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45+ Fun and Engaging Rainy Day Date Ideas

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Coming from France and Canada and having lived in Ireland and the UK, trust us when we say, we’ve become really good at finding date ideas for rainy days! Rainy days don’t have to mean staying inside and feeling bored.

There are plenty of fun and engaging date ideas that are perfect for rainy weather. Don’t let a little rain ruin your romance! Whether you’re planning a cozy date night at home or a fun day date, here are 45 date ideas to keep you entertained and connected with your partner.

Rainy Day Date Night Ideas

1. Indoor Picnic

Create a cozy indoor picnic by laying out a blanket and preparing a selection of your favorite finger foods. Add some fairy lights or candles for ambiance. You can even build a pillow fort for extra comfort.

  • Menu: Choose easy-to-eat foods like sandwiches, cheese and crackers, and fresh fruit. Don’t forget some sweet treats like cookies or brownies.
  • Drinks: Bring out your favorite beverages, whether it’s a bottle of wine, sparkling water, or homemade lemonade.
  • Activities: Play board games, cards, or watch a romantic movie while enjoying your picnic.

We love this date because it combines the fun of a picnic with the comfort of staying indoors. Plus, it’s easy to set up and perfect for a rainy evening.

2. Cook a New Recipe Together

Choose a recipe you’ve never tried before and cook it together. This is a great way to bond and learn something new at the same time.

  • Recipe Selection: Browse through cookbooks or online recipe sites to find something that excites both of you. It could be a fancy dinner, a delicious dessert, or even a fun appetizer.
  • Cooking Together: Divide the tasks so you both get involved in the cooking process. One can chop vegetables while the other handles the stove.
  • Enjoying the Meal: Set the table nicely, perhaps with some candles and soft music, and enjoy the meal you made together.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because cooking together fosters teamwork and creativity. Plus, you get to enjoy a delicious meal as a reward for your efforts.

3. Have a Game Night

Pull out your favorite board games or card games and have a competitive yet fun game night.

  • Game Selection: Choose games that you both enjoy. Classics like Scrabble, Monopoly, or a deck of cards can provide hours of entertainment.
  • Snacks: Prepare some easy snacks like popcorn, chips and dip, or a charcuterie board to munch on while you play.
  • Atmosphere: Create a cozy setting with blankets and pillows. You can even play some background music to enhance the experience.

We love this date because it’s interactive and brings out your playful side. It’s a great way to spend quality time together and have some friendly competition.

4. Create a Home Spa Night

Turn your home into a relaxing spa and pamper each other with massages, facials, and a warm bubble bath.

  • Spa Treatments: Set up different spa stations. Start with a foot soak, followed by facials with masks, and finish with a massage using scented oils.
  • Bath Time: Run a warm bubble bath with bath salts and essential oils. Light some candles and play relaxing music.
  • Refreshments: Have some refreshing drinks like cucumber water or herbal tea on hand.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s relaxing and indulgent. It’s a wonderful way to de-stress and connect with your partner.

5. Plan a Future Trip

Spend the evening planning your next vacation. Research destinations, look up activities, and create a travel itinerary.

  • Destination Selection: Start by discussing places you’ve always wanted to visit. Look up travel blogs, vlogs, and guides to gather ideas.
  • Itinerary Planning: Make a list of must-see attractions, activities, and restaurants. You can even start a travel budget and save tips for making the trip more affordable.
  • Dreaming Together: Use a large map or globe to mark places you’d like to visit together. It’s fun to dream and plan your adventures.

We love this date because it gets you excited about the future and helps you create shared goals. Plus, planning trips can be almost as fun as taking them!

6. Watch a Documentary or Series

Choose a documentary or a new series that interests both of you and binge-watch it together.

  • Selection: Pick a series or documentary that you’ve both been wanting to watch. Streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime have a wide variety of options.
  • Comfort: Set up a comfortable viewing area with plenty of pillows and blankets. Prepare some snacks and drinks to enjoy during the marathon.
  • Discussion: After watching, spend some time discussing your thoughts and reactions. It’s a great way to deepen your connection and learn something new together.

We love this date because it’s both entertaining and educational. Plus, it’s an easy way to spend a cozy evening indoors.

7. Paint and Sip

Set up a painting station at home and enjoy a fun painting session while sipping on your favorite drinks.

