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Does it Snow in Hawaii? The Full Guide to Seeing Snow in Hawaii

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Are you wondering does it snow in Hawaii? We’ve got you covered! As part of our romantic travel experiences, we’ve visited several Hawaiian Islands of the stunning USA Aloha State, including Kauai, Big Island and Oahu. We visited them after road tripping across the USA, including road tripping through the West Coast and from Utah to Arizona. We are therefore here to answer your questions about snow on Hawaii.

Hawaii is a stunning archipelago and it’s quite famous for its idyllic beaches, warm temperatures and living in a bikini all year-round. Kauai and Oahu are also famous for their sunsets. But few people know that Hawaii actually gets snow sometimes! In that sense, it’s similar to what people think about snow in Mexico, snow in Australia or even snow in Nevada!

In this post, we cover everything from answering “Has Hawaii ever had snow?” and the type of island snow Hawaii gets to other questions like “Can you snow ski in Hawaii?”.

Snow at Mauna Kea's Observatory
Snow at Mauna Kea’s Observatory

Does it ever snow in Hawaii?

Does Hawaii get snow? Yes, Hawaii gets snow, although it can be rare and depends on the specific location and island you’re visiting. 

Hawaii is an archipelago consisting of several Hawaii Islands, including Kauai, Maui, Big Island, and Oahu. Out of these, we’ve visited Kauai, Big Island, and Oahu, which allowed us to experience the diverse climates each island has to offer.

Does Hawaii ever get snow multiple times a year?

Snow in Hawaii typically occurs only a few times a year, during the winter season, mainly at the summits of the three tallest volcanic mountains: Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, and Haleakala. Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa are found on the Big Island, one of our favorite Hawaiian Islands as it looks very different because of the dry lava everywhere.

Mauna Kea, the highest volcano in the state, reaches an impressive elevation of 13,803 feet above sea level, making it the highest mountain in the world when measured from its oceanic base. It receives the most snow in Hawaii.

Mauna Loa, the world’s largest volcano, stands at an elevation of 13,679 feet and covers more than half of the land on the Big Island. On our visit to the volcano national park on the Big Island, we witnessed the incredible activity of the volcanoes, with fumes emanating from them. Having had that experience, it’s not surprising that it can snow there during the winter, given the frequent rainfalls.

Haleakala, located on Maui, is the lowest of the three volcanoes, reaching a height of 10,023 feet. However, it has seen record-breaking snowfalls in the past years. Polipoli State Park, situated at an elevation of 6,200 feet on Maui, has even turned into a winter wonderland during such snowfalls. Interestingly, it holds the record for the lowest-ever snowfall on record in the state.

If you’re wondering can it snow in Hawaii, note that the highest mountains in Hawaii are often impacted by Hawaii blizzards, bringing snow to elevations above 11,000 feet, while other areas like Hualalai, Pu’u Kukui, and Kaunu o Kaleihoohie experience cold temperatures in winter but do not typically see snow.

Marie on black sand beach on the Big Island in Hawaii
Marie on black sand beach on the Big Island in Hawaii

Is snow in Hawaii romantic?

Is there snow in Hawaii and is it romantic? Yes, snow in Hawaii can indeed be romantic in our opinion.

While Hawaii is well-known for its idyllic beaches and warm weather (we recommend Ke’e beach on Kauai for example), it can sometimes be challenging to engage in romantic activities when both partners are sweating and feeling the effects of the sun. When we visited Hawaii in August, the heat was intense, and our options were limited to either going to the beach or staying indoors with the air conditioning. 

For couples who aren’t particularly fond of beach activities or find it monotonous to simply lay down and tan, this may not be the ideal beach date they had in mind.

However, when it snows in Hawaii, it adds a touch of romance to the islands. The advantage of colder weather allows couples to engage in activities like hiking and being active together. The snow-covered landscapes create a winter wonderland ambiance that is cozy and perfect for snuggling up with your loved one. We’ve had snow dates in Vancouver while going snowshoeing and it was magical and fun! If you’re following the alphabet dating calendar, you can add some snow dates to it!

