able to rent some space on the internet. You cannot build a blog you own without hosting. Prices vary depending on the hosting platforms, their reputability, location, speed, and the plans they offer. If this is your first site and you’ve never blogged before, you’ll want to buy a decent hosting but it doesn’t need to be the top of the top. You can find a decent hosting platform that offers good site speed (enough to pass Google Web Core Vitals) for about $5 per month. 

A Keyword Research tool is a tool that is vital for a solid Keyword Research Strategy. There are several out there that are quite good. I use Keysearch and have been getting excellent results from it. You can join here.

  1. Most people already own the equipment

All you really need to blog as far as equipment is a computer of some sort. Some people even start a blog on a tablet! Most people nowadays own either of those so it saves you both money and time to start your blog. You won’t have to even think about which laptop is best for blogging or what type of camera you need etc… As long as your laptop works well, it should do!

  1. Pay for your travel, or other things

One of the advantages of blogging is that it can pay for your travels. Many tourism agencies organise blogger trips and take bloggers to destinations in exchange of a post on the destination and agency. This is quite common!

If you don’t blog about travel, you can still get free products from brands who would like you to feature them on your blog or write a review about them. 

  1. Own boss

Being a blogger, you become your own boss. To some people this might feel like a disadvantage, especially if you are the type of person that needs direction and guidance. Being your own boss can indeed feel scary as it seems to mean that you are left all alone on your own. But that’s not true. What it really means is that you get to choose. Let’s see below.

Working a traditional 9-5, you rarely get to decide who you work with. In most cases, your boss is already there when you start so you don’t get to choose them and your boss also chooses your colleagues so you don’t get to choose them either. 

In blogging, you are your own boss which has two advantages: 

  • You get to choose your own business direction
  • You get to choose who will help you if you need guidance

For example, as an SEO strategist, I can teach you SEO strategies to help you increase your blog traffic. Increasing your blog traffic is essential if you want to monetise your blog later and should be the main focus of any beginner or intermediate blogger. If this was a 9-5, you would not have the choice as to whom could help you increase your traffic. It would be one of your colleagues that was essentially imposed to you. As your own boss, you get to choose. If you like me, you get to choose to book a one-on-one coaching with me. If you don’t like me (or any other reason), you get to expose and find someone that suits your boat better. 

Let me tell you this: it feels amazing to be your own boss and choosing who you work with. After all, there is a saying that says “it’s not where you work, it’s who you work with”. 

  1. Create a community

Most bloggers actually love blogging because of the community of people they are surrounded with. When you write a blog about a topic you are passionate about, you attract people who have similar interests and therefore create a community of like-minded people. This can feels extremely rewarding and good!

  1. Be an expert

Whether you already are an expert or want to be an expert on something, blogging will do that for you. Through hours of writing, learning so many new different skills, learning and writing about your topic, you will inevitably become an expert on your topic. Who knows, you may even become an expert on blogging itself!

  1. Learn new skills

Starting a blog automatically implies that you will learn new skills. Some, trust me, you didn’t even know existed! This is the beauty of blogging. It will teach you so much including many things you didn’t even know you were capable of doing!

  1. Improve writing skills

Of course, owning a blog means that you will be doing a lot of writing. And there is nothing like a lot of practice to improve skills! If you would like to get better at writing, blogging is a great way to achieve that.

  1. Healthier than social media

From my experience, one of the underrated advantages of blogging is how good it is for your mental health compared to social media.

On social media (including YouTube), people love to comment, judge, disagree, and pick at even the smallest things. A lot of people project their own insecurities and life experiences onto you in a negative way. These people are called haters and they are all over the internet…except on blogs!

Actually, a lot of bloggers turn their comments off because very few people comment on blogs. That’s totally normal. When you’re looking for a vegan recipe with chickpeas, you look it up on Google, take notes and then get to cooking. You don’t go out of your way to leave a comment like you would on TikTok. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, you just click the next site that popped up and don’t think anymore about it. 

For those who have comments on (like us on this site), comments are 100% positive. Just think about it, it’s much easier for haters to hate on social media than on blogs!

In that sense, blogging is much easier to handle if you don’t like drama, cancel culture and what not!

  1. Reach new clients

As part of the blogging advantages and disadvantages as a business, one advantage of blogging is that it allows small businesses to reach new clients. It gives you a stable and long-term presence on the internet. you can then sell your products online and increase your revenue.

  1. Meet like-minded people

Though blogging allows you to create a community of people interested in your content, it also allows you to be part of the blogging community, which generally speaking is mostly kind (there are exceptions like everywhere though we haven’t experience anything negative yet). 

  1. Helping others

One advantage of blogging is that it allows you to help others. Maybe you won’t save the world, but with the proper strategy, you’re able to provide people with the answer to their questions and that makes their life much easier!

  1. It’s rewarding

Blogging is incredibly rewarding! When you build something of your own and obtain positive results, it’s incredibly motivating to continue. Feeling accomplished is a great feeling!

13 Blogging disadvantages

As part of the blogging advantages and disadvantages, you may be wondering what are the disadvantages of blogging. This is what we cover in this section

  1. Lonely

As growing a blog is essentially a one person job, it can feel quite lonely at times, especially when you spend your days in front of a screen. It can also feel lonely due to the steep learning curve at the beginning (nothing insurmountable) that no-one around you probably had to go through. 

As we say in the advantages section, as a blogger, you’re surrounded by a lot of other bloggers who went through the same thing and are willing to help you. So don’t be too scared, we’ve got your back!

  1. Small investment needed

Though the investment to build a blog is small, it is still there.

  1. A successful blog takes time, one of the biggest disadvantages of blogging for business

Blogging to make it a business (aka a full time job) can take time. Most bloggers don’t see a steady income for months. This is a disadvantage as you can’t just quit and start a blog hoping to make your income in a month. 

  1. Things change

Blogging now is different from blogging ten years ago and there are people who have a hard time accepting that, including with the rise of Artificial Intelligence in blogging. The truth is, any type of online job is deemed to change at some point. To be a blogger, you need to accept that and be willing to adjust strategies once in a while to keep going. 

  1. Can feel discouraging, one of the disadvantages of blogs for business

One of the disadvantages of blogs for business is that it can feel discouraging at first. While implementing SEO strategies, it usually takes a few weeks before your posts start getting traction. This is the case for everybody and is normal. This is due to Google having to crawl and index your posts which for a new site can take longer. 

This wait can feel unbearable and very discouraging. It gives the illusion that what you are doing isn’t working. It’s just an illusion though. If you’re applying the right strategies, keep going!

  1. Requires discipline

As your own boss, growing your blog requires high levels of discipline. Not motivation, discipline. starting a blog comes with all sorts of frustrations and things you have to do that sometimes make no sense to you as a beginner. That’s totally normal!

As an employee, you would have the pressure of your workplace to get it done. As your own boss, you can decide not to do it or take a nap instead. I wouldn’t recommend either by the way. 

As your own boss, you have to be disciplined and get through it no matter how hard. You don’t have to do it alone (again there is a community of bloggers who likely went through the same thing). But you have to get to it one way or another. This can be hard if you’re not used to working on your own.

  1. Requires being willing to learn

Blogging comes with a steep learning curve especially for beginners. It’s just the nature of it and everyone goes through it. But that means you have to be willing to learn and put the work in. 

  1. Imposter Syndrome is real

Imposter Syndrome is just as real as the five fingers on my hand! And it’s quite a pain! Imposter Syndrome is the word we use to describe that feeling that you’re not good enough or not legitimate enough to do something. It usually creeps up every time you have an ounce of belief in yourself. 

It is normal to have imposter syndrome and you shouldn’t let it hold you back. It happens to all of us at different times of our blogging journey!

  1. It’s a lot of work

Growing a blog requires a lot of work at times, sometimes amounts that seem unachievable. When starting a blog, you hear everyone giving their two cents about everything that a blogger should be doing. If you’re anything like me, you’re just one person and therefore cannot split yourselves into 10 different people to do it all! 

Just like anything else, it comes down to your goals, and priorities which lead you to focus on a couple of delimited and identified tasks. These are things I can help you with during our one-on-one coaching. Don’t let it be a barrier to becoming a blogger!

  1. You have to deal with competition

With the years, blogging has become a popular side hustle and full time job. Naturally the competition has grown and it can be hard to grow blogs related to certain topics. I would recommend not listening to people who assure you that blogging is saturated. They’re probably just trying to get you to do what they do. 

I’ve started focusing seriously on my blog in the past couple of years and have managed to multiply my traffic by seven in under one year! If I was able to do this in 2022, 2023 is just as good for you to start!

  1. Time consuming

Though one blogging advantage is the flexibility it offers, it remains time consuming. Many of us spend 8 hours or more per day in front of our computer, at least at the time of growth. It’s not a constant thing but at the beginning, it’s definitely inevitable. 

  1. Variable income

I mentioned earlier that blogging offers multiple ways to earn a high income. though that’s true, it’s important to note that blogging income also varies from month to month due to the nature of the work. It also depends on your blog topic.

Travel blogs, for example, have a seasonality attached to them. People aren’t going to book skiing activities in May so if your blog is only about skiing, your income will be more seasonal. Now, if you make $50,000 a month during winter, you should be fine!

  1. Lots of time on screens

Writing posts for your blog means spending a whole lot of time in front of a screen. I personally love it so it doesn’t bother me but it’s something to take into account if you have eye concerns or if you get headaches easily. Blue light glasses can be a good solution for that!

  1. Lots of time sitting

Blogging also involves a lot of time sitting down which is often quotes as a blogging disadvantage. It is true that we spend most of our time sitting so it is important to take breaks to walk around, have a physical activity and rest your eyes and legs. 

With the expansion of home working, you can now buy desks that allow you to work standing up and sitting down. Those are great to reinstate some movement into your day without having to stop working! 

  1. Lack of understanding from your peers

This is probably one of the main things that hold people back from starting a blog or that make people give up on their blog: others. Other people, wether they be your friends or family can be incredibly discouraging without noticing. We all go through it and that’s why some people never say they blog. 

When people don’t know what you know, it’s hard for them to imagine that you may be right. some people are also too scared to follow their own dreams so how dare you  follow your own?! 

Based on years as a Youtuber and blogger: let them talk and don’t listen to them. Work on your own thing, don’t talk about it and just focus on your goals with the right strategies. 

  1. Choosing a course can be difficult

In the world of blogging, one of the disadvantages is that choosing a course can be difficult. Some courses were created ten years ago and haven’t been updated since then and some courses (that I, unfortunately took) focus on all the wrong things that don’t really matter to increase traffic (I like to call it “the fluff”). 

My advice: no matter who you go with, pick a course that’s updated regularly and that focuses on SEO. 

Want to learn how to consistently increase your traffic? Check out my course Keywords That Convert. In KTC, I teach students to increase their traffic with reliable keyword research strategies and processes.

  1. Gatekeeping

One of the saddest (but normal) disadvantages of blogging is the gatekeeping that’s happening all around. Gatekeeping means that bloggers who have had success are not sharing their strategies. This, to be honest, is pretty fair. If you spend two years figuring out a strategy while others aren’t even trying, why would you just share your recipe? It’s the same in any industry and that’s what keeps the market safe.

However, some bloggers go to length, that are quite unethical. For example, some like to spread false information about different strategies. A big one is bloggers claiming that your DA does not matter. While it does not always matter as much as certain bloggers claim, it’s not correct to say that it doesn’t matter at all. For all we know, the bloggers claiming it doesn’t matter, might actually use it and try to keep everyone away from it! 

Advantages and disadvantages of blogging for students

Though the previous blogging advantages and disadvantages apply, I wanted to include a section on advantages and disadvantages of blogging for students as students’ situations are different from working adults’. 

4 Advantages of blogging for students

  1. Manageable with full time school

If you are a student and want to start a blog, one of the big advantages is that you can do it at any time. Finding a part-time job can be difficult as a student since your school schedule might change from one week to another and you also need time off to prepare for exams. 

With a blog, you can work on it whenever you want and stop for a couple of weeks if your school work need more attention. 

  1. Prepares you for the working world

Working on a blog is an incredible teacher for the future. It will teach how to learn and work on your own, and what it means to make money on your own. That definitely prepares you for your future traditional employment if that’s what you want. 

  1. Shows self-discipline to future employers

The discipline building a blog requires is an incredible asset to display to your future employer. Employers favourite employees are those who do the work well but who do it on their own without having to be babied. That’s definitely something being a blogger teaches you.

  1. Shows determination to future employers

Instead of being a college student that spends their weekends partying or on Spring Break, being a student with a growing blog is incredibly impressive for future employers. It shows a range os skills and competences that most young adults haven’t developed yet such as being determined to take a project off the ground, project management, putting in the hours, searching for information that will help you develop your business and more!

3 Disadvantages of blogging for students

  1. Variable income

As mentioned above, the income from a blog is by nature variable. This isn’t always a disadvantage. For example, if your income is variable from $50k to $40, sure it’s a $10k difference but you can still pay your rent and buy groceries. But if you go from $1K to $50 one month to another, it might pose more concrete issues. 

  1. No income for first few months 

As mentioned previously, a new blog can take months (with exceptions) before making a steady income. If you’re a student who needs to pay for rent this month, this might not be the solution you’re looking for immediately.

  1. Less time with friends

Being a college student is a one time thing in a lifetime. It’s a special time of your life where you experience a lot of different growths and events. Spending time with friends is part of that experience. 

Growing a blog requires a lot of time investment and therefore most of beginner bloggers have to say no to going out, events and gatherings no matter your age. As a student, this can be a bit harder, especially if you have FOMO (fear of missing out). this is where discipline is very important.

Advantages and disadvantages of blogs in education

In addition to the above sections, I wanted to add a piece on the advantages and disadvantages of blogs in education, especially when teaching kids.

2 Advantages of blog in education

  1. One advantage of blogs is that they are valuable resources

Blogs on the internet are a gold mines of resources. If your kids or the kids you teach have certain struggles, special needs or any particular characteristics, blogs can be incredible as they present other people’s experiences. It’s a great way to find like-minded kids with similar experiences to the ones you supervise. 

  1. Learn new techniques

In addition to making connections with like-minded children, blogs allow you to find new techniques to use in your kids education. For example, blogs on Montessori or teaching techniques in other countries can be extremely valuable to you. 

2 Disadvantages of blog in education

  1. Necessary source checking

As blogs are self-published, one of the blogging disadvantages in education is that the content you find on blogs might not be accurate. This means you need to check sources or the blog owner’s credentials. 

  1. Possible unsuitable blog topics for kids

If you use blogs in education whether to teach your kids or to raise them, be aware that some blogs might not be suitable for children to be around. It is the internet after all!

What are the advantages and disadvantages of blogging platforms

In this section, I cover blogging platforms advantages and disadvantages including the platform blogger advantages and disadvantages. 

3 Advantages of using a blogging platform

  1. Easy to set up

Looking at blogging platforms, one of the reasons why they are popular is because they are easy to set up a blog on. When you’re a beginner blogger, it’s very tempting to go towards what can get you started right away with a minimal learning curve. If you look at Blogger pros and cons, the same pro always comes back in the reviews. 

Unfortunately, easy things are not usually the best for you. In my experience, shiny things are attractive but not good for you and that’s the same with blogging platforms.

But what are blogging platforms good for then? Well, to put it simply, they are quite useful if all you need is a window site. For example, photographers who need an online presentation of their work (such as a portfolio) that they can share with potential clients could use blogging platforms. 

  1. User friendly to start writing 

One of the advantages of using a blogging platform is that, because they are easy to set up, it’s much quicker to start writing. You don’t have to figure out how to get hosting, how to join WordPress or how to set up your them. It’s all very easy so you can focus on writing right away.

This is good if you have no idea if being a blogger is what you want. It gives you a free start to just try it out. If you’re serious about blogging though, get on WordPress and buy your own hosting. 

  1. Usually cheaper than self hosted

Another reason why people tend to be attracted to blogging platforms is that they are commonly cheaper that self-hosted websites. Note however that prices generally go up after a couple of months. 

7 Disadvantages of blogging platforms

  1. Don’t own your content

Unless you start paying, most free blogging platforms own your content once you publish it on “your” site. It’s not really your site, that’s why.

  1. URL doesn’t look serious nor reliable

As bloggers, we want to look professional. We want people to be able to rely on us. Having a URL with “Wix” or “Blogger” in it doesn’t look professional. It just looks like you’re writing about your love life from your bedroom at 15. 

Having your own domain looks a lot more professional, especially as a .com. Brands also tend to only want to collaborate with self-hosted websites. 

  1. Not accepted by ad networks

Most ad networks will refuse to install apps on your blog if you are not self-hosted. This is critical as ads are one of the main passive ways to make money on your blog.

  1. Limits to customisation

One disadvantage of blogging platforms is that, even though they seem simple to use, they are often limited in terms of customisation, unless you upgrade your plan. 

  1. Affiliation restrictions 

If you are going to use a blogging platform to start your blog, you should check whether it allows you to share affiliated links in your posts as some don’t. Affiliate marketing is one of the main ways bloggers make an income online, especially at the beginning. So it should definitely be taken into consideration when choosing where to host your blog. 

  1. Can’t install SEO plugins 

Most blogging platforms don’t allow for the installation of an SEO plugin. In this digital world, SEO is king and if you can’t have a proper SEO plugin, it will slow you down and eventually be a proper barrier to your blog’s growth.

  1. Difficulties to build backlinks

Instead of difficulties, I probably should say that it will be impossible to build quality backlinks to your blog if you’re not self hosted. This is one of the major Blogger marketing disadvantages as backlinks are an essential part of a solid SEO strategy. 

Want to learn more about how to increase your blog traffic? Check out my free SEO resources here.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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