  • Supplies: Get some canvases, paints, and brushes. You can find affordable art supplies at your local craft store or online.
  • Instructions: Follow along with a painting tutorial on YouTube, or simply create your own masterpieces from scratch.
  • Drinks: Prepare some wine, cocktails, or mocktails to sip on while you paint.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it allows you to get creative and have fun. Plus, you get to keep the artwork as a memory of your date.

Rainy Day Day Date Ideas

8. Visit a Museum or Art Gallery

Spend the day exploring a local museum or art gallery. It’s a great way to stay indoors and learn something new.

  • Exhibits: Check out the current exhibits and choose ones that interest both of you. Many museums offer interactive displays and guided tours.
  • Café Break: Take a break at the museum café for a coffee or snack. Discuss what you’ve seen and your favorite pieces.
  • Gift Shop: Don’t forget to visit the gift shop for a small souvenir to remember your day.

We love this date because it’s educational and inspiring. Plus, museums and galleries often have something for everyone, making it a great choice for any couple.

9. Take a Cooking Class

Sign up for a cooking class together and learn how to make a new dish or cuisine.

  • Class Selection: Look for local cooking schools or community centers that offer classes. Many places also offer virtual classes if you prefer to stay home.
  • Participation: Get involved in the cooking process and learn new techniques. It’s a fun and interactive way to spend the day.
  • Meal Time: Enjoy the meal you cooked together at the end of the class. It’s a delicious reward for your hard work.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s both educational and delicious. Plus, you can recreate the dishes at home for future date nights.

10. Visit a Botanical Garden

Explore a local botanical garden and enjoy the beauty of nature, even in the rain.

  • Indoor Gardens: Many botanical gardens have indoor sections with tropical plants and flowers. It’s a great way to stay dry while enjoying the greenery.
  • Photography: Bring a camera and take photos of the beautiful plants and flowers. You can even make it a fun photo scavenger hunt.
  • Tea or Coffee: End your visit with a warm cup of tea or coffee at the garden café.

We love this date because it allows you to connect with nature and each other. Plus, botanical gardens are often peaceful and relaxing places to spend time. Here are 9 ways to make your botanical garden date more interesting.

11. Go to an Indoor Trampoline Park

Have some active fun at an indoor trampoline park. It’s a great way to get your heart pumping and laugh together.

  • Jump Time: Spend an hour or two jumping on the trampolines. Many parks also have dodgeball courts, foam pits, and other fun activities.
  • Snacks: Take a break and enjoy some snacks and drinks at the park café.
  • Photos: Capture some fun and silly moments with photos or videos.

We love this date because it’s energetic and playful. It’s a great way to release some energy and have a blast together.

12. Try a New Coffee Shop

Explore a new coffee shop and spend the day sipping on delicious drinks and chatting.

  • Coffee Tasting: Try different types of coffee or specialty drinks. Many coffee shops offer unique blends and flavors.
  • Games: Bring along a deck of cards or a small board game to play while you enjoy your drinks.
  • People Watching: Find a cozy spot by the window and enjoy some people watching. It’s a great way to spark interesting conversations.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s simple yet enjoyable. Plus, discovering new coffee shops can become a fun hobby for you both.

13. Visit a Local Bookstore

Spend the day browsing a local bookstore and finding new books to read.

  • Book Hunting: Explore different sections of the bookstore and pick out books that interest you. Share your finds with each other.
  • Reading Nook: Find a cozy corner in the bookstore to sit and read together. Many bookstores have comfortable seating areas.
  • Café: If the bookstore has a café, grab a coffee or tea and enjoy it while reading your new books.

We love this date because it’s relaxing and intellectually stimulating. Plus, you get to expand your book collection with new finds.

14. Have a Puzzle Day

Work on a large puzzle together and enjoy the satisfaction of completing it.

  • Puzzle Selection: Choose a puzzle with an interesting image or theme. You can find puzzles with beautiful landscapes, famous artworks, or fun patterns.
  • Setup: Clear a table and set up the puzzle. Make sure you have enough space to spread out the pieces.
  • Snacks: Prepare some snacks and drinks to enjoy while you work on the puzzle.

We love this date because it’s a relaxing and collaborative activity. It’s a great way to spend a rainy day indoors.

15. Go to an Arcade

Spend the day playing games at an arcade. It’s a fun and nostalgic way to enjoy each other’s company.

