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How To Plan The Best Ice skating Date: Tips, Ideas, What to Wear and Alternatives

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Are you looking to plan the best ice skating date? We’ve got you covered! Eric and I have gone ice skating several times in many of the romantic destinations we’ve traveled to. It’s one of our favorite date ideas that we recommend no matter where you are.

Coming up with original date ideas can be difficult especially when you’ve been together for a while. There are only so many dinner and a movie nights you can have before needing to spice up your dates.

Ice skating has many benefits as a date from being romantic to allowing you to enjoy the outdoors together. It’s also a date idea that’s available all year-round!

In this post, we share with you everything you need to know to make your ice skating date idea the most successful possible. From going ice skating as a first date and how to dress to ice skating date tips, ideas and alternatives, we cover everything to make your life a lot easier.

You can also use our date generator to find additional personalized date ideas. 

Us on an ice skating date in London
Us on an ice skating date in London

Is ice skating romantic?

Before you plan out an ice skating date, you may want to verify that ice skating makes for a good romantic date. Good thing we have quite a bit of experience about ice skating together! We definitely think that ice skating is romantic and here are a few reasons why. It’s actually one of our recommend dates that start with a I in our alphabet date idea list.

An ice skating date to learn to skate together

Learning how to ice skate together can be a great way to bond with your date or partner. You can support each other as you learn and grow, and it can be a fun way to try something new together. Plus, even if the date doesn’t end up in a relationship, at least you will have learned something! 

Romance through closeness

Ice skating can be a very intimate activity that brings you closer to your partner. That’s why it’s one of our 52 date ideas for each week of the year! Holding hands ice skating, or even hugging each other to prevent falls, can create a sense of intimacy that you might not get from other activities. It’s also a great way to show physical affection in a fun and playful way without overdoing it, especially on a first date! 

The snow adds magic

If you’re lucky enough to go ice skating outdoors during winter, then you might get to experience a beautiful snowfall while you skate. This can create a romantic and magical atmosphere that’s perfect for a date. Think about ice skaters in Central Park right before Christmas and how romantic that famous movie scene always is. Just be sure to bundle up so you can enjoy the snow without getting too cold!

Ice skating date with fun music to dance to

If you’re skating indoors, there’s a good chance that there will be some fun music playing, at least that’s what we’ve experienced several times. This can create a great opportunity to dance with your partner on the ice. It’s a fun and lighthearted way to enjoy each other’s company and create some fun memories.

An opportunity to help each other out

Ice skating can be a challenging activity, but it’s also an opportunity to help each other out, which can be a great way to bond on a date or restore your connection if you’ve been dating for a while. Whether it’s lending a hand to help your partner up after a fall, or giving them some tips to improve their skating skills, supporting each other can be a great way to strengthen your relationship.

Laugh together

Ice skating can be a lot of fun, but it can also be funny at times. Trying to make figures or skating backwards can result in some silly moments that you and your partner can laugh about together. One of you will probably fall or almost fall which always makes us laugh!

Encourage each other

Encouragement is important in any relationship, and it’s especially important when trying something new like ice skating. Offering words of encouragement can help build confidence and make the experience more enjoyable for both you and your partner.

Spending time ice skating offers opportunities for conversation

We love to go ice skating together, but we also love to take some breaks. If you need a break from skating, there’s always the option to sit on the bleachers and chat with your partner. This can be a great opportunity to have meaningful conversations and connect on a deeper level. It also gives you a chance to catch your breath before getting back out on the ice.

Romance through food on an ice skating date

Whether you’re skating indoors or outdoors, there’s always the opportunity to share some food with your partner. You can bring some snacks to enjoy during your skating session, or grab a bite to eat afterwards. Sharing food is a great way to bond and show your partner that you care.

Is ice skating a good date idea for a first date?

First dates are tricky! Just like you may be wondering if hiking is a good first date, you may wonder if ice skating for first date ideas is a good date! We think that ice skating is a great first date idea for many reasons. But to be objective, we have included both pros and cons of ice skating as a first date below.