What’s more, even with the colder temperatures at higher elevations, you can still enjoy the warmth of the beach and of the natural hot ponds along with the beautiful coastal scenery. This means you can have the best of both worlds—snowy adventures in the mountains and sunny relaxation by the ocean. It’s a unique and romantic experience that combines the beauty of winter with the tropical allure of Hawaii.

Does it snow on the beach in Hawaii?

No, it does not typically snow on the beaches in Hawaii. Snowfall in Hawaii occurs at higher elevations, specifically on the summits of the tallest volcanoes such as Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, and Haleakala. These volcanic peaks receive snow during certain times of the year. 

However, it’s important to note that in 2022 and 2023, there were instances where locals were spotted bringing snow from the mountain peaks down to the beach to build snowmen. If you’re interested in experiencing a snowy beach in Hawaii, it’s a creative and fun option, but it’s not a natural occurrence. You can see photos here.

If you’re looking for beaches closer to Mauna Kea where you can enjoy the snow brought down by locals, Hapuna Beach and Spencer Beach are good options. Keep in mind that this is not a regular phenomenon, so it’s best to check with locals or local news sources for any updates on snow activities at the beach. It can be a unique and memorable experience to have a taste of snow while enjoying the stunning beach scenery of Hawaii. Just make sure to bring a cooler to transport the snow and embrace the rare opportunity to build a snowman on the beach.

Does it snow in Hawaii? See the snow at the summit of Mauna Kea in April 2023
Does it snow in Hawaii? See the snow at the summit of Mauna Kea in April 2023

Where does it snow in Hawaii?

Snow in Hawaii primarily occurs on the highest peaks of Maui and the Big Island, including Haleakala, Mauna Loa, and Mauna Kea. These peaks reach elevations above 10,000 feet, making them susceptible to snowfall.

1. Mauna Kea to find snow in Hawaii Mountains

Mauna Kea is one of the famous snow capped mountains in Hawaii. It is the highest point in Hawaii and holds great significance in Hawaiian culture. Its name, which means “white mountain,” reflects the snow-covered peaks that are often found on top. Native Hawaiians consider Mauna Kea to be the most sacred of all Hawaiian volcanoes, connecting them to the realm of the gods. 

With an average snowfall of 35-75 inches per year, Mauna Kea receives the most snow out of the three peaks. It’s even possible to witness Mauna Kea snow during the summer months, which is a unique and remarkable sight. The Humu’ula trail, stretching 13.4 miles, offers hikers breathtaking views and is a popular choice for outdoor enthusiasts. In December 2022, the mountain experienced big storms with heavy snowfall, resulting in drifts as high as 10 feet.

2. Mauna Loa, another Hawaii snow mountain

Mauna Loa is one of the largest active volcanoes in the world, both in terms of mass and volume. While not considered a supervolcano, it has erupted over 33 times since 1843, with the most recent eruption lasting for 12 days in November 2022. This volcano represents 51% of the Big Island’s landmass and reaches an impressive height of 13,679 feet. Despite its volcanic activity, Mauna Loa receives a relatively modest amount of snow, averaging about 3.7 inches per year. 

It’s interesting to note that in 2022, both lava from Mauna Loa and snowfall occurred at an elevation only 127 feet apart. imagine seeing lava flowing on one side and snow falling on the other, quite crazy!

3. Haleakala

Haleakala, meaning “house of the rising sun”, like the famous song, is located on the island of Maui. Standing at 10,000 feet, it offers stunning views and a unique winter experience. While it receives less snow compared to Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa due to its lower elevation, Haleakala still receives snowfall at least once a year since 2018. 

The mountain’s peak is always cold, and in 2018, a significant snowfall occurred at 6,200 feet in the state park named Poli Poli. In 1978, a mini snowstorm left 8 inches of powder on the summit of Haleakala, creating a picturesque winter wonderland. Winter storms in February 2020 and April 2021 also brought snow to Haleakalā, adding to its natural beauty.

How often does it snow in Hawaii?

Snow in Hawaii is rare and occurs irregularly. It can happen a few times a year or every other year.

