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124 Fun Date Ideas That Start With T for Couples (Alphabet Dating Ideas)

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Our alphabet dating series continues and we’re finally getting to the letter T. Don’t give up, you and your partner are almost there!

Some of the T date ideas we have done include taking a Tango lesson together and making Tacos together.

Eric and I have been together for years and are now married! Through our experience, we’ve been on many different dates. So whatever you’re looking for, we have 124 date ideas that start with T for couples of all interests!

For more suited date ideas, use our date ideas generator here.

Top 3 T Date Ideas

  1. Twilight beach dinner:
    • Why It’s the Best: The sound of waves, the gentle breeze, and a sunset can create an enchantingly romantic backdrop.
    • How to Make It More Romantic: Opt for a surprise menu, each dish being a favorite of your partner. Pair it with a soft tune playing in the background.
  2. Tandem bike ride through scenic spots:
    • Why It’s the Best: Sharing a bike allows couples to bond, communicate, and enjoy nature together.
    • How to Make It More Romantic: Plan a route that includes spots from your shared memories. Pack a surprise picnic to enjoy midway.
  3. Tea spa day:
    • Why It’s the Best: Relaxing together and being pampered can be both luxurious and bonding.
    • How to Make It More Romantic: Opt for couple massages and treatments. Afterwards, enjoy a special tea ceremony where you can just relax and chat.
Us at the Theatre in London
Us at the Theatre in London

Romantic date ideas that start with T

  1. Twilight beach dinner.
  2. Tandem bike ride through scenic spots.
  3. Treehouse getaway for the weekend.
  4. Tango lessons: We did this the other day in London and it was super fun, see the photo below!
  5. Traveling to a romantic city for a night.
  6. Tracing each other’s life stories at a quiet café.
  7. Tealight candle evening at home.
  8. Tasting gourmet chocolates together.
  9. Tranquil spa day.
  10. Tide Pool day trip like the ones you’d find on Big Island Hawaii.

Adventurous date ideas that start with T

  1. Tree-top obstacle course.
  2. Tandem skydiving.
  3. Trekking through a dense forest.
  4. Tubing down a river.
  5. Trying a new extreme sport together.
  6. Trampoline park challenges.
  7. Traveling to a place neither of you has been, even locally.
  8. Treasure hunting with a metal detector.
  9. Tent camping in the wild.
  10. Tackling a large maze together.

Cute T date ideas

  1. TopGolf.
  2. Tap dancing class.
  3. T-shirt swap day.
  4. Themed costume date.
  5. Twinning day – wearing matching outfits.
  6. Tasting tiny desserts at a bakery.
  7. Tossing coins into a fountain and making wishes.
  8. Tickling wars!
  9. Tetris game.
  10. Thumb wrestling championships.

Creative dates starting with T for couples

  1. Tie-dyeing t-shirts.
  2. Theater night – writing and performing short skits.
  3. Theatre play.
  4. Talent Show attending.
  5. Taking an art class together.
  6. Typing out love letters on an old typewriter.
  7. Tapestry-making session.
  8. Tattoo designing for each other (temporary or real).

At Home dates beginning with T for couples

  1. Taco night.
  2. Trivia game evening.
  3. Trying out a new board game.
  4. TV series binge-watch.
  5. Tea tasting and biscuit pairing.
  6. Talking about dreams and goals.
  7. Thai cooking lesson.
  8. Time capsule creation.
  9. Truth or dare game night.
  10. Trying out dance challenge videos.

Outdoor date ideas starting with T

  1. Trail hiking.
  2. Tent camping in a local site.
  3. Taking a walking tour of the city.
  4. Tennis match.
  5. Train trip to a nearby town.
  6. Tandem kayaking.
  7. Tulip field visit.
  8. Test drive a new car.
  9. Tavern lunch.

Date night ideas starting with T

  1. Theater outing.
  2. Talk Showe attending.
  3. Tapas restaurant hopping.
  4. Tasting wines at a local winery.
  5. Trivia night at a local bar.
  6. Thai food date night.
  7. Trolley ride through the city.
  8. Tango dance club.
  9. Tequila tasting night.
  10. Themed-date
  11. TikTok date:watch TikTok videos together about relationships and discuss quotes and opinions.
  12. Tradition: start a new tradition or talk about traditions you’d like to have.
  13. Top ten list of things you both want to do.

Athletic date ideas beginning with T

  1. Tai chi lesson.
  2. Trapeze lesson.
  3. Trail running.
  4. Tug-of-war challenge.
  5. Triathlon training.
  6. Table tennis tournament.
  7. Trampoline fitness class.
  8. Traditional martial arts lesson.
  9. Tumbling or gymnastics session.
  10. Tandem yoga.
  11. Triathlon participation.

Relaxing activities that start with T for couples

  1. Tea spa day.
  2. Taking a quiet stroll.
  3. Therapeutic massage.
  4. Tibetan bowl meditation.
  5. Time out in a countryside bed and breakfast.
  6. Tranquil garden visit.
  7. Traditional music listening session.
  8. Thermal bath soak.
  9. Turning off gadgets and just chatting.
  10. Trying relaxation techniques.
Us with our Tango instructor in Spitalfield
Us with our Tango instructor in Spitalfield

Seasonal date ideas that start with T

  1. Tulip watching in spring.
  2. Thanksgiving dinner preparation in fall.
  3. Tobogganing in winter.
  4. Tree decorating in winter.
  5. Twilight summer festivals.
  6. Tasting seasonal fruits.
  7. Themed holiday movie nights.
  8. Taking fall foliage tours.
  9. Tropical beach visits in summer.
  10. Technology free day date.
  11. Traditional winter sports like ice skating.

Travel related T dates for couples

  1. Touring a historic castle.
  2. Trekking in a national park.
  3. Tropical island getaway.
  4. Train journey across scenic routes.
  5. Traveling to a UNESCO heritage site.
  6. Tuk-tuk rides in Southeast Asia.
  7. Taking a cruise.
  8. Tenting in a desert under the stars.
  9. Touring vineyards in France or Italy.
  10. Treehouse stays in remote forests.
  11. US States and Destinations with T: Tennessee, Tampa, Tacoma, Texas, Tulsa
  12. T destinations: Tokyo, Toronto, Thailand, Toulouse

Movies with T

  1. Titanic
  2. The Truman Show
  3. Tangled
  4. The Terminator
  5. Toy Story
  6. The Notebook
  7. The Dark Knight
  8. Thelma & Louise
  9. Taken
  10. Transformers

Other alphabet date ideas by letter

Final thoughts: Date ideas that start with T

It was quite satisfying for us to finally get to the letter T in our alphabet dating journey. From doing our Tango lesson to going Treasure hunting with our geocaching app, we had a lot of fun!


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List of date ideas with a T
List of date ideas with a T

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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