Us on our first ice skating date
Us on our first ice skating date

Pros of an ice skating first date

An ice skating date is affordable

Going on a first date can be expensive, but ice skating is an affordable option that won’t break the bank. It’s a fun activity that won’t cost a lot of money, which is great if you’re on a budget. Also, if the date doesn’t end up in a relationship, you won’t regret having spending too much on the person.

Ice breaker

We know that first dates are intimidating especially when going on a date with introverts. Ice skating can be a great ice breaker (no pun intended) for a first date. It’s a fun and lighthearted activity that can help break the tension and make both you and your date feel more comfortable. You can also laugh at each other’s falls, which can be a great way to bond.

See who they really are

We think it’s very important to quickly get and idea of your date’s personality so you don’t waste your time. Ice skating can be a great way to see that. For example, when facing difficulties, do they get grumpy quickly or do they have patience? You can also see how they handle challenges and setbacks, which can give you insight into their character.

Ice skating dates against awkwardness

First dates can be awkward, but with ice skating, you have an activity to focus on, which right away provides a conversation topic. This can help break the ice and avoid silences where no-one knows what to say.

Ice skating dates are safe

Just like when going on a hike as a datewith someone you barely know, you want to make sure that going on an ice skating date is safe. Ice skating rinks are typically crowded with people, which can make it a safe first date option. With lots of people around, you and your date will feel more comfortable and secure. Plus, you can always ask for help if you need it.

Ice skating dates are fun

Ice skating is a fun activity that can make your first date memorable. Sometimes simple dates are the best and that’s exactly it with ice skating. It’s nothing complicated, yet it’s a bit different from just going out for lunch or dinner. It’s fun and will leave everybody to have a decent time even if the relationship is a fail.

Ice skating as a first date offers flexible closeness

An ice skating date provides a flexible level of closeness. You can hold hands while skating, or simply show each other figures without touching. An ice skating date can fit different stages of your relationship and each other’s cultures.  This can help you and your date feel more comfortable and at ease.

Possibility to extend your date with a hot cocoa

If your skating session goes well, you can extend your date by getting a hot cocoa. This can be a great way to warm up and continue the conversation.

Flexible duration

Ice skating is a flexible first date option in terms of duration. You can leave early if you’re not feeling it, or extend your time if you’re having lots of fun. This can make the date less stressful and give you more control over how the date goes. You won’t feel stuck!

Cons of an ice skating date for a first meeting

We also think that there are some reasons why ice skating might not be the best idea for a first date. Here are some considerations we recommend taking into account.

Sweating during an ice skating date

Depending on how much effort you put into it, ice skating can be quite physically demanding and you might end up sweating a lot, which could be uncomfortable. If you don’t want to sweat on a first date then avoid going ice skating. If you want your date to see you as you are naturally and aren’t afraid of a little sweat then go for it! 

Risk of hurting yourself

If you or your date are not experienced skaters, there is a risk of falling and getting hurt, which could result in a failed first date. On the other hand, it will make this time, a date to remember and who knows, your date might happen to be really good at reassuring and accompanying you during the whole time.

If you don’t like the cold

Ice skating is obviously done on ice, which means it can be very cold. If you or your date don’t like cold temperatures, this could be an issue.

If your date has got knee problems

If you or your date have any knee problems, ice skating might not be the best activity to choose as it can put a lot of pressure on your knees.

Ice skating dates can make it hard to talk if the music is loud or the rink, too crowded

If you go to an indoor ice skating rink with loud music and lots of people, it can be difficult to have a conversation, which could make the date less enjoyable. On a first date, you want to be able to learn more about your date so it wouldn’t be practical if the rink is too loud or too crowded. 

Risk of being boring if at different ice skating levels

If one of you is a very experienced skater and the other is a beginner, it might not be as fun for the more experienced skater, or it might be frustrating for the beginner.

Is ice skating a fun date?

We definitely think that ice skating can be a very fun date! Here are some of the reasons why.