  • Game Selection: Play a variety of games, from classic arcade games to modern ones. Compete against each other or work together to win tickets.
  • Prizes: Use your tickets to get fun prizes. It could be something small like candy or a larger item if you win a lot of tickets.
  • Food: Many arcades have food options, so grab a bite to eat while you play.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s playful and brings out your inner child. Plus, arcades offer a variety of games, so there’s something for everyone.

Rainy Day At-Home Date Ideas

16. Bake Together

Spend the day baking delicious treats together. It’s a fun and tasty way to spend a rainy day.

  • Recipe Selection: Choose a recipe you’ve both been wanting to try. It could be cookies, a cake, or even homemade bread.
  • Baking Together: Divide the tasks and work together to create your baked goods. One person can mix the ingredients while the other handles the oven.
  • Enjoying the Treats: Once your treats are ready, enjoy them with a cup of coffee or tea.

We love this date because it’s fun and rewarding. Plus, you get to enjoy delicious homemade treats at the end.

17. Indoor Camping

Set up an indoor campsite with a tent, sleeping bags, and fairy lights.

  • Tent Setup: If you have a small tent, set it up in your living room. If not, create a makeshift tent with blankets and chairs.
  • Camping Snacks: Prepare classic camping snacks like s’mores, popcorn, and hot cocoa.
  • Activities: Tell stories, play card games, or watch a movie from your cozy campsite.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s creative and cozy. It’s a fun way to experience the joy of camping without leaving the house.

18. DIY Craft Projects

Get creative with some DIY craft projects. It’s a fun way to spend the day at home and make something unique together.

  • Project Selection: Choose a craft project that interests both of you. It could be painting, knitting, or making homemade candles.
  • Supplies: Gather all the necessary supplies before you start. Many craft stores offer kits that include everything you need.
  • Creating Together: Work on your projects side by side, helping each other along the way.

We love this date because it allows you to get creative and make something special together. Plus, you get to keep your crafts as a reminder of your fun day.

19. Home Karaoke

Set up a karaoke session at home and sing your hearts out.

  • Karaoke Machine: If you have a karaoke machine, set it up in your living room. If not, use a karaoke app or YouTube to find karaoke tracks.
  • Song Selection: Choose your favorite songs and take turns singing. You can even do duets for some extra fun.
  • Snacks and Drinks: Prepare some snacks and drinks to enjoy while you sing.

We love this date because it’s fun and entertaining. It’s a great way to let loose and enjoy each other’s company.

20. Create a Scrapbook

Make a scrapbook of your favorite memories together. It’s a sentimental and creative way to spend a rainy day.

  • Supplies: Gather photos, tickets, and other memorabilia from your time together. Get some scrapbook paper, stickers, and markers.
  • Scrapbooking Together: Work together to create pages that highlight your favorite moments. Add captions and decorations to make it special.
  • Sharing Memories: Take the time to reminisce about the memories as you create the scrapbook.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s sentimental and creative. Plus, you get to create a keepsake that you can look back on in the future.

21. Play Video Games

Spend the day playing video games together. It’s a fun and interactive way to enjoy each other’s company.

  • Game Selection: Choose games that you both enjoy. It could be a co-op game, a competitive game, or even a single-player game where you take turns.
  • Comfort: Set up a comfortable gaming area with plenty of pillows and blankets.
  • Snacks: Prepare some easy-to-eat snacks and drinks to enjoy while you play.

We love this date because it’s fun and engaging. It’s a great way to bond over shared interests and enjoy some friendly competition.

22. Have a Reading Day

Spend the day reading together. It’s a relaxing and intellectually stimulating way to spend a rainy day.

  • Book Selection: Choose books that interest both of you. You can read the same book or different ones and discuss them as you go.
  • Reading Nook: Create a cozy reading nook with plenty of blankets and pillows.
  • Snacks and Drinks: Prepare some snacks and drinks to enjoy while you read.

We love this date because it’s relaxing and intellectually stimulating. Plus, it’s a great way to enjoy some quiet time together.

23. Listen to Music and Dance

Turn up the music and have a dance party in your living room.

  • Playlist: Create a playlist of your favorite songs or use a music streaming service to find a pre-made playlist.
  • Dancing Together: Let loose and dance around the living room. Try different styles of dance or even make up your own moves.
  • Snacks and Drinks: Prepare some snacks and drinks to enjoy during your dance breaks.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s fun and energetic. It’s a great way to lift your spirits and enjoy each other’s company with romantic music.