Does it snow in Hawaii in December? Typically Hawaii receives snow between December and February. Most of the snowfall is limited to the three peaks mentioned above. However, the snow doesn’t usually last very long, typically just a few days. 

There have been rare instances of snowfall on Mauna Kea between May and October. Snowfall in Hawaii is often associated with Kona low storms, which occur two to three times a year. These storms bring heavy rain, hailstorms, flash floods, high-elevation snow, and high winds. It snows about once a year on Haleakala, Mauna Kea, and Mauna Loa.

While Kona is a main city on the Big Island, it’s important to exercise caution during these storms and follow the general rule of thumb in Hawaii: “If in doubt, don’t go out!”. Kona actually means “leeward or dry”. We’ve been to Kona and it’s beautiful. From idyllic beaches to cute shops, it’s perfect to immerse yourself in Hawaiian culture.

Does it snow in Honolulu?

You may be wondering has it ever snowed in Honolulu? No, it does not snow in Honolulu. The coldest temperature ever recorded in Honolulu was 52°F on January 20th, 1969. If you’re looking to experience snow in Hawaii, the nearest locations are Haleakala on Maui and Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa on the Big Island. Honolulu, being only 19 feet above sea level, does not receive snowfall.

This is not surprising. When we visited Honolulu, the warm weather was definitely present and the view made it hard to believe that it could ever snow on the beach there. Even at night, the temperatures were still high and we were able to walk around the city lights quite late in the evening without needing a sweater. Note also that in all TV shows featuring Honolulu like Hawaii 5-0, snow is never mentioned!

Does it snow on Oahu Island in Hawaii?

No, it does not snow on Oahu Island in Hawaii. There has never been any recorded snowfall on this island. The highest peak on Oahu is only 4,003 feet, which is relatively low compared to the peaks on other islands where snow is more likely to occur. 

Due to the warm climate, climate change and ocean temperatures, it is highly unlikely that Oahu will experience snow in the future. If you’re hoping to see snow during your visit to Hawaii, you’ll need to explore other islands where snowfall is possible.

Does it snow in the coastal region of Hawaii?

No, snow has never been recorded in the coastal region of Hawaii. The coastal areas of Hawaii enjoy a warm climate throughout the year, with ocean temperatures that prevent temperatures from dropping low enough for snow to occur. The coastal regions are known for their beautiful beaches, lush vegetation, and tropical climate, making them perfect for enjoying outdoor activities and soaking up the sun.

Does it snow in Lanai?

No, it does not snow in Lanai. Lanai, also known as the “Pineapple Island,” is a hidden gem among the Hawaiian Islands. It offers a secluded and tranquil atmosphere, making it an ideal destination for couples and those seeking a peaceful retreat. 

However, snowfall is not part of Lanai’s climate. Instead, you can enjoy the island’s stunning natural beauty, pristine beaches, and unique attractions that showcase the rich cultural heritage of Hawaii.

Does it snow in Molokai?

While it is not common, snowfall has been recorded in Molokai in the past. Molokai is Hawaii’s fifth-largest island and is home to the Kalaupapa National Historical Park. 

Snowfall in Molokai is rare and occurred in March 1912. However, in recent decades, there have been reports from some people about snow in certain precipices of the Olokui Mountain. If you happen to visit Molokai during a rare snow event, it would be a unique and memorable experience. However, it’s important to note that snowfall is not a regular occurrence on the island.

Is there snow on Big Island Hawaii?

Yes, there is snow on the Big Island of Hawaii. The Big Island Hawaii snow can be found on the peaks of two major volcanoes, Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. These volcanoes have elevations of 13,796 feet and 13,678 feet, respectively, making them the highest points in Hawaii. The snow is primarily concentrated around the Hale Pohaku area, located at the 11,000 feet level. 

Hawaii Big Island snow is mainly found on Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea has been experiencing snow since records began in 1929. The average snowfall rate was about 7 inches per year in the mid-20th century, but it increased to 18 inches yearly by 1991. This trend is expected to continue in the future. If you visit the Big Island, exploring the snow-capped peaks of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa can be a remarkable experience, offering a unique contrast to the island’s tropical landscapes.