An ice skating date is accessible for everybody

Even if you or your date have never skated before, ice skating can be a fun and accessible activity to try. If you have mobility issues, ice skating rinks usually have some devices to help you as well. Most ice rinks have skates available to rent in a range of sizes, so you don’t need to own your own equipment. You may want to check the different rinks for “ice skating near me” to see how accessible they are.

Adventurous ice skating dates

Ice skating can be a little bit adventurous, especially if you try some tricks or moves that are new to you. It’s also an adventurous date idea if you decide to go ice skating in the wild. It can be a great way to step out of your comfort zone and have some fun with your partner.

Christmas magic for more romance and fun

If you go ice skating during the holiday season, it can be a really magical and romantic experience. The lights, the music, and the festive atmosphere can all add to the fun and make it a memorable date. Even if it’s not Christmas time, ice skating can still be a fun and enjoyable activity for a date.

First date ice skating tips

In this section, we share with you how to have the best date ever when going ice skating for a first date. 

Us on our first ice skating date in Vancouver
Us on our first ice skating date in Vancouver

Enquire about your date’s skating experience prior to booking

It’s a good idea to check with your date if they have any prior experience with ice skating. This way, you can decide whether going ice skating for a date is a good idea. It will also allow you to adjust t their level if you’re more experienced. This also shows that you care about your date’s comfort and want to make sure they have a good time.

Have the right mindset, not to impress

Eric played ice hockey as a kid so he had a decent ice skating level when we met. I also had a pretty good ice skating level as going ice skating is a popular activity. But Eric could have really showed off if he had wanted to. Instead, he enjoyed the moment and was focused on having fun together rather than bragging.

Ice skating can be challenging, and it’s essential to have the right mindset going into it. Don’t try to impress your date with fancy moves or overdo it with your skating skills. Instead, focus on having fun and creating a memorable experience together. Remember, the point of the date is to enjoy each other’s company and have a good time.

Plan breaks to talk

Ice skating can be a physical activity that requires concentration, so it’s essential to plan breaks to talk and catch your breath. You can take a break to chat, have a drink, or share a snack together. This gives you an opportunity to connect and learn more about each other while taking a break from the skating.

Don’t shame your date if they fall

Falling while ice skating is normal, and it can happen to anyone. If your date falls, don’t shame or make fun of them. Instead, offer a helping hand and encourage them to get back up and keep going. Being supportive during a fall can help build trust and strengthen your bond.

Suggest moves when skating

Suggesting fun moves to try while skating can help make the experience more enjoyable and can create more connection opportunities. For example, you can suggest skating hand in hand, trying to spin together or doing a silly dance. This not only adds fun to the experience, but it also shows that you are creative and willing to try new things.

Give time to your date to get used to the ice

Skating on ice can feel strange if you are not used to it. It’s important to give your date time to adjust to the ice and get comfortable with their surroundings. This can mean skating at a slower pace or sticking to a smaller skating area until they get the hang of it. By giving your date time, you can help them feel more at ease and increase their enjoyment of the experience.

Us skating on ice in London
Us skating on ice in London

Ice skating date tips

In this section, we share some ice skating date tips for guys and girls who are organizing an ice skating date for their date. These tips will ensure you have the best ice skate date possible!

Choose the right ice rink

Picking the right ice rink is crucial to having a great ice skating date. A rink that’s too big or too crowded can make it difficult to move around and feel comfortable on the ice. On the other hand, a rink that’s too small might not have enough space for the both of you to skate freely and might cut your date short. We recommend choosing an ice rink with nice surroundings, like a beautiful view or festive decorations, to make the experience even more enjoyable.

Go after the ice has been cleaned

When we went ice skating together at Winter Wonderland in London, we had a blast. But after a while, it became a bit harder to skate because of all the skates’ marks in the ice. So we recommend going ice skating after the rink has been cleaned and resurfaced. This ensures that the ice is smooth and easy to skate on, as opposed to when it has been skated on by many people and has lots of skate marks. Skating on rough ice can make it more difficult to move around and might even lead to falls.