24. Write Love Letters

Take some time to write love letters to each other. It’s a romantic and thoughtful way to spend a rainy day. It’s also one of our favorite winter traditions for couples.

  • Stationery: Get some nice stationery and pens to write your letters.
  • Writing Together: Sit down together and write your letters. Take the time to express your feelings and share what you love about each other.
  • Reading Aloud: Once you’re done, read your letters aloud to each other.

We love this date because it’s romantic and thoughtful. It’s a great way to deepen your connection and show your appreciation for each other.

25. Plan a Themed Dinner

Choose a theme and plan a special dinner around it. It’s a fun and creative way to spend a rainy day.

  • Theme Selection: Choose a theme that excites both of you. It could be a specific cuisine, a favorite movie, or a holiday.
  • Menu Planning: Plan a menu that fits the theme. Look up recipes and make a shopping list of the ingredients you need.
  • Decorations: Decorate your dining area to match the theme. Use tablecloths, candles, and other decorations to set the mood.
  • Cooking Together: Work together to cook the meal and enjoy it at your beautifully decorated table.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s creative and fun. Plus, you get to enjoy a delicious meal that you made together.

Rainy Day Adventure Date Ideas

26. Go to a Science Center

Visit a local science center and explore the interactive exhibits together.

  • Exhibits: Check out the different exhibits and participate in hands-on activities. Many science centers have rotating exhibits, so there’s always something new to see.
  • IMAX Theater: Many science centers have an IMAX theater. Check if there’s a documentary or show playing that you’d like to see.
  • Café Break: Take a break at the science center café for a snack and discuss what you’ve seen.

We love this date because it’s educational and fun. It’s a great way to learn something new and enjoy each other’s company.

27. Go Indoor Rock Climbing

Challenge yourselves with some indoor rock climbing. It’s a great way to stay active and have fun together.

  • Climbing Gym: Find a local climbing gym and check their hours and rates. Many gyms offer day passes or introductory classes for beginners.
  • Climbing Together: Take turns climbing and belaying each other. Encourage and support each other as you tackle the walls.
  • Rest and Snacks: Take breaks between climbs to rest and enjoy some snacks and drinks.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s active and challenging. It’s a fun way to test your limits and bond through physical activity.

28. Visit an Aquarium

Spend the day exploring a local aquarium together and marveling at the underwater world.

  • Exhibits: Check out the different exhibits and learn about the various marine life. Many aquariums have interactive displays and touch tanks.
  • Shows: Many aquariums have scheduled shows or feedings. Check the schedule and plan your visit around them.
  • Gift Shop: Visit the gift shop for a small souvenir to remember your day.

We love this date because it’s fascinating and relaxing. It’s a great way to learn about marine life and enjoy a peaceful day together.

29. Try an Escape Room

Test your problem-solving skills with an escape room challenge.

  • Escape Room Selection: Find a local escape room venue and choose a room that sounds exciting. Many venues offer different themes and difficulty levels.
  • Working Together: Work together to solve puzzles and find clues to escape the room. Communication and teamwork are key.
  • Celebration: Celebrate your success (or laugh about your near-miss) with a snack or drink afterward.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s challenging and fun. It’s a great way to test your teamwork and have a unique experience.

30. Visit a Historic House or Landmark

Spend the day exploring a local historic house or landmark.

  • Tour: Take a guided tour to learn about the history and significance of the site. Many historic houses have beautiful architecture and interesting stories.
  • Photos: Bring a camera and take photos of the beautiful interiors and exteriors.
  • Tea or Coffee: End your visit with a cup of tea or coffee at a nearby café.

We love this date because it’s educational and inspiring. It’s a great way to learn about local history and enjoy each other’s company.

Rainy Day Cozy Date Ideas

31. Have a Movie Marathon

Choose a theme or series and have a movie marathon at home.

  • Selection: Pick a series or a theme for your marathon. It could be a trilogy, a specific genre, or movies from your favorite actor.
  • Setup: Create a cozy viewing area with plenty of pillows and blankets.
  • Snacks: Prepare some movie snacks like popcorn, candy, and soda.

We love this date because it’s relaxing and entertaining. It’s a great way to spend a rainy day cuddled up together.

