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59 Easy Date Ideas That start With Z (Alphabet Dating Ideas)

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To finish our alphabet dating series, we’re finally at the letter Z! Congrats, you’ve made it to the last letter!

For dates in Z, we loved going to the Zoo and baking a Zucchini and chocolate cake! These are easy to organize and can even be done last minute!

Eric and I have been together for years and are now married! Through our experience, we’ve been on many different dates from playing truth or dare together to taking romantic boat rides on the sea. So whatever you’re looking for, we have 59 date ideas that start with Z for couples of all interests!

For more suited date ideas, use our date ideas generator here

Top 3 Z Date Ideas

  1. Zoo Day Out
    • Why It’s the Best: Visiting a zoo is an easy-to-plan, fun-filled date, and it’s accessible to most couples. Seeing animals, learning about their habitats, and simply walking around can create meaningful conversations.
    • How to Make It More Romantic: Plan a scavenger hunt within the zoo, creating a list of animals or places to find, ensuring you explore together. End the visit with a nice meal at a zoo café, overlooking an animal habitat.
  2. Zen Garden Visit
    • Why It’s the Best: Zen gardens are calm and beautifully maintained, offering tranquility, which can be hard to find in our busy lives. It’s a simple outing that requires little to no preparation.
    • How to Make It More Romantic: Pack a light picnic, find a secluded spot, and immerse yourselves in the calm. Talk, share, and maybe even meditate together. You can also bring along a journal and jot down feelings or observations.
  3. Zucchini Meal Prep At Home
    • Why It’s the Best: Cooking together is not just romantic; it also allows for bonding and teamwork. Choosing an unusual ingredient like zucchini makes it fun, and it’s a date idea that doesn’t require leaving the house.
    • How to Make It More Romantic: Set the mood with soft lighting, your favorite playlist, and maybe even a dance break in between cooking. Make sure to pick a recipe that will count as comfort food like a Zucchini chocolate cake!

Romantic date ideas that start with Z

  1. Zen garden visit
  2. Zodiac sign date: doing things related to your zodiac signs
  3. Zero distractions night (phones off, just you two)
  4. Zen meditation together
  5. Zero-gravity experience: hot air balloon, flying lesson, paragliding
  6. Zen spa day

Adventurous dates that start with Z

  1. Zip-lining
  2. Zero-gravity plane ride
  3. Zoo behind-the-scenes tour or special events
  4. Zombie escape room challenge
  5. Zipline through rainforests

Cute date ideas starting with Z

  1. Zoo day out
  2. Zero-chocolate dessert challenge (try desserts without any chocolate)
  3. Zucchini cooking date (create meals using zucchini)
  4. Zen pebble painting
  5. Zucchini bread baking
Us at the Zoo in France, one of the cute morning last minute date ideas
Us at the Zoo in France, one of the cute morning last minute date ideas

Creative dates starting with Z

  1. Zen rock tumbling
  2. Zero-waste craft day
  3. Zodiac jewelry making
  4. Zigzag patterned DIYs
  5. Zombie inspired DIYs
  6. Zest infusion cocktail making (using citrus zests in unique ways)

At Home activities that start with Z for couples

  1. Zombie movie marathon
  2. Zesty lemonade making
  3. Zero-light dinner: dine in the dark for fun

Outdoor activities starting with Z for couples

  1. Zip-lining in nature
  2. Zero motor day (walk or cycle everywhere)
  3. Zen outdoor meditatio
  4. Zen retreat weekend
  5. Zero-plastic beach clean-up

Date night activities beginning with Z for couples

  1. Zodiac-themed bar or café
  2. Zizzi Italian dinner night (their brownie is indeed delicious!)
  3. Zen-inspired dining
  4. LaZer Tag

Athletic date ideas in Z

  1. Zumba dance class
  2. Zen yoga flow

Relaxing Z date ideas

  1. Zen massage therapy
  2. Zoning out with calming music
  3. Zero-stress bubble bath with essential oils
  4. Zucchini face mask pampering

Seasonal dates in Z for couples

  1. Zombie walk in October
  2. Zesty summer fruit picking

Travel related date ideas starting with Z

  1. Zurich getaway
  2. Zen temples of Japan tour
  3. Zanzibar beaches
  4. Zone-based exploration (pick a zone on the map and explore)
  5. Zeppelin museum tour in Germany
  6. Zoological wonders tour

Movies in Z

  1. Zombieland
  2. Zoolander
  3. Zodiac
  4. Zero Dark Thirty
  5. Zookeeper
  6. Zootopia
  7. Zathura
  8. Zeus and Roxanne
  9. Zambezia
  10. Zorro
  11. Zombie themed TV show like The Walking Dead

Other alphabet date ideas by letter

Final thoughts: Date ideas that start with Z

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the letter Z! As you can see there are plenty of options for dates with a Z! We really liked going to the Zoo and making Zucchini based cakes (We could only taste the chocolate hehe).

If you’re looking for more dating challenges, check out our yearly 52 date suggestions so you can make sure to go on a date at least once a week!


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Date ideas that start with Z list
Date ideas that start with Z list

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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