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25 Sip and Paint Ideas for Couples (Romantic, Fun and Sensual)

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Sip and paint ideas are the perfect activities for a date with your partner. From painting on canvas to painting on each other, they are fun and can be made both romantic and sensual as well. The best part? They’re inexpensive and can work for a first date or for long term relationships.

To help you switch your date nights from boring to exciting, we’ve concocted you 25 paint and sip ideas for couples that are meaningful and will help you reconnect and keep the spark. 

Sip and paint ideas for couples

Whether you want to organize a date in the morning or at night, here are 25 paint and sip ideas for  couples.

Couple painting on canvas for a sip and paint idea
Couple painting on canvas for a sip and paint idea

1. Paint a memory 

What is more romantic than reminiscing together about previous moments that mark a turn in your relationship? Instead of painting a simple landscape or bowl of fruits, pick a common memory. It can be anything from the place you met to a first time you had together.

Once you’ve picked the memory, go ahead and paint it to the best of your abilities. It does not have to be perfect. Actually, it’s great if it’s funny or quirky as the goal is to spend quality time together and laughing together is a good place to start. 

Memory ideas you can paint:

  • the place you met
  • the first gift he/she gave you
  • the first time you said I love you
  • your first kiss

2. White clothing painting

This one is a fun spin on the classic sip and paint date night with canvas and easels. Instead of painting on a regular canvas, you’re going to paint on each other!

For this you will need two basic white T-shirts and two basic pairs of white pants. With acrylics, go ahead and start painting on each other. It can be anything from painting a memory, love notes, hearts, a funky body, really anything!

Find cheap T-shirts here and white pants here.

3. Sensual painting on her/his body

If you’re not scared of a little bit of paint, drop the shirts and paint directly on each other’s body. For this you can use makeup or face paint that you would use for a Halloween costume

What you paint is up to you! Whatever you pick, this activity is great for increasing passion and intimacy in a relationship. You can even pick glow paint for added fun!

Couple painting with glow in the dark paint
Couple painting with glow in the dark paint

4. Online painting tutorial

For our fellow couples out there who are serious about their painting skills, why not follow a free online tutorial? With videos on YouTube, you can choose among endless tutorials from beginner techniques to more advanced ones. 

5. Paint a meaningful item

Though canvas are fun to paint, why not turn this sip and drink date into an opportunity to gift each other your creations? You can paint a lot of different meaningful items such as heart-shaped keychains, two halves of the same heart, a Christmas tree ornament, or even a token for each other to keep.

You can even make your own creation if you’re creative like that! For example, we create a lot of cute items with air dry clay.

Check out the air dry clay we use here

6. Paint your dream house

If you wish to stick to canvas but still want to make your sip and paint date more meaningful, we highly recommend trying this one out: paint your dream house.

For this idea, it’s not just about painting four walls and a roof. It’s about painting that porch you see yourselves have breakfast on Sundays, the backyard where you want to watch your dog play, and the fireplace where you see yourselves snuggling during winter.

You can paint the same canva and take turn or you can each paint your dream house and see how different they turn out!

7. Paint by number

Paint by number is a classic but a goodie! These kits are usually inexpensive and super fun. Every number matches a color. As you paint each number, the final result reveals itself to you.

8. Recreate a classic

This is a great way to instil some competition into your sip and paint date. Pick a famous painting such as the Mona Lisa and challenge each other to recreate it as close to the original as you can. The one who achieves the best painting has to give the most romantic kiss to the other!

Here are some classic paintings you can use:

  • Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci
  • The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
  • The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
  • Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh

9. Paint yourself as the other

If you don’t have any paint at home and don’t wish to purchase any, why not have a sip and makeup date instead? The goal with this sip and paint idea is to recreate your partner’s face on you.

To do so, you’ll need dark colors such as brown or black for the shadows, and light colors such as concealer for the light areas. you’ll have to brush and use make up to shape your eyebrows similarly and even change your mouth’s shape with different shades of pink.

Look, the result will likely be hilarious and this is our hope for you! That by the end of your date, you’ll have one of the biggest laughs of your life! 

10. Paint your wishes

Whether you decide to paint on the same canvas or separate ones, painting your wishes for the future is a good way to make your paint and sip date more meaningful. Think about it as a sort of vision board.

What are your dreams and wishes for your relationship? Do you want to travel to romantic places? Do you want to move across the world? Do you want to get a puppy and buy a house? Do you want to have kids? Do you want a fireplace? From small things to big things, add them to your vision board!