32. Make Homemade Pizza

Spend the evening making homemade pizza from scratch.

  • Dough and Toppings: Make your own pizza dough or buy pre-made dough. Choose your favorite toppings and get creative with your pizzas.
  • Cooking Together: Work together to prepare the pizzas. One person can handle the dough while the other prepares the toppings.
  • Pizza Night: Bake the pizzas and enjoy them with a movie or your favorite TV show.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s fun and delicious. Plus, you get to enjoy a homemade meal that you created together.

33. Build a Blanket Fort

Get creative and build a blanket fort in your living room.

  • Fort Construction: Use blankets, pillows, and furniture to create your fort. Make it cozy with plenty of cushions and fairy lights.
  • Activities: Once your fort is built, enjoy some activities inside. Watch a movie, play games, or simply relax and talk.
  • Snacks: Prepare some easy-to-eat snacks and drinks to enjoy in your fort.

We love this date because it’s playful and cozy. It’s a great way to have fun and create a unique space to enjoy together.

34. Create a Time Capsule

Make a time capsule together and fill it with items that represent your relationship and life right now.

  • Container: Choose a container for your time capsule. It could be a box, a jar, or even a sealed plastic bag.
  • Items: Gather items that represent your relationship and current life. This could include photos, letters, small souvenirs, and lists of your favorite things.
  • Sealing the Capsule: Seal the time capsule and decide on a date to open it in the future.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s sentimental and meaningful. It’s a fun way to reflect on your relationship and create something special for the future.

35. Try Origami

Spend the day learning and practicing the art of origami.

  • Origami Paper: Get some origami paper or use any square paper you have at home.
  • Instructions: Follow online tutorials or use an origami book to learn how to make different shapes and figures.
  • Display: Once you’ve created your origami pieces, display them around your home.

We love this date because it’s creative and relaxing. It’s a fun way to learn something new and make beautiful decorations together.

Rainy Day Learning Date Ideas

36. Take an Online Course

Choose an online course that interests both of you and spend the day learning something new.

  • Course Selection: Look for free or affordable online courses on platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or Khan Academy. Choose a topic that you’re both curious about.
  • Studying Together: Set up a comfortable study area and work through the course together. Take notes and discuss what you’ve learned.
  • Breaks: Take breaks to stretch, have a snack, and chat about the course.

We love this date because it’s educational and rewarding. It’s a great way to expand your knowledge and learn something new together.

37. Learn a New Language

Spend the day learning the basics of a new language together.

  • Language Selection: Choose a language that you’re both interested in. You can use language learning apps like Duolingo or Babbel.
  • Practice Together: Practice speaking, writing, and listening to the new language together. Make flashcards and quiz each other.
  • Cultural Exploration: Learn about the culture associated with the language. Watch movies, listen to music, or cook a dish from that culture.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s challenging and fun. It’s a great way to learn something new and explore a different culture together.

38. Do a Puzzle Book

Work on a puzzle book together and solve different types of puzzles.

  • Puzzle Selection: Choose a puzzle book with a variety of puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, and logic puzzles.
  • Working Together: Take turns solving the puzzles and help each other when needed. It’s a great way to challenge your minds and have fun together.
  • Breaks: Take breaks to relax, have a snack, and chat about the puzzles.

We love this date because it’s challenging and engaging. It’s a great way to exercise your brains and spend quality time together.

39. Create a Vision Board

Spend the day creating vision boards for your future goals and dreams.

  • Supplies: Gather magazines, scissors, glue, and a poster board or large piece of paper.
  • Vision Boards: Cut out images, words, and phrases that represent your goals and dreams. Arrange and glue them onto your vision boards.
  • Sharing: Once your vision boards are complete, share them with each other and discuss your goals.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s inspiring and motivating. It’s a fun way to visualize your future and support each other’s dreams.

40. Write a Story Together

Get creative and write a story together. This is a fun and imaginative way to spend a rainy day.

  • Story Planning: Start by brainstorming ideas for your story. Discuss the genre, setting, and characters.
  • Writing Process: Take turns writing sections of the story. One person can start with the introduction, and the other can continue with the next part.
  • Illustrations: If you’re artistically inclined, add some illustrations to your story. This can make it even more special and fun.

We love this date because it’s creative and collaborative. It’s a great way to combine your imaginations and create something unique together.

41. Have a Tea Tasting

Set up a tea tasting session at home and explore different types of tea.

  • Tea Selection: Choose a variety of teas to taste. You can include black, green, herbal, and specialty teas.
  • Tasting Setup: Set up a tasting station with teapots, cups, and a timer for steeping the tea. Have some biscuits or light snacks to complement the tea.
  • Tasting Notes: Write down your thoughts on each tea. Discuss the flavors, aromas, and which ones you liked best.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s relaxing and sophisticated. It’s a fun way to explore new flavors and enjoy a cozy afternoon together.

42. Explore Virtual Museums

Visit museums around the world from the comfort of your home with virtual tours.

  • Museum Selection: Look for virtual tours of famous museums online. Many museums offer free virtual tours on their websites.
  • Tour Together: Explore the exhibits together and discuss your favorite pieces. You can take notes or screenshots of artworks that you find particularly interesting.
  • Cultural Enrichment: Learn about the history and significance of the exhibits. It’s a great way to enrich your knowledge and experience art and history together.

We love this date because it’s educational and inspiring. It’s a great way to travel the world and explore new cultures without leaving home.

Rainy Day Relaxing Date Ideas

43. Meditation and Relaxation

Spend the day practicing meditation and relaxation techniques together.

  • Meditation Session: Find a guided meditation video or app and follow along. Practice mindfulness and deep breathing exercises.
  • Relaxation Techniques: Try different relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation or visualization.
  • Creating a Calm Space: Set up a calm and serene space with soft lighting, comfortable seating, and soothing music.

We love this date because it’s calming and rejuvenating. It’s a great way to de-stress and connect on a deeper level.

44. Play with Pets

If you have pets, spend the day playing and bonding with them. If you don’t you can go to pet yoga together!

  • Playtime: Engage in fun activities with your pets. Play fetch, tug-of-war, or simply cuddle with them.
  • Training: Spend some time teaching your pets new tricks. It’s a fun way to bond and challenge their minds.
  • Photoshoot: Have a fun photoshoot with your pets. Dress them up in cute outfits and take adorable pictures.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s playful and heartwarming. Pets bring joy and laughter, making it a delightful way to spend the day.

45. Listen to Podcasts

Discover new podcasts and listen to them together.

  • Podcast Selection: Find podcasts that interest both of you. It could be true crime, comedy, storytelling, or educational topics.
  • Listening Together: Set up a comfortable listening area and enjoy the podcasts. Discuss your thoughts and favorite parts afterward.
  • Interactive: Some podcasts have interactive elements or episodes that encourage listener participation. Try these for added fun.

We love this date because it’s engaging and thought-provoking. It’s a great way to discover new interests and have meaningful conversations.

filled bathtub with lots of candles in front of frosty window

Rainy Day Creative Date Ideas

46. Make a Music Playlist

Create a playlist of your favorite songs or new music discoveries.

  • Song Selection: Choose songs that have special meanings or memories for both of you. Include a mix of genres and artists.
  • Theme: Consider creating themed playlists, such as romantic songs, road trip tunes, or dance hits.
  • Listening Session: Once your playlist is complete, have a listening session. Dance, sing along, or just relax and enjoy the music.

We love this date because it’s personal and enjoyable. Music has a way of bringing people together and creating lasting memories.

47. Start a Garden Indoors

Even if it’s raining outside, you can start an indoor garden together.

  • Plant Selection: Choose plants that thrive indoors, such as herbs, succulents, or small flowers.
  • Planting Together: Plant seeds or small plants in pots. Make sure to follow the care instructions for each plant.
  • Decorating: Decorate the pots with paint, stickers, or other craft supplies to make them unique.

We think this rainy day date idea is great because it’s nurturing and rewarding. Watching your plants grow is a wonderful way to bond and create something beautiful together.

48. Watch a Sports Game at Home

Even if you can’t attend a live game, you can still enjoy watching sports together at home.

  • Game Selection: Choose a live game or a classic match to watch. Sports streaming services and channels offer a variety of options.
  • Setup: Create a comfortable viewing area with snacks and drinks. Wear your team’s colors or jerseys to get into the spirit.
  • Interactive: Make it interactive by predicting the scores, cheering for your team, and discussing the highlights.

We love this date because it’s exciting and engaging. It’s a great way to share your love for sports and enjoy some friendly competition.

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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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