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75 Date Ideas That Start With V (Alphabet Dating Challenge)

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Our alphabet dating series continues and we’re getting closer to Z with this post on the letter V.

Some of the V date ideas we have done include going Vintage shopping, making Vision boards, and going to play Video Games!

Eric and I have been together for years and are now married! Through our experience, we’ve been on many different dates. So whatever you’re looking for, we have 75 date ideas that start with V for couples of all interests!

For more suited date ideas, use our date ideas generator here.

Top 3 V Date Ideas

  1. Vineyard visit and wine tasting:
    • Why It’s the Best: It’s an elegant and relaxing date that offers a scenic beauty combined with the taste and knowledge of wine. It’s also widely accessible as many regions have local vineyards.
    • How to Make It More Romantic: Opt for a sunset tasting, followed by a dinner at the vineyard. Personalize the experience by selecting wines that have significance to your relationship.
  2. Vintage car drive through the countryside:
    • Why It’s the Best: The charm of a vintage car combined with the beauty of the countryside offers a unique experience. It’s a throwback to simpler times and creates a serene environment for deep conversations.
    • How to Make It More Romantic: Plan some stops along the way at picturesque spots. Pack a picnic basket with some gourmet treats and a blanket to share an intimate meal.
  3. Vintage movie marathon at home:
    • Why It’s the Best: Watching classic movies in the comfort of your home is a cozy and delightful way to spend time together. It’s easy to organize and allows couples to unwind and connect over timeless stories.
    • How to Make It More Romantic: Create a cozy movie-watching nook with blankets and pillows. Make some gourmet popcorn or order in your favorite comfort food. Choose movies that have a romantic theme or are favorites of either partner, and take turns explaining why those films mean so much to you.
Selfie of us playing Video Games
Selfie of us playing Video Games

Romantic date ideas that start with V

  1. Vineyard visit and wine tasting.
  2. Vintage car drive through the countryside.
  3. Valentine’s day surprise (any time of the year!).
  4. Venetian gondola ride.
  5. Visit a secluded beach at sunset.
  6. Victorian-themed dinner date.
  7. Vow renewal or memory sharing.

Adventurous date ideas that start with V

  1. Volcano hiking.
  2. Vertical rock climbing.
  3. Vespa scootering in the city.
  4. Virtual reality gaming experience.
  5. Visit a hidden gem in your town.
  6. Viking festival, museum or event.

Cute V date ideas

  1. Vegetable picking at a local farm.
  2. Vintage photo booth pictures.
  3. Vintage photo session.
  4. Visit an animal nursery or petting zoo.
  5. Viewing childhood photos and videos.
  6. Volunteer at a local animal shelter.
  7. Vegetarian cooking night.
  8. Van camping in the backyard.
  9. Vanilla ice-cream tasting.
  10. Vanilla ice cream making.
  11. Vintage board games night.
  12. Vintage shop visit.

Creative dates starting with V

  1. Violin lesson.
  2. Vegetable planting.
  3. Vision board creating.
  4. Visit an art museum and recreate famous paintings.
  5. Vase making with pottery or something else.
  6. Variety show watching.
  7. Violet themed date.

At Home activities that start with V for couples

  1. Video game marathon.
  2. Vietnamese food cooking night.
  3. Vintage movie marathon.
  4. Virtual online class or workshop.
  5. Vegetable and fruit juicing night.
  6. Vegan recipe testing.
  7. Violet drinks making.

Outdoor activities starting with V for couples

  1. Village exploration.
  2. Volleyball beach day.
  3. Viewing sunrise or sunset from a viewpoint.
  4. Vans shopping.
  5. Vehicle drive test.
  6. Valley walk.

Date night ideas that start with V

  1. Virtual escape room.
  2. Vanilla dessert night at a patisserie.
  3. Video arcade night.
  4. Vampire themed date.
Photo of a Vase we made with air dry clay recently
Photo of a Vase we made with air dry clay recently

Athletic date ideas that start with V

  1. Volleyball match.
  2. Vertical jump or trampoline center.

Relaxing V date ideas

  1. Visualization session.
  2. Vinyl music relaxation.
  3. Vintage book reading.

Seasonal date ideas beginning with V

  1. Vintage Christmas decoration hunting.
  2. Volunteer during a holiday event.

Travel related date ideas with a V

  1. Venice.
  2. Vatican.
  3. US destinations in V: Vermont (Fall), Virginia, Virgin Islands, Vegas
  4. Vineyards.
  5. Van life travel.
  6. Vienna’s cultural spots.
  7. Vancouver three day trip.
  8. Vietnam.

Movies with a V

  1. V for Vendetta
  2. Vertigo
  3. Vanilla Sky
  4. The Vampire diaries
  5. Valkyrie
  6. Vampire’s Kiss
  7. Vice
  8. Victoria & Abdul
  9. Voyage of Time
  10. Volcano
  11. Varsity Blues

Other alphabet date ideas by letter

Final thoughts: Date ideas that start with V

With every letter, we’re getting closer to the letter Z! We hope you’ll find some ideas for V dates in this list to get you closer to your goal of finishing the alphabet dating challenge.


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List of date ideas with a V
List of date ideas with a V

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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