Check if you need booking

Before heading to the ice rink, make sure to check if you need to book in advance. There’s nothing worse than showing up to a sold-out ice rink, especially when you’ve planned the date in advance. Checking in advance also gives you the opportunity to select a time slot that works best for both of you. When we went skating at Winter Wonderland together, we had booked a slot and we barely waited which was really nice.

Keep warm for a comfortable ice skating date

Ice skating can be chilly, so it’s important to keep warm. Dressing in layers is a great way to stay comfortable and cozy, even on the ice. Being warm will also make the experience more romantic, as you won’t be shivering or feeling grumpy due to the cold.

Bring tissues

Skating on ice can cause your nose to run, so it’s a good idea to bring some tissues. It’s always better to be prepared, and having extra tissues to share with your date is a thoughtful gesture. You can even make a lighthearted moment out of it and have a laugh about it.

Bring an extra pair of gloves when ice skating with a girl

Bringing an extra pair of gloves for your date shows that you care about their comfort and well-being. Girls tend to always feel colder than guys so it’s a nice touch to bring an extra par of gloves for your female date. It’s also a way to provide attention and care, as you’ll be able to offer them a warm pair of gloves if they need it. This simple gesture also shows that you can plan ahead and think about your partner’s needs.

Help your date if you have more experience

In our experience, ice skating can be a bit intimidating for someone who has never done it before. If you have more experience, it’s important to help your date feel comfortable and encourage them along the way. Show them the ropes, give them tips on how to balance and move forward, and be patient with them as they learn. But also be supportive and encouraging, even if they struggle a bit. Remember, the goal is to have fun and enjoy each other’s company.

Check for food options in the area

After skating, you and your partner might feel hungry and ready for a meal. We sure do, everytime!So, it’s always a good idea to check for food options in the area before heading to the rink. That way, if everything goes well, you’ll already know where to go for a bite to eat. Plus, discussing food options can also be a fun part of the date planning process, and it can give you something to look forward to after skating.

Be honest if you hurt yourself

Ice skating can be a bit risky, especially if it’s your first time. So, if you take a tumble or hurt yourself in any way, it’s important to be honest with your date and tell them what happened. Don’t try to play it cool or tough it out. Instead, communicate what’s going on so that you can take the proper measures to address any injuries or pain. Remember, your safety is the most important thing, and your date will appreciate your honesty and transparency.

Stay safe

Ice skating can be a fun and romantic activity, but it’s important to stay safe while doing it. Make sure you wear gloves to avoid cuts from the ice, and make sure you have the right size skates to avoid accidents. Be aware of other people on the ice, and don’t go too fast or do anything that could put you or others in danger. By staying safe and following these tips, you’ll be sure to have a great time and make some wonderful memories with your date.

Ice skating date ideas

When we think about an ice skating date, we simply think about going ice skating and looping around the rink together. But there are many ways to spice up an ice skating date or even to have one without actually having to ice skate. So whether you want to switch it up or want to be in the ice skating mood without actually having to skate yourself, check out some of our favorite ice skating date ideas below.

Music freeze game on the rink

Dancing and ice skating to music is a great way to have fun and get romantic with your partner. Most ice rinks that are indoors have music playing. When the music stops, freeze in place and hold that position until the music starts again. You can also use your own music and headphones to play that game.

Tag on the ice

Playing tag on ice skates is another fun and playful date idea. You can take turns chasing each other around the rink, and when one partner tags the other, they become “it.” This is a fun couples game to spice up your ice skating date.

Show off with figures

Okay, we said earlier not to show off but as long as you keep it friendly, you can try some figures together.You can try to recreate some of the basic moves or making circles, jumps, and twirls together.

Hold hands while ice skating

Holding hands is a simple but romantic gesture that can make your ice skating date even more special. You can glide around the rink holding hands, enjoying the moment together. It’s a great way to connect with your partner and show affection in a fun and playful way.

Simon Says

Simon Says is a classic game that can be played on ice skates too. One partner gives instructions, and the other partner follows them only if they start with “Simon Says.” The game can get quite competitive and is a great way to have fun while improving your skating skills.