Does Mauai snow?

Yes, snow can be found on Maui, primarily on the slopes of Haleakala. Haleakala is a dormant volcano with an elevation of 10,023 feet. While snowfall is not as common on Maui compared to the peaks of the Big Island, there have been significant snow events in the past. 

In 1978, Maui experienced a notable snowstorm on Haleakala, resulting in 8 inches of powder. Other locations on Maui where snow has been reported include Koolau Gap, a valley located between two mountains with elevations of 3,200 feet. If you’re visiting Maui and interested in witnessing snow, exploring the higher elevations of Haleakala can provide you with a chance to experience this unique phenomenon.

Which Islands in Hawaii experience the most snow? 

The Big Island of Hawaii experiences the most snow among the Hawaiian Islands. If you’re looking for a snowy adventure, the Big Island is the place to go. During our visit to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, we were amazed by the incredible volcanic landscapes and the opportunity to learn about Hawaii’s rich history and culture. We were able to see the fumes and see Kilauea! Kilauea last erupted on 5 January 2023. It’s crazy to think we were standing right there just a few years back and that we could have seen lava at any second! 

Keep in mind that the snow is primarily concentrated on the peaks of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, which are the highest points in Hawaii. Exploring these snow-capped mountains can provide you with a unique and memorable experience.

Marie in the Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii
Marie in the Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii

When was the last time it snowed in Hawaii?

The last snowfall in Hawaii occurred in January and February of 2023. Winter storms hit Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa on the Big Island, resulting in over a foot of snow on both peaks. You can answer the questions has it ever snowed in Hawaii by simply looking at the past weather forecast and news papers.

The parks were closed to ensure visitor safety due to debris and potential risks. Additionally, according to Hawaii Magazine, there was snow on Mauna Kea on March 1, 2023. In December 2022, Haleakala on Maui also experienced snowfall. Snow in Hawaii is relatively rare, but when it does occur, it creates a breathtaking winter wonderland.

Does Hawaii get snow storms?

Yes, Hawaii does experience snow storms. 

In recent years, there have been notable winter storms in Hawaii. Snow in Hawaii 2020 and snow in Hawaii 2021 was seen in February 2020 and April 2021 when Haleakala on Maui experienced snow storms. In January 2020, there was a significant Hawaii snow storm that dropped 2-3 feet of snow with snow drifts. 

The Big Island had a blizzard in December 2022, and in February 2023, Mauna Kea experienced a snow storm in Hawaii. At the time, national weather service and on site personal decided in favor of road closures due to the epic blizzard with 60mph wind conditions. Winter Storm Warnings have also been issued for Hawaii County on March 3rd 2023. These snow storms add an element of excitement and adventure to the Hawaiian islands.

Can you ski in Hawaii?

Yes, you can snow ski in Hawaii! 

Mauna Kea on the Big Island is the most popular destination for skiing and snowboarding. However, it’s important to note that skiing on Mauna Kea is controversial among the local Hawaiian community, as the mountain is considered sacred. 

If you’re wondering is there snow skiing in Hawaii, the answer is yes, but getting there can be tricky. To reach the summit and enjoy skiing, you’ll need a 4-wheel drive vehicle. It’s also important to keep in mind that there are no ski lifts or snow equipment rentals available, so you’ll need to bring your own equipment. Skiing in Hawaii offers a unique and thrilling experience, combining the beauty of the Hawaiian islands with the excitement of snow sports.

Does it snow in Hawaii? See the snow on Mauna Kea and the contrast with the beautiful blue waters
Does it snow in Hawaii? See the snow on Mauna Kea and the contrast with the beautiful blue waters

Pictures of snow in Hawaii by NASA

Some of the best pictures of snow in Hawaii have been captured by NASA satellites. These breathtaking images show Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea covered in snow from a bird’s-eye view. The satellites captured these photos in 2014, 2015, and 2016. At the time it was thunder snow that happened which is less common than snowfalls. Thunder snow comes with thunder and lightning.

