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20 Everyday Habits That Are Secretly Ruining Your Relationship

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When we think about what could possibly go wrong in a relationship, our minds often jump to the big, glaring issues. Yet, it’s not always the monumental mistakes or glaring betrayals that undermine our connections.

More often than not, it’s the little things, the everyday habits that we overlook, that begin to rot a relationship from the inside out. These seemingly insignificant actions or lack thereof—like neglecting to say “thank you,” being glued to our phones instead of engaging in conversation, or always letting small frustrations build up—slowly erode the foundation of trust, respect, and affection that relationships are built on.

Over time, these habits can create a gap so wide that it becomes difficult to bridge. The irony is that these habits are so mundane, so woven into the fabric of our daily lives, that we often don’t recognize their impact until the damage is done. Recognizing and addressing these habits is crucial in nurturing a healthy, lasting relationship.

Focused young diverse spouses lying in bed in morning with cute Pomeranian Spitz and browsing smartphones
Photo Credit: Pexels.

1. Glued to Screens

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get caught up in the world of screens, but when this habit starts to take precedence over your partner, problems begin to brew. Picture this: you’re sharing details of your day or a thought that’s important to you, and instead of engaging, your partner’s eyes are glued to their phone.

It sends a clear message that the device is more important than the moment you’re trying to share. And it’s not just social media ruining your relationship, it’s also just being on your phone. This issue becomes even more pronounced when you don’t live together. Every moment should be about making the most of the time you have, not competing with a screen for attention.

2. Not Prioritizing Quality Time

Quality time isn’t just about being in the same room; it’s about being together mentally and emotionally. It’s those moments when you’re both engaged in an activity that you enjoy, sharing thoughts and experiences, and connecting on a deeper level. When life gets busy, it’s easy to let this crucial aspect of a relationship slide, but failing to make an effort for meaningful interactions leads to a disconnect that’s hard to mend.

3. Avoiding Difficult Conversations

It’s natural to want to avoid conflict, but when it comes to relationships, dodging the tough conversations about future plans, personal issues, or concerns only builds a wall of unresolved issues. These conversations are especially critical in the early stages of dating.

They set the foundation for honesty and openness, ensuring that you’re both moving in the same direction. Without them, you’re building on shaky ground. It should be one of your relationship goals to master the skill of having difficult conversations without it turning into an argument.

4. Taking Each Other for Granted

When you’re comfortable in a relationship, it’s easy to forget to show appreciation for the little things your partner does. These gestures of kindness and love are what fuel a relationship, and taking them for granted can leave your partner feeling undervalued and unappreciated.

Showing appreciation for your partner can be very easy. A simple way can be to say “thank you” for something they did or simply sending them cute “I miss you” texts. Remember, acknowledgment and gratitude go a long way in keeping the love alive.

5. Over-Dependency on Your Partner for Happiness

It’s beautiful to find joy and happiness with your partner, but it’s unhealthy to rely solely on them for your emotional well-being. This over-dependency puts an unfair pressure on the relationship and your partner. It’s important to find happiness within yourself and share that joy together, rather than making your partner responsible for your happiness.

6. Lack of Personal Space

It’s a common misconception that love means being together all the time. However, everyone needs their own space to grow, think, and just be by themselves. When you don’t respect each other’s need for independence and personal space, it’s like saying you don’t trust them to be on their own.

This lack of space can cause a lot of friction because, let’s face it, everyone needs to breathe. Balancing togetherness with personal space is key to a healthy relationship.

7. Constant Criticism

Imagine hearing negative comments about your appearance, weight, job, or even how you chew your food every day. Not fun, right? Constantly criticizing your partner, even for minor things, can wear down their self-esteem and your bond.

It’s like chipping away at the relationship with a pickaxe. Focus on building each other up, not tearing down.

8. Skipping Out on Compliments

When was the last time you told your partner something genuinely nice? Skipping out on compliments and failing to verbally appreciate your partner’s qualities or efforts can leave them feeling unnoticed and unvalued. Especially in a newer relationship, acknowledging the good in each other helps to reinforce your bond and show that you’re paying attention.