Backwards skating

If you’re looking for a challenge, try skating backward together. It’s a great way to show off your skating skills and improve your balance. You can take turns leading and following, and enjoy the thrill of skating backward with your partner.

Race against each other

If you’re both competitive, racing against each other can be a fun ice skating date idea. You can decide on the distance and set a goal to reach the other end first. Make sure to take precautions and stay safe while racing.

Chicken buys ice cream

Playing chicken on ice skates is easy. The first one to fall is the one to buy ice cream! This is a great way to make falls a bit more fun if you realize that you’re both really struggling!

Outdoor ice rink

Ice skating at an outdoor rink can be a romantic and picturesque date idea. You can enjoy the beauty of nature and skate under the stars. Make sure to dress warmly, bring gloves, and check the weather conditions before heading out. Outdoor ice rinks usually pop up during the holiday season.

Indoor ice rink

If the weather is not on your side, you can always go to an indoor rink. These rinks usually have better ice conditions and facilities that can add to the fun. Make sure to book your tickets in advance and check the opening hours. indoor ice rinks are usually open year-round.

Ice skating date in the wild

If you want to take your ice skating date to the next level, try finding a frozen lake or pond in the wild. Make sure to check the safety conditions and get permission before skating on natural ice. We only recommend doing this is you’re an experienced skater as the ice conditions can make it dangerous.

Ice skating movie and popcorn by the fire for a chill ice skating date night

If you want to take a break from skating and snuggle up, you can always watch an ice skating movie by the fire. This can be a great way to relax and enjoy each other’s company while still staying in the ice skating spirit. The Cutting Edge, Ice Princess, or Miracle are good ice skating movies to watch together.

Ice skating show

If you’re both fans of ice skating, going to an ice skating show can be a great date idea. You can see professionals doing impressive figures while following the music rythm. It’s a show in itself like going to the theatre or the opera!

Us putting our skates before ice skating together
Us putting our skates before ice skating together

Ice skating date outfit ideas

in this section, we share some tips on what to wear on an ice skating date including how to be comfortable but also how to choose cute outfits for ice skating date ideas.

What to wear ice skating date guy style

When it comes to dressing up for an ice skating date, comfort and warmth are the key considerations. You can opt for a pair of warm pants or jeans to keep your legs cozy. Pair them with gloves and a warm sweater or undershirt with layers to stay comfortable and avoid the chill. Opt for warm, thin socks that fit well with your skates to ensure that you have a snug fit. In our experience, you will be more comfortable if you dress in layers so that you can adjust your clothing as needed.

What to wear on an ice skating date for girls

When selecting an outfit for an ice skating date, comfort and practicality are paramount. Opt for comfortable pants like yoga pants or jeans, and avoid wearing skirts and dresses with tights as you could really hurt yourself if you fall. Pair your pants with a warm sweater and layers so you can adjust according to the temperature. Wear warm, thin socks that fit snugly with your skates to ensure that you have a comfortable fit. Don’t forget gloves and a hat to complete your outfit.

Making cute ice skating date outfits

Just because you are dressing for comfort and warmth does not mean that you cannot look cute on your ice skating date. For guys, you can elevate your outfit by opting for a nice collar shirt like a flannel. This will add some extra style and make you look put together. For girls, consider putting your hair in two braids and adding a cute winter pom pom hat to add some fun to your outfit. You can also wear light jewelry like small earrings or a necklace. Lastly, picking cute socks that pop out of your skates is a simple way to add some personality to your outfit.

What to bring on an ice skating date

If you’re going ice skating as a date, we recommend brining the following to be well prepared:

  • Water bottle: It’s important to stay hydrated while ice skating, especially if it’s a warm day or you’re exerting yourself. Bringing a water bottle is a good idea to keep you and your partner refreshed.
  • A change of socks: Ice skates can make your feet sweaty, which can make them cold and uncomfortable. Bringing a spare pair of socks can keep your feet dry and warm for the rest of your date.
  • Some snacks: Skating can be tiring, and having some snacks with you can give you and your date a boost of energy when you need it. It’s a good idea to bring some light, easy-to-carry snacks like granola bars, trail mix, or fruit.
  • Thermos of hot chocolate or coffee: There’s nothing like a warm drink to help you and your partner thaw out after a chilly ice skating session. Bringing a thermos of hot chocolate or coffee can be a great way to end the date on a cozy note.

