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New Survey Reveals 11 Out of the Box Ideas for a Romantic Movie Date at Home 

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How do you set up a fun movie night at home? That is the question we’re going to answer today! Eric and I love movie date nights mostly because they’re fun and cheap

But after a while, a movie date at home just resembles another movie date at home. And then, slowly, they all merge into the same memory up to the point when you get frustrated at your spouse because “you never plan anything different for us!”.

Planning the same date over and over again ends up meaning that “you don’t care enough” and we all know that’s not true! 

So in an effort to help you spice up your routine, we surveyed our 19,000 followers (mailing list and Tiktok) with 20 out of the box date ideas couples will find easy to do at home. Here are the 11 ideas that made it to the top!

1. Watch with a projector for a date night special

To our surprise, this idea came first though it is understandable. With cinema tickets rising to sometimes over $20 and adding the cost of popcorn and drinks to that, an outing to the cinema has become pricy for most couples! But watching a movie on TV has also become boring. 

The compromise? Buying a projector! Projectors have become all the hype and rightfully so. They’re easy to set up, you can use them with your streaming plans and install them anywhere in your house. 

  • Want to have a cute backyard movie date night in the summer? No problem, project on your house wall! 
  • Want to have a movie night in bed? No need to move the TV, here’s your projector!
  • Want to change up your living room movie night? Turn on some twinkly lights and your projector for a cozy ambiance with a big screen!

See? It’s the answer to a lot of problems and can be used to reinvent your movie date in several different ways! 

Check out the first projector we recommend and the second projector we recommend.

couple watching a movie in backyard with projector and twinkly lights together
couple watching a movie in backyard with projector and twinkly lights together

2. Build a fort

This move date is a classic yet many couples actually never get to do it which is probably why it was voted second best! 

Here we’re not talking about a few pillows on the ground and a couple blankets on chairs. We’re talking big living room fort. The kind your parents always said no too but since you’re the adult now, nothing’s stopping you anymore!

To build your movie fort, you’ll need twinkly lights, extra large blankets, and flat bean bags! Set your chairs on top of each other and start adding the blankets on top. 

Then fit in the bean bags and add the twinkly lights all around to create a romantic atmosphere. Now you can comfortably relax and watch a movie together in a cozy and romantic setting! 

3. Movie-coordinated dinner

Another way to spice up your movie date at home that was highly voted is to create a movie-coordinated dinner. The goal is to allow you to immerse yourself even more into the movie and create a 4D experience!

For this idea, you’ll need to prepare some treats and foods that are related to the movie. Here are some examples:

  • Spaghetti and meatballs for a Lady and the Tramp themed dinner
  • Steak, fries and croissants for an Emily in Paris binge night 
  • Cheeseburgers for Pulp Fiction
  • Mac and cheese for Home Alone
  • Afternoon Tea Sandwiches for Harry Potter

You can take it one step further by creating themed-cakes and using food colouring to recreate some scenes of your favourite movies! 

4. Strip every time a word is used

For a spicy movie date at home, we thought this one would be fun! Every time a certain word is used, you’ll have to strip. This idea works best with movies you’ve already seen since you’ll know some of the language already.

For example, if you’re watching Harry Potter, the rule could be to strip every time the words “Muggles” or “Dobby” are used. Obviously, if you choose for the word to be “Harry”, you’ll be done with this one very quickly haha!

5. Dance every time one line is said

This is a fun way to add intimacy to your movie date night at home without going overboard. Every time a certain phrase is used in the movie, pause, get up and dance together. This is a good way to be present and appreciate the time spent together instead of just laying together like slugs on the couch (nothing wrong with that, we like to slug too!). 

6. Try foreign themed snacks 

To switch up your romantic movie night, order some funky foreign snacks beforehand. You can try them together while watching the movie instead of having your regular popcorn and chocolate bars. 

7. Movie Bingo for fun movie nights

This is one of our favourite movie night ideas! We love games, whether that’d be to play on the road when we travel or card games after dinner. And we also love Bingo! Actually when we were living in Dublin, we would go for a date at a local Bingo Pub.

The rules are simple:

  • Download your free Bingo card here
  • You’ll receive one Bingo card for romantic comedies
  • You can also purchase our Movie Bingo bundle here: you’ll receive a Bingo card for romantic comedies, action movies and Christmas movies.
  • While watching the movie, cross any item that comes up
  • Once you’ve crossed a whole line vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, you win!

You’ll have to be more attentive and faster than your partner to win. It’s a good way to instil some healthy competition into your date. 

Check out the bundle here (romcom, action movies, Christmas movies)

8. Candles, Twinkly lights and cuddles

Dimming the lights and slouching on the couch are cute date night ideas but try this instead to elevate your date. First, light some candles around the room. You can safely go overboard with battery powered candles. 

Second, turn on some twinkly lights all around the room. What we’re trying to do here is create a super romantic out-of-a-movie atmosphere. 

Third, snuggle up together to start the movie. You get bonus points is you combine this idea with some of the other on this list.

9. Foot massages

Head scratches and back scratches are common (if they’re not, they should be!) but one body part that we often forget about is the feet. Feet carry you all day and usually suffer the most throughout the day.

So when your home movie date comes around, it’s time to sooth them. Using some massage oil or coconut oil, take turns massaging each other’s feet. You can also draw some letters with your finger and have your partner guess what you’re writing (start with ‘I love U’).

10. Predict the plot secretly on a  piece of paper and see who wins

A fun way to spice up your home movie night is to play detectives together! Before starting the movie, write what you think the plot is on a piece of paper. Don’t tell your partner what you wrote and have them do the same. 

At the end of the movie, you can see which one of you was the closest to the actual plot. Here are some things to include on your piece of paper:

  • the main character’s past
  • what the main issue is going to be
  • is there going to be some kind of betrayal?
  • any plot twist idea?
  • the ending

11. Kiss differently every 20 minutes to spice up your movie home date night

And finally, number 11 is to kiss your spouse every 20 minutes of the movie. This is a great opportunity to appreciate each other’s presence and connect during a movie. To spice it up, we suggest trying different kisses every time. Here are some different types of kisses:

  1. French Kiss
  2. Pop kiss
  3. Nose kiss
  4. Kiss a different body part than your mouths
  5. Kiss blindfolded

Of course, you can also combine this movie date night idea with others. For example, when pausing every 20 minutes, you can also predict the plot for the next 20 minutes. If your prediction is right but happens later than the next 20 minute period, you loose!


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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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