9. Jealousy and Trust Issues

Jealousy is a natural emotion, but when it starts steering the ship, you’re in troubled waters. Letting jealousy control your actions or constantly questioning your partner’s every move is a fast track to creating a toxic environment. Trust is the foundation of any relationship, and without it, you’re building on sand.

10. Comparing Your Relationship to Others

Thanks to social media, it’s easier than ever to fall into the trap of comparing your relationship to others. Remember, what’s posted online is often a highlight reel, not the full story.

Comparing your partnership to those glamorous snapshots can set unrealistic expectations and make you discontent with what you have. Every relationship is unique, and it’s the differences that make yours special.

11. Neglecting Self-Improvement

We all have room to grow, and when we stop trying to improve ourselves, it doesn’t just affect us individually; it affects our relationships too. Being in a relationship is about growing together, and when one person stops growing, it can make the other feel stagnant as well. It’s important to keep working on yourself, not just for you but for the strength and growth of your relationship.

12. Forgetting to Celebrate Each Other’s Successes

It might not seem like a big deal to skip over a celebration for a small win, but these moments are crucial. Celebrating your partner’s successes, big or small, shows them that you’re supportive and proud of them.

It’s a way of saying, “I see you, and I’m here cheering you on.” When we forget to do this, our partners might feel unnoticed and unsupported.

13. Lack of Physical Affection

Physical affection is one of the key ways couples express love and connection. When it’s missing, one or both partners can feel unloved or distant. This doesn’t mean you need to be all over each other all the time, but regular, small gestures of physical affection—like holding hands, a kiss goodbye, or a comforting hug—make a big difference in feeling connected.

14. Ignoring Your Partner’s Interests

When we show interest in our partner’s hobbies and passions, it’s a way of saying, “I’m interested in you.” Ignoring these aspects of their life can make them feel lonely and like there’s a part of them you don’t care about. You don’t have to take up their hobby as your own, but showing some interest or asking questions goes a long way in making them feel loved and understood.

15. Letting Frustrations Build Up

It’s normal to feel frustrated or annoyed at times, but letting these feelings build up without addressing them can lead to bigger problems. When minor annoyances turn into major blow-ups, it can damage trust and communication. It’s important to talk about frustrations early and in a constructive way to avoid hurting each other over something that could have been resolved with a conversation.

16. Not Apologizing or Admitting Fault

It’s tough to say “I’m sorry,” but this simple phrase can work wonders in a relationship. When we refuse to apologize or admit we were wrong, it doesn’t just hurt our partner; it starts to build a wall of resentment between us. Not knowing to apologize can actually be a relationship red flag. Acknowledging mistakes isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of maturity and respect for your partner and the relationship.

17. Making Unilateral Decisions

Relationships are about partnership, which means making decisions together. When one person starts making significant choices without involving the other, it can lead to feelings of exclusion and disrespect. Whether it’s about financial issues, moving, or even just plans for the weekend, making decisions together strengthens your bond and shows you value each other’s input.

18. Failing to Compromise

Compromise is the backbone of any successful relationship. Sure, it’s not always easy to meet halfway, especially when you’re passionate about your stance.

However, refusing to compromise can create a divide that’s hard to bridge over time. Compromise isn’t about giving up what you want; it’s about finding a solution that respects both partners’ needs and desires.

19. Over-reliance on Texting for Communication

Texting is a convenient way to stay in touch, especially when schedules are busy, and you don’t live together. However, relying too much on texting can lead to misunderstandings and a superficial connection.

It’s hard to convey tone and emotion through text, and those “quick messages” can easily be misinterpreted. Prioritizing voice or video calls, or better yet, face-to-face conversations, can help deepen your connection and ensure you’re both truly heard.

20. Neglecting to Plan for the Future Together

Talking about the future can be daunting, especially in a newish relationship. However, avoiding these conversations altogether can send the message that you’re not serious about the relationship’s longevity. Planning for the future doesn’t mean you need to have everything figured out now, but having open discussions about your hopes, dreams, and plans shows that you’re committed to moving forward together.

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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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