Couple painting on each other's face
Couple painting on each other’s face

11. Paint your first date

Sometimes, long term relationships make us forget about how it all started. We become so used to each other that we forget the butterflies from our first date, how nervous we were and how happy we felt during it.

Take this opportunity to recreate it in a painting. Whether you’re painting the actual location or a representation of how you felt that day, it’s all up to you.

12. Paint your hands

This is a great sip and paint date idea for couples if you don’t have a creative mind and don’t want to be painting for hours. In short, if you only have an hour and want something meaningful, paint your hands!

First apply your paint on plate. Dip your hand palm down in the paint. Then do the same for your partner’s hand with the same or a different color. Taking turns, apply your hands on your canvas and get creative.

13. Paint your body shapes

For another sensual sip and paint idea, instead of your hands, use your entire bodies. Apply a generous amount of paint on each other’s sides. Lay several canvas or large pieces of paper on the floor and lay on them. You can lay on them together or one after the other. 

Once your body shapes are designed, you can get creative with it. You can paint around them, add hearts, line your shapes with a black sharpie. The options are endless.

14. Paint your faces

Another one of our couples sip and paint ideas is to paint your faces looking at each other. You’ll want to use one solid colour to paint your faces. If done right, it should create the illusion of a vase in the middle. 

This is a cool painting idea that you can even frame afterwards. We love sticking to natural colors for this type of painting such as black or beige so it can easily be framed and hung in our living room.

15. Paint a love declaration

What’s more romantic than painting a love declaration. From fun I love yous to symbols or even questions, use your couples sip and paint night to let your special person know how you really feel about them.

16. Paint on wooden keychains

Another idea for a sip and paint for couples is to paint wooden keychains. You can find these at your local craft store. With acrylics or special wood paint, go ahead and paint them together while sipping and chatting.

17. Paint a meaningful Christmas ornament

This is one of our favourite couple paint and sip ideas for couples during the Holidays. We both love Christmas and are big on traditions and meaningful gifts. If you’re like us, then we highly recommend painting your own Christmas ornaments.

You can either make them with air-dry clay or buy them and paint them afterwards. Local craft stores usually have a good range of options from actual baubles to heart-shaped ones.

18. Paint your story on windows

This is another one of our favourite couples paint and sip ideas: paint on your windows with special window paint. This is the ultimate go-back-to-childhood type of sip and paint date! And one we’re here for. 

The best part is window paint is easy to remove so you won’t struggle cleaning up afterwards. You can decide together what story you want to tell on your windows or go with a Holiday theme for example. Of course, you can paint your own love story!

One of our sip and paint ideas fo couples is to paint on windows
One of our sip and paint ideas fo couples is to paint on windows

19. Paint candles

Again, to switch it up from painting canvas, try painting candles instead. Grab a few white candles from your local store and paint them with acrylic paint. 

20. Paint vases

If you want to be able to look at your masterpieces throughout the day, why not use them as home decor pieces? Grab a few vases, either from the local store or from a thrift store. Make sure the vases are made of a paintable material.

Once picked up, have a go and each paint your own vase. Try to match your colors to create a homogeneous look in your home. 

21. Paint bread

For foodies like us, another one fo our sip and paint ideas for couples is to paint food, and especially bread. You’ll have to make your own bread. Sourdough is especially good for this and is easy to make.

Then you can use food colouring and two brushes to paint the top of your bread. You can paint love related symbols or use your imagination to paint other meaningful things to you. 

22. Paint a sunrise or a sunset with you two

Back to canvas, one great scene to paint for couples is a simple sunrise with two black figures in the front. This painting will look like you both are watching the sunset. Because the figures are fully black, you don’t have to paint any face feature which makes it a lot more easier for beginners.

23. Paint heart-shaped intertwined trees

If you’re into symbols, another sip and paint couples idea is to paint two trees with intertwined branches. You can even add heart-shaped leaves or flowers in the trees. 

24. Paint a mug for each other

To switch it up from canvas, try painting on mugs. The best part? Paint a mug for your partner instead of for yourself. Paint a funny scene or write a joke that suits your partner. 

Check out this kit 

25. Paint plaster hands

Take the opportunity of this sip and paint date idea to create an art piece for your home. Grab this plaster hand kit and create a plaster art piece of your intertwined hands. Once dry, you can paint your hands either in bright colors or softer tones. Let your imagination do the job!

Check this kit for an easy process

Supplies mentioned in this article

Drink ideas for your sip and paint night

To accompany your sip and pain session, we recommend picking your favourite drinks. From wine to soda, it’s up to your preferences. That said, if you’d like to try some new drink recipes, we recommend the following:


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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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