Best time to go ice skating with your date

Time of the year

Indoor ice skating rinks are generally open all year-round so you can go ice skating together during any season. Winter is obviously a fun season to go ice skating as lots of outdoor rinks open up. It brings the Christmas magic which adds some romance to any ice skating date. But because there are indoor ice skating rinks, summer can also be a good season to ice skate together. When temperatures are high and you need a break, you can head to the indoor ice rinks to cool off together.

Time of the day

In our experience, going ice skating as a date in the morning is the best. Mornings are usually quieter whether that’d be at an indoor or outdoor ice skating rink. When we went to Winter Wonderland’s ice skating rink, our booking was at 10am for one hour. It was decently quiet and we had lots of space on the rink. After 11am, it started getting a lot busier and wasn’t as romantic. 

Alternatives to an ice skating date

Not everyone is a fan of ice skating but there are similar alternatives that might suit both you and your date instead. These are some of our favorites:

Rollerblading for a roller skating date

If you want to do a date that’s similar to ice skating, but perhaps with a bit more speed and away from the ice, then rollerblading could be a great alternative. You can find indoor and outdoor rinks that cater to rollerblading, and some even offer lessons if you’re new to it. You can even go to skate parks or the streets too.

Skate park

If you’re looking for a more laid-back date, a skate park could be a great option. You can bring your own skates or rent them, and spend the afternoon watching others do tricks or learning some yourself. It’s also a great spot to grab a drink or snack and just enjoy the atmosphere.

Ice sculptures 

If you’re not interested in skating but still want to enjoy a winter activity, ice sculptures are a great option. Many cities have ice sculpture festivals or shows, where you can see amazing sculptures and even watch artists at work. If you’re feeling creative, you can also try your hand at ice sculpting at a workshop.

Watching other people ice skating and making up stories about how they met

If you’re not interested in participating in the activity yourself, but still want to enjoy the atmosphere, you can always go and watch other people ice skating. This can be a fun way to people-watch, make up stories about how other couples met, and just enjoy being out in the winter weather. You can grab a hot drink, have fun chats with your date and just soak up the atmosphere together.

Ice hockey class

If you would like to ice skate but also want to experience something more thrilling with your date, why not take an ice hockey class together? You’ll learn different moves and rules while trying to score on the ice. This is a fun twist on regular ice skating. 

Ice hockey game

If you would like to enjoy some sport on ice without having to lift a finger, you can book tickets to go see an ice hockey game with your date. You’ll be able to share some food while cheering for your favorite team! Who knows, you might even get caught by the kiss cam! 

Ice skating date FAQs

Is ice skating open all year?

Most indoor ice skating rinks are open all year-round making ice skating as a date a great year-round idea.

Is ice skating a good second date?

Yes, ice skating as a date works for any date and at all levels of relationships. You can make it as casual and as romantic as you want which suits every dates including a second date.

Is ice skating a date idea?

Yes, ice skating is a date idea that can suit many couples and that can be done all year-round especially at indoor rinks. 

Can you wear jeans on an ice skating date?

Yes, you can wear jeans on an ice skating date. Though jeans aren’t the most comfortable, ice skating dates are usually only a couple of hours long so you will be fine in jeans. Just make sure you wear stretchy jeans without any rips in them.

Is it a bad idea to try ice-skating for the first time with a girl of a first date?

No, ice skating for a first date is a great idea. It offers plenty of opportunities for conversation, fun proximity and is also generally cheap which is perfect for a first date. 

Any questions on how to plan an ice skating date? Drop them in the comments or on insta and we will get back to you asap.


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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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