It’s fascinating to see the winter wonderland that unfolds on the peaks of these mountains. In particular, the photo taken on December 25, 2016, shows Mauna Loa transformed into a snowy paradise. These pictures highlight the unique and diverse landscapes that Hawaii has to offer, showcasing the contrast between the snowy peaks and the surrounding tropical scenery.

How to say snow in Hawaiian?

Snow in Hawaiian is “Hau Kea.” The pronunciation is similar to “Hau Kehah.” If you want to hear the correct pronunciation, you can listen to it here. Learning a few words in Hawaiian like hello and in other languages too can enhance your cultural experience while exploring the beautiful islands of Hawaii.

Marie standing on lava on the Big Island
Marie standing on lava on the Big Island

Snow in Hawaii FAQs

Does it snow in Hawaii every year?

Historically, snow in Hawaii was a rare occurrence. However, in recent years, snowfall has become more frequent, especially on the highest peaks. So, the answer is no, it doesn’t snow in Hawaii every year, but there have been snowfalls in recent years. The occurrence of snow depends on various factors, such as the presence of Kona lows and the temperature levels. However, you can expect snowfall every year on the three highest peaks: Mauna Kea, Haleakala, and Mauna Loa.

What is the record snowfall in Hawaii?

The record snowfall in Hawaii occurred in 2016 when Mauna Kea received 24 inches of snow. This snowfall was recorded below the 13,000-foot level, making it an impressive event. The second-highest recorded snowfall in the state happened in 1978, with 8 inches on Haleakala. These record snowfalls showcase the unique and rare nature of snow in Hawaii, creating stunning winter landscapes on the mountain peaks.

What is the coldest day ever in Hawaii?

The coldest day ever recorded in Hawaii was on February 11th, 2019, with a temperature of 8°F at the top of Mauna Kea. This highlights the extreme temperature variations that can occur in the higher elevations of the Hawaiian islands. While Hawaii is known for its warm and tropical climate, the colder temperatures at the mountain peaks offer a contrasting experience for those who venture to these heights.

Where does it snow the most in Hawaii?

The highest amount of snow in Hawaii falls on the peaks of Mauna Kea on the Big Island and Haleakala on Maui. These two mountains are the highest points in Hawaii, and they receive the highest recorded snowfalls in the state. If you’re looking for the most snow in Hawaii, exploring these majestic peaks will offer you the best chance to witness the winter wonderland that blankets the summits.

Does it ever snow at sea level in Hawaii?

No, snow is not known to occur at sea level in Hawaii. The warm climate and ocean temperatures in the coastal regions prevent temperatures from dropping low enough for snow to form. If you’re seeking snow, you’ll need to head to the higher elevations and mountain peaks of Hawaii’s islands.

Has there been a blizzard in Hawaii?

Yes, there has been a blizzard in Hawaii. An example of a blizzard occurred in January 2020 on the Big Island. This blizzard brought about 1-3 feet of snow and winds reaching 100-125+ mph to Mauna Kea. These extreme weather conditions created the best skiing and snowboarding conditions ever seen by both locals and visitors. Experiencing a blizzard in Hawaii is a rare and exhilarating event that adds a thrilling element to the island’s natural beauty.

What is winter weather like in Hawaii?

Hawaii’s winter weather is characterized by its two seasons: winter and summer. 

The winter months of November to April offer pleasant temperatures ranging from 75 to 80°F, providing an ideal escape from colder climates all year long. These months also experience less rainfall compared to the rest of the year, with the rainy season typically occurring between March and April. The island of Kauai tends to be more lush and green due to higher rainfall, while the Big Island showcases its volcanic landscapes with roads made of dried lava and black sand beaches. It’s quite impressive!

However, it’s important to note that the peaks of Haleakala, Mauna Kea, and Mauna Loa are cold year-round, with temperatures at the summit of Haleakala typically 30°F lower than those at the coast.


Any questions on the snow in Hawaii? Drop them in the comments or on insta @twolostexplorers and I will get back to you asap.

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We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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