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30+ Cozy Cottage Bedroom Decor Ideas For Your Home

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Creating a cozy cottage-style bedroom is all about making your space feel inviting, warm, and comfortable. While many may think a cottage style bedroom is super girly, that’s not always the case!

A cottage style bedroom can definitely be suited for a couple’s bedroom, especially if you both like a cozy atmosphere. By using soft textures, rustic elements, and thoughtful decor, you can turn your bedroom into a nice are where you can both retreat and connect. Here’s how you can turn your bedroom decor around.

Looking for some of the items on these photos? We’ve got you! Check them out here.

Embrace Soft, Neutral Colors

Start with a soft, neutral color palette. Think shades of white, cream, beige, and light pastels to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

  • Walls and Bedding: Go for light-colored walls to keep the room feeling airy. Choose bedding in white, cream, or light pastels to keep things cohesive.
  • Accent Colors: Add gentle accent colors with pillows, throws, and decorative items. Sage green, soft blues, and muted yellows are perfect for this look.

Soft, neutral colors create a serene and calming environment, which is perfect for couples looking to unwind and relax together at the end of the day.

Layer Textures for Warmth

Textures are key to making your room feel cozy. Mix different fabrics and materials to add depth and warmth.

  • Bedding: Pile your bed with blankets, quilts, and throw pillows. Chunky knit blankets and quilted bedspreads are great choices.
  • Rugs: A soft, textured rug can really warm up your bedroom floor. Look for natural materials like wool or jute.
  • Curtains: Light, flowing curtains in cotton or linen add a soft touch and let in natural light.

Layered textures make the bedroom feel snug and inviting, ideal for couples who want a cozy spot to cuddle up and spend quality time together.

Incorporate Rustic Elements

Rustic elements add character and charm to a cottage-style bedroom.

  • Furniture: Choose wooden furniture with a distressed or weathered finish. Vintage dressers, wooden nightstands, and rustic bed frames work well.
  • Decor: Add rustic decor items like a wooden ladder for hanging blankets, wicker baskets for storage, or an antique mirror.

Rustic elements add a touch of nostalgia and warmth, creating a shared space that feels lived-in and welcoming. This style can help couples feel more connected to their home and to each other.

Add Greenery and Natural Elements

Bringing nature into your bedroom enhances the cozy, cottage feel.

  • Plants: Place potted plants or fresh flowers around the room. Easy-to-care-for plants like succulents, ferns, or ivy are great.
  • Botanical Prints: Hang botanical prints or nature-inspired artwork on the walls for an outdoor touch.

Greenery and natural elements promote a sense of tranquility and well-being, making it easier for couples to relax and enjoy their time together.

Use Soft Lighting

Soft, warm lighting creates a relaxing and inviting atmosphere.

  • Lamps: Bedside lamps with warm-toned bulbs are a must. Look for lamps with fabric shades or vintage styles.
  • String Lights: String lights or fairy lights add a magical, cozy glow. Drape them around the headboard, along shelves, or across the ceiling.

Soft lighting sets a romantic and intimate mood, perfect for couples looking to create a soothing and loving environment in their bedroom.

Personal Touches

Personal touches make your bedroom feel truly yours.

  • Photos and Keepsakes: Display framed photos, sentimental items, or heirlooms on shelves or dressers.
  • Handmade Items: Add handmade items like a knitted throw, a hand-painted sign, or a DIY project for a personal touch.

Personal touches make the space uniquely yours, reflecting both your personalities and shared memories. This makes the bedroom feel more intimate and special.

Looking for some of the items on these photos? We’ve got you! Check them out here.

30+ Cozy Cottage Bedroom Decor Ideas For Your Home

Looking for some of the items on these photos? We’ve got you! Check them